The Longevity Project

Chapter 16: Chongyang


When did I walk into the hallway

He coughed slightly tentatively, and the echo quickly bounced back and vibrated layer by layer.

Sure enough, I was no longer in the underground garage, the space was very narrow.

Just as I was stunned, accompanied by a crisp sound, a yellow halo lit up not far away, illuminating a small area.

The lights flicker, I don't know whether it is a voltage problem or the bulb is too old, and it disappears and disappears when a person stands under the light.

Who is that

After that, he moved and took his hand from the wall, where there was a switch, and he turned on the light.

After that, he just stood there quietly, facing me, under the light, his eyes flashed with dim light.

I stood still, and my body was out of control after the momentary shock.

This is... I broke into someone else's house

I looked around, the light was very dim, and I could see that this was a cramped corridor between light and dark, the corridor was very low, and I could touch the top with my head if I jumped up.

This underground garage deep into the mountain is connected to a corridor, and there is a person in the corridor.

There was darkness behind me, and it could be seen that I just walked out of that darkness slowly.

Behind the man was sealed with concrete grout—the corridor had come to an end.

The lamp installed above his head is the kind of lamp a long time ago, and it should have been installed when this corridor was just built.

This man wore the blue cloth clothes from decades ago, his pants were also old style, and his hair was long and messy, but he could see his stubborn hairstyle.

In short, he is a native of a few people.

I would laugh if I was outside, but in a place like this, I just want to cry.

He looked at me quietly, with temptation in his eyes.

"You...who are you..." I shrank.

He looked at me and didn't seem to mean to speak.

I stopped talking and stared at him.

Or... I can run now, this man may be a tramp.

But why would a tramp appear in my underground garage! How did he get in

"You, yes, Ning, Khan, Qing?" He suddenly spoke, looking at me seriously, as if he was thinking of something, his voice was very dumb, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, and said slowly one by one.

He asked about Ning Hanqing, my grandpa.

Why does he ask about my grandpa? I decided to lie to him.

"Who is Ning Hanqing?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I don't know either."

I:"… "

Then why do you want to ask this person!

He also seemed to see that I was very upset, and he handed it to me and opened it, with a dirty note in his palm.

I looked at him, is this to show me

I hesitated, but I walked over, stood under the light, and looked at him warily.

He lifted his hand, and I took the note carefully.

This piece of paper was carefully folded, but it still couldn't hide the fact that it was dirty.

The paper has been yellowed, very brittle, and seems to have been there for many years.

I opened it carefully, squinting at the dim light bulb above my head, and squinting to identify it. On it was a line of traditional Chinese characters:

Waiting for someone to pick you up here.

-Ning Hanqing

The handwriting is the same as that in the diary. It can be seen that it was from the same person, and it should have been left by my grandfather a long time ago.

"Yes, this person, want me to be here, wait for someone to come, and pick me up." He spoke very jerky, as if a dumb who had been speechless for many years could suddenly speak.

Then he stretched his hand in front of me, wanting to return the note.

I returned the note to him, "How did you get in?"

"As soon as I wake up, I am here, and I don't know how to get in."

I took a weird look at his outfit, he was here when he woke up? Did you sleep here before? How long have you slept? Stop crossing, right

"Then do you know this person? Ning's history." I asked.

He shook his head, "Neither do I."

I don't know you listen to him that way.

"How long have you been waiting here?"

"I don't know, I wake up here, wait..." He frowned and covered his stomach. "I'm going to starve to death."

"How long have you waited?"

"Long time," he said.

You are true and sincere, if I come a few days later, my garage will not bear a life

This person is not a fool, right...

I took a look at him, "What is your name?"

He hesitated and shook his head.


"You are starving to death, why don't you go out looking for food?"

"Ning Hanqing, want me to be here, wait for someone to come and pick me up."

"Ning Hanqing is your relative? You believe him so?"

He shook his head.

I:"… "

"Okay, then you come with me and I will pick you up."

He shook his head again: "You just said you don't know, Ning Hanqing, you are not, come to pick me up."

Did I just say it? Why is his brain so good now

Then he has to wait here? He's dead and stinks. I'll do a funeral for him

"Well, well, I lied to you, I am Ning Hanqing his grandson, and Ning Hanqing is my grandfather!" I said.

He glanced at me and shook his head against the chicken coop, his face full of suspicion.

Shake your head and go out to find a splint to tie your neck.

"I'm really the grandson of Ning Hanqing." Why do I want to let people know that I am a grandson

He shook his head, expressing his disbelief.

Grandpa, you let a fool die in your horns, do you know

I took out my ID card and shook it, "Did you see it, my name is Ning Chuan, and I have the same surname as Ning Hanqing, please write back this time."

I wouldn't bother to care about you unless it had something to do with my grandpa.

