The Longevity Project

Chapter 17: Live with a man


When I was young, I was the only person at home every time after school. My brother and my dad seldom communicated with me back then.

A person in the house always feels empty behind, there seems to be something in the corner not far away.

Every Saturday, I stayed out of the yard for a long time, leaning against the fence, reading occasionally, and most of the time, watching the cars coming and going, sitting all afternoon.

At that time, only Bai Ye would play with me for a while, but most of his free time would be caught to recite prescriptions, and I had to play with him secretly.

Later, he moved away, and I spent the years when I was most eager for my company.

Now my brother and my dad are so kind to me, and I'm up to everything I do, maybe because they feel that they owe me back then.

Chongyang looked at the ID card there in a daze, I thought for a while and didn't bother him. When I was in a daze when I was a child, it was the most annoying that some people thought they were running over to communicate with me.

In the kitchen, he was studying what to get for Chongyang. He said he was hungry before, and ordering takeaway is definitely unrealistic. If I said to send it to Yuanshan Garden, the courier would come to my house after checking the Baidu map. .

Look at what's in the refrigerator. I'm not here all year round. I guess there is nothing to eat in the refrigerator. Finally, some noodles were eaten up in the days when I was sick.

A few hams. This is what the old man hurriedly asked me to bring to Chongqing after I got home last year. He said it tasted like home, and it was like fleeing famine. Fortunately, everyone was almost the same. I saw one person’s luggage covered with bacon .

I don't like to eat this stuff, so it is left.

Look at what else is there, ham, ham, ham, and then, ham.

Why do I have so many hams in my family? Does my dad want me to eat into a well-off society in an all-round way

Well, in the end, I ding-dong came to a ham feast. The contestants on the stage are: fried ham, stewed ham, ham rice, and ham minced with garlic.

In the end, the stewed ham and ham rice were successfully promoted. As for the other players, they are almost catching up with the chemicals.

When the ham banquet was brought out, Chongyang was studying TV.

I'm not confused and lonely so soon, and I'm still studying on TV.

"Are you asking, how did I put people in this box?" I put the hams in my hand on the table.

He didn't look up, still playing with the remote control, "This is, TV, I know."

"You know? Didn't you forget everything."

"Neither do I, I don't know. I know some things, but I can't remember anyone or anything."

"Do you know all these things?"

"Some, don't know, like TV... In my memory, it was not so big before, and there weren't so many colors... Later, there were colors, but no, this one was so thin." He gave me an example of the TV. .

"Do you remember when the TV came in color?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I don't remember, it's in mine, in my memory, suddenly there are colors, just..."

"Just don't remember the development process." I said.


"Let's eat." Now I can't entangle these. Maybe Chongyang, like Meng Qisheng, is also a victim of the Secret Investigation Bureau's research.

He sat down at the table and looked at me, "What's wrong with your head?"

I touched the band-aid on my forehead. It was just applied, and it was still a little painful. I was injured in the underground garage earlier.

"Is it serious?" he asked.

It's not about what country call you want to respond to.

"Wait, do you remember to respond to the country's call?" I asked suddenly.

He was also stunned, "That's right... I seem to have just forgotten people and things related to myself..."

After a while, he suddenly said: "You haven't said yet, you are all headed, what's wrong..."

Why didn't I see that you have the potential to be entertaining? Firmly control the direction of the topic!

"It's okay, the mosquito took a bite." I also sat at the table to eat.

"Oh." Without looking up, he ate the ham in the bowl.

How did I hear the deep ridicule in his tone

"Eat more." It's so terrible, I can't stand this dish myself.

"Yeah." He nodded and ate his headache.

After eating, the ham and rice in the Chongyang bowl was gone, and it seemed that he was really hungry.

He was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and I leaned against him, wondering how to speak.

I am talking to my son right now, thinking about how to not hurt his self-esteem.

"What do you plan to do in the future?" It's impossible to rely on me.

"I don't know." He said, "I don't remember anything, I don't know where to go."

I changed the channels a few times and stopped again.

"I think I'm looking for Ning Hanqing, he must know my past." Chongyang said.

"He's dead." I said. "He's been dead for more than thirty years."

"so long?"

"Aren't you curious how old you are?" His first-generation ID card only has the last two digits of the year of birth. I saw 73 on it before, which is born in 1973. Of course, it may be 1873. year.

"Perhaps for many years... I remember a lot of things, but I don't remember people."

"I have a friend who is a Chinese medicine doctor." I thought about it and said, "I think you can show him."

"Okay." He raised his head and looked at me with dark eyes. "Thank you for helping me."

"Hey, you don't get stuck talking."

"Is there, why did I not find out?"


Called Bai Ye while going to the toilet.

"Hey, who."

"Are you blind? You can't see the caller ID."

