The Longevity Project

Chapter 2: Meng Qisheng


In 1943.

The dazzling full moon hung on the sea, and the ink-like night showed a trace of ominousness.

The fishing boat returned silently on the sea, and the sea breeze blew through, engulfing a wave of fishy heat.

It was quiet, except for the sound of the waves tapping the hull of the ship, between the sky and the earth, there was only the bursting sound of bubbles spitting out from the fish that surfaced to absorb water.

The moon was shining on the sea, and it was cold.

Standing on the deck, Meng Qisheng felt the sea breeze, but his boredom was lingering.

This night, there seemed to be a trace of bad feeling.

"Maybe it's been exhausted for so many days, this time I go back, it will be a good time to rest."

He squinted, looked at the dark sky, and muttered to himself.

"My boss, we will be docked in an hour."

The ship boss didn't know when it was now behind Meng Qisheng, his dark face was hidden in the darkness and his expression could not be seen clearly.

This is a fishing boat rented by Meng Qisheng. There were a dozen people on board, but he only brought a captain and one man. The extra people were left on the shore by Meng Qisheng.

Because it is better to have fewer irrelevant people.

"Well, it's better to be faster. It's dawn, and the things on the boat will be difficult to handle." Meng Qisheng whispered.

Perhaps affected by the quiet atmosphere, his voice was very low.

"Yeah." The captain replied in a low voice, turned slowly, and returned to the wheelhouse.

This is more than forty years old, and he doesn't look like a man who runs on the sea all year round. On the contrary, he looks like a weak scholar. He doesn't talk much, but he is very reliable.

There is also a dark young man in his twenties who is very willing to work hard. If you don't make any mistakes this time, you can consider adding more money to the two of them.

He rubbed his forehead and walked to the bottom of the cabin in the dark.

Standing far away in front of an iron cage, he looked at and let go of his heart.

In the iron cage, a black shadow was curled up quietly...

"Still..." He sighed.

This time, the business was dispatched by a big domestic figure to go to sea to capture something called a wet flood.

The big man only provided a rough location, and Meng Qisheng had to find out where it was.

This thing is strange, it took him a lot of effort to bring it out on an island.

As a businessman, Meng Qisheng knows the rules very well. Whenever he takes the money, he should do everything, and try not to ask about other minor matters.

He also took over many weird businesses.

A few years ago, cargo was shipped from Indonesia to the country. The cargo was a pile of scarlet mud in the cabin, which was awe-inspiring.

As a result, after that shipment, the stench in the cabin pervaded for several months before barely disappearing.

On one occasion, dozens of boxes of dead pigs and dogs were transported from Fujian to Vietnam. The black water was overflowing. Even if they were packed in wooden boxes, there were still many black bugs crawling in and out from where they came from.

By the time it was shipped to Vietnam, it had already become a pile of rotten flesh of maggots.

But no matter how strange the goods are, Meng Qisheng never asks much.

Adhering to the principle of taking money to do things, treat all weird things as if you didn't see them.

However, this time the business was handed over to Meng Qisheng by a person who had a close relationship with the government.

The rewards are extremely generous, but so far no one has successfully got paid.

The reason is that it is too difficult to find a trace of this goal. Many people rushing around between the open sea and the sky, all return without success.

However, Meng Qisheng managed to capture the wet dragon on an island after several months of rushing.

Fortunately, there is that diary, he thought secretly.

It was a dilapidated diary that came by chance, or a ledger is more appropriate.

It recorded the income and expenditure of a fisherman in crooked words.

Occasionally, there are some written records interspersed with it, although it is difficult to identify, but it is still recognizable.

Above, it recorded a matter of interest to Meng Qisheng.

(Some excerpts are sorted out below)

XX month XX day

In the past few days, there are quite a lot of fish on Guazi Jiao, mother. I haven't seen so many fish in many years. Afu is the old lady, and the dog-day catches more fish than Laozi.

XX month XX day

The fish on Guazi Jiao was gone. I only got dozens of catties of dead fish after going around for three times. It was so fucking bad, Wang Scar’s face was a dog, and I couldn’t give up a penny. I have to go tomorrow. Take a look at Guazi Jiao, I don't believe in evil anymore, how could it be possible that a bubble fish will disappear overnight.

XX month XX day

The rain was so heavy, it stopped at night, it was a damn thing, it’s strange that it just rained, how the moon is so round, I just ran to the Guazi Jiao and saw something, it’s damn oozing. , Just a shadow, can't see clearly.

XX month XX day

What kind of thing is Wet Jiao? No matter what he is, I will check it out tomorrow.

XX month XX day

See it clearly! See it clearly! Really fucking shivering, fucking...Afu said that you can’t touch that thing, I’m going crazy, I don’t care if the damn thing can be touched, but the thing is gone. It is said that it can be sold a lot. At that time, I went to Dexinju to eat two meals without blinking. Damn, some old people said that the use of human oil can bring that stuff out. It's so fucking panic. Where can I get human oil? .