My grandfather wants him to wait here for someone to pick him up. The house is my house and the garage is my garage. Then the person he is waiting for is me

I think of Meng Qisheng again. From Meng Qisheng to the person in front of me, my grandfather seems to have been passing this message to me, but I don't have any memory of my grandfather at all.

My grandfather had passed away long ago when this community was repaired. Besides...

I looked at the man, and he looked at me too.

Besides, if my grandfather asks him to wait for me here, I won't talk about the doubts in space. In terms of time... this person must be forty or fifty years old

It's really good...

I began to consider whether I should let Bai Ye show this person after I went out.

No, you have to hire a doctor with psychiatric expertise.

He looked at my ID card carefully and compared it with the photo before returning it to me.

"Let's go." I said.

He followed behind me and seemed to believe my words.

I also believed what he said. It was very strange in theory. I should be very wary of seeing such a person on such an occasion.

Maybe his words and deeds make me feel no threat? Just like a fool.

Snapped! The lights behind him suddenly went out.

Damn it! Sure enough, there is a problem!

The cold hair exploded in an instant, I hugged my neck and bent forward and jumped forward. I watched it on TV. In the dark, my neck is most likely to be injured in a sneak attack.

As a result, there was a pop, and I ran in the wrong direction and bumped my eyes on the wall. I instantly lost my ability to move. I hugged my head and shrank on the ground, tears bursting into my eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked calmly.

The tone is so calm, it doesn't seem to mean to do it, is it because I think too much

"Why are you turning off the lights?" I held my head, I guess I caught up with the siege hammer just now.

"Save, use electricity, respond to the country's call."

Me: "..." I need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked.

"I'll tie a shoelace, now, let's go."

I got up, turned the phone on, and never did this kind of "walking lonely in the dark" thing anymore.

I walked ahead, and the man quietly followed behind me.

"You guys." I asked.

There is no sound behind him, I don't need to look back, I know, he shook his head.

Isn't this person amnesia

Plus the clothes he wore... Maybe he came across

What's the use of crossing after having amnesia? The cheats are gone.

The two walked in silence for a while, and the corridor came to an end.

Walking out of a low door, it is not actually a door, there is no door frame, just a rough cement embryo.

After coming out of the corridor, the light source at the gate appeared in my field of vision again. It seemed that I had entered the corridor when the light source disappeared from the gate.

The entrance to this corridor is repaired in the deepest part of the garage, and I don't know what it is for.

Looking for the light source, the two came out of the garage.

Outside it was at five or six in the afternoon, and the sun was just right.

Unable to adapt his eyes to the sudden stimulus, he squinted in pain, and the man squatted with his head down and weeped.

"Why, I cried with joy when I thought I could eat?" I asked as I wiped my eyes.

He shook his head.

Thinking of it was ridiculous, I opened a rolling shutter that hadn't been opened for many years, and found a broken-headed corridor at the end of the deep garage, and brought out a person who was suspected of crossing the road with amnesia or a mentally ill person.

This person is my grandfather who wants him to wait for me here

How long did he wait

He said that he was there when he woke up, and he didn't remember anything else. He only knew that according to a note, he was waiting for someone who had never agreed.

Neither the person who left this note nor the person who came to pick him up, he had no memory of them, but subconsciously chose to trust it.

How about making a movie

After a while, both of them recovered.

The man looked around curiously.

A dilapidated little garden, a gravel road full of fallen leaves, and a rolling mountain forest farther away.

"How about it, have you seen enough, let's go in." I pulled the rolling shutter back, and the moment I closed it, everything was the same.

Just one more person.

When the two entered the villa, he looked very cautious. He was obviously curious about many things, but he couldn't control it.

"You go take a shower first." I have seen the ashes on his body.

A water heater told him to use it for a long time while taking a bath.

After washing, I found a set of my clothes for him to change. He was about the same size as me and looked good.

Only then can I see that this person looks about the same age as me.

He sat on the sofa and looked down at a card in his hand.

I leaned over and took a look. It was an old ID card, the first-generation ID card of our country. It was later replaced by a second-generation ID card due to its poor anti-counterfeiting performance. It was officially stopped in 2013.

However, the elderly in some areas still have not changed their generations, so now the Public Security Bureau can still handle the business of replacing the first-generation ID card with the second-generation.

This person turned out to be a person with a generation ID card, my God.

Above is his photo, date of birth, address and so on.

With an ID card, everything is easier to handle.

The name above is "Chongyang".

"This is, just now, when I changed my clothes, I found it." He looked at me seriously and pointed to the person on the card. "Who is this?"

Feelings, this kid has forgotten what he himself is like

I found a mirror and handed it to him, "Look at it for yourself."

He sat there alone, holding the mirror and looking at his face silently. The mirror was almost penetrated by him. After a long time, he whispered: "Am I... Chongyang?"

Somehow, looking at him, a feeling of loneliness suddenly appeared on his body.

It's like sitting on the side of the road and watching the traffic when I was a kid. (End of this chapter)