"Tsk, Ning Xiaoye, isn't the minion kidding you. Why, I only ate in the morning, so you miss me?"

"You come to Yuanshan Garden, something is up."

"Grass! Ning Chuan, I'm here to have dinner with Qingqing! Go if you say you want to go!"

"You and I ate so much in the morning like polio, can you still eat it now?"

"Isn't this clear and clear, do you want to eat..."

"Order two more dishes, let the girl eat well, you come to Yuanshan Garden now."

"Ning Chuan, it took me more than a month to catch this girl."

"Hang up." I pressed down decisively.

A joke, I haven't got a sense of accomplishment after only a day of catching it.

When it was getting dark, the white night came, and he smashed the door outside.

I opened the door and saw where he was standing with a grievance on his face, "Well, what is the name Xiuxiu or is it sunny? Didn't you slap you?"

"No," he said.

"Girl Xiuqin is really good-natured." I turned my body sideways to let him in.

"It's Qingqing." He walked in.

Chongyang was watching TV and saw someone coming in and stood up, "Hello," he said.

Bai Ye sat on the sofa and waved, "Hello..."

"Let's talk about it, Xiaoye Ning, what's the matter?" He looked at me.

I also sat down and talked about some symptoms of memory loss on Chongyang, but I didn't say about his age and how I found him.

I think that the appearance of Double Ninth Festival may happen, and Bai Ye cannot be brought into this matter.

I trouble him a lot for many things. Although he didn't say anything, I don't want to cause him more trouble.

Bai Ye listened very carefully, and said after listening: "Amnesia... I'll give you a handle." She reached out to Chongyang and wanted to get someone's pulse.

Chongyang looked at me, and I motioned him to stretch out his hand.

Bai Ye gave Chongyang a while, and said: "There is nothing wrong with it, but the body is a little weak, just make up for it. As for the amnesia...

"Don't fool me with those fools who are fooling me." I said.

"Where can it be?" Bai Ye rolled his eyes and said, "You can try Western medicine. After all, Chinese medicine is still not as affordable as taking a film."

This is true.

"Why, you picked up this child on the road? Why didn't you hand it over to the police uncle?"

I squinted at him: "It's done, it's okay, you can go back."

"I'm going! Ning Chuan, you just drove me away so indifferently!" The idiot looked distressed, "I won't go today, sleep here."

"No, Chongyang City has to sleep here, there is no room." Bai Ye used to sleep here often, there is a guest room, but if Chongyang City sleeps here tonight, there will be no extra room for people to live in.

"Then you let this child sleep on the sofa." The idiot pointed to Chongyang, who had been watching TV quietly.

"Why don't you sleep on the sofa, and don't always tell people not to have children. People don't know how much older you are than you." I said.

"I'll sleep on the sofa." Chongyang pressed the sofa, "It's very soft."

"Look." I rolled my eyes.

When I woke up the next day, it was already ten o'clock. Bai Ye went to Xuanhuitang to sit in the hall. Chongyang was sitting on the sofa and watching the phone.

I found that he likes watching TV very much, just like a child. If I introduce the computer to him, there won't be another internet addict in this world.

Going over, watching the science and education channel, tut, still relish, good boy.

"Good morning," he said.

"Well, did you eat something..." I yawned, and when I rubbed my eyes, I found that the band-aid on my forehead had not yet torn off.

"not yet."

"Where is the mirror that I gave you yesterday?" I want to see what's going on on my forehead, I don't know if it has scars.

"I haven't eaten yet." He said seriously while looking at me while handing me the mirror.

Me: "..." I think I picked up a giant baby.

Take out the fried ham left over from yesterday and fry it with rice. It was perfect.

The two were very full.

Later, Chongyang and I went to the Public Security Bureau to apply for an ID card for him. As long as he was able to successfully apply for the second generation with his first-generation ID card.

Comrades from the Public Security Bureau looked at the photos on the ID card for a long time, "How can it be exactly the same?" He said, "How can this comrade be exactly the same as the photo?"

"Should there be an extra eye?" I said.

"No, the owner of this ID card should be almost sixty..."

"You said, can you prove that this ID card is fake?" I said.


"Then do it."


After taking a photo of Chongyang and registering their fingerprints, the two of them were ready to go home. The second-generation ID card would take 15 working days to get, so I paid the fee for the pauper.

"I have a son." I thought, until now, I completely believe that Chongyang is really almost sixty.

He followed me every step of the way and turned on the TV when he got home.

Until now, I still feel that it is imaginary. Why suddenly there is such an extra person in my life

From receiving a package, to seeing Meng Qisheng, to entering the underground garage, to... Picking up a son, everything is related to my dead grandfather and an organization called the Secret Investigation Bureau.

It seems that something is happening, I have been involved, but I don't know it. (End of this chapter)