XX month XX day

It's raining, Ah Fu Na is gone, no relatives, no reason, I don't know where to go.

XX month XX day

Ah Fu died, and the body was soaked up. Lao Tzu picked it up on Guazi Jiao when he was fishing. If he has no relatives, he still needs to bury it.

Fu, wait for Lao Tzu to make money and burn him a few pieces of ocean paper, so don't blame Lao Tzu.

XX month XX day

Boiled a barrel of oil, it smells like a damn, tomorrow, I will go to Guazi Jiao to have a look.

The diary is over here.

The fisherman probably never came back, and did not know what he had experienced.

But Meng Qisheng didn't care about these things. The most important information provided to him was that human oil could catch wet floods.

The domestic war was in full swing. Meng Qisheng found a friend who was working in the hospital and tried it. It really worked. Although it took some effort, he still got a small barrel of human oil. This test really made Meng Qisheng a good deal. The wet dragon was drawn out, and it took a few days to catch it.

He shuddered when he thought of the things in the big iron cage under the cabin.

The wet flood is too weird in habits, and its appearance is unheard of. It has a bare spherical head and a snake-shaped body covered with black scales.

I don't know why those big people in China are catching this kind of stuff, whether it can be eaten or what.

He shook his head, he was really busy for a few days, and his head was very dizzy.

Step by step back to the lounge, taking advantage of an hour to land to prepare for a rest.

There are several thick mats on the floor of the lounge, where a woman is sleeping.

This is Meng Qisheng's wife, Wang Di.

In the past few years, the country has been in a lot of chaos. Di was so bored in the country that she wanted to go out to play with her for a few days. Meng Qisheng had always loved Di, so he agreed.

However, the trip was very tiring, and it caused Adi to suffer a lot.

Meng Qisheng gently lay down beside Adi and turned over. A Di frowned in her dream. Her sleep has always been very shallow, and she would be disturbed by small noises, and it was even more difficult to sleep on this swaying fishing boat on the sea.

Meng Qisheng sighed lightly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep deeply.

fire! The black flames in the sky raged between the sky and the sea. In the flames on the sea, countless people churned and floated in the interweaving of fire and water, and the flames burned on them.

The sea water made the flames more intense, people's limbs were intertwined, twisted in pain, and they were howling in pain. However, this seems to be a silent mime. There is no sound in the black and white world, and people can't make any sound.

On the long horizon, something swims out of the flames, bringing out a winding water mark on the sea. The loneliness between heaven and earth was broken, and a desolate singing seemed to come from the depths of the ancient times, bringing a trace of throbbing in the depths of the soul. That figure is getting closer and closer, that is!

Meng Qi woke up vigorously, sweat already wet his clothes, a dream? It's really oozing.

Meng Qisheng shook his head, no longer thinking about it. Seeing that Adi was still asleep peacefully, she let go of her heart.

Arriving on the deck, it is still a starry and wide sea scene. The ship has already reached the deep-water port and has to go to the shore to call the boat to pick up the goods. The day laborers who receive the goods have already greeted them, and they are probably making appointments at this moment The place is waiting.

Meng Qisheng breathed a sigh of relief. It is estimated that there will be no accidents when he is here. When the goods are delivered to the people on the shore, he and Adi can take the money and leave.

The sky was still dark, and several fishing boats were moored around the harbor. The sea lightly slapped the planks of the harbor. Several seabirds were startled and scattered in panic. The lighthouse flickered alone in the dark night.

Everything reveals a trace of ominous feeling.

"Owner, has it been carried?" The captain stood behind Meng Qisheng at some point.


"First put the boat, I'll call someone"

Meng Qisheng was startled, why the captain was walking silently.

This is considered to be a fishing boat with a relatively deep draft. If it gets too close to the shore, it may run aground, so it needs to go ashore and call a small boat to pick up the cargo.

On the boat, the captain's buddy helped row the boat.

The young man worked very hard, and the contrast between a shank and a mouthful of white teeth under the wind and sun all the year round at the beach was very obvious.

The boat swayed in the slight sea breeze, and seemed to capsize at any time, sending people to the deep seabed.

The night was deep, and there was nothing to say.

On the shore, Meng Qisheng asked his buddy to wait on the shore. It was midnight, and only a few seabirds were still awake in the harbor.

I touched the door of the appointed day laborer's house, slapped the door for life, awakened the day laborer who was sleeping as a pig, and hurried to the beach.

Day-time workers are confused and unwilling. I blame Meng Qisheng for being too anxious, but I don't really blame Meng Qisheng for taking advantage of the fact that there are few blacks in the sky and taking the thing off the boat.

Meng Qisheng and his buddy took the boat when they came, and the day laborer also took his own boat to keep up.

As he flicked back, the closer he got to the darkness, the more disturbed Meng Qisheng felt, as if something bad had happened.

Unconsciously looking far away.

"My boss! The ship is gone!" The guy beside him exclaimed. (End of this chapter)