The Longevity Project

Chapter 20: set off


Gao Xia listened and smiled: "You, it's still like this, telling some serious jokes, I thought when I first met you, this kid is expressionless, he looks like a good student who follows the rules. , It took a long time to find out..." He smiled and shook his head.

I rolled my eyes and poured him a glass of water. He had eaten several packets of small spicy fish just now, so don't let it die at my house.

Gao Xia took a sip of water and said sternly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, how about it? Do you want to try? The reward is pretty good, and the company provides equipment."

I am a little hesitant. It is very attractive. Photography is considered a hobby of mine. I can go around and pay for it, but will it be too hard

Thinking of my sister-in-law, she has such a good man to raise and has her own business. I am a big man who is embarrassed to pick and choose

"Sure, when will I go?"

"Okay, but I don't know the exact time. This is a matter for the upper management of the company. Then the company will prepare what it needs. You only need to be there when you receive the notice."

"Company preparations? My ** socks are all company preparations? I like to wear red **, remember to tell your company's logistics department..." I said, "I can't work without red **."

"You..." He ate the last packet of small spicy fish, "Of course you bring your personal belongings, and the equipment company distributes them."

"Hey, you starve to death and reincarnate. Come to my house to eat." I pointed to the pile of small spicy fish packages on the table.

Gao Xia took a drink of water, "Isn't this delicious, where is the toilet? It's suffocating me."

I pointed in the direction of the toilet, and the hungry ghost slid away and went.

Chongyang put down the book and frowned at the empty snack bag: "It's all gone," he said.

This kid is quite protective of food, "It's okay, I'll buy it for you later."

"But I left this for you." He said seriously.

I:"… "

"Why do you leave me so spicy?" I asked.

"Because I don't like eating." He said seriously.

I:"… "

After Gao Xia emptied his stomach, he took me and Chongyang out to eat, not afraid to die.

For the sake of safety, I didn't drive my new car, so I had to practice again, or else I had to drive like a Grand Theft Auto.

The three got into the Gaoxia car. Chongyang and I took the back seat and Gaoxia drove. It took a long time to find a restaurant that looked good.

The three of them opened a bag, and Gao Xia desperately pulled me to drink. I couldn't drink enough, and I quickly became drunk.

He saw that I was lying under the table and went to Chongyang to drink. He had a cup of Chongyang, and then Gao Xia fell.

Later, according to Gao Xia's recollection, he once doubted whether Chongyang had two stomachs in order to reach the state of drinking with a blank face.

Before leaving, Gao Xia and I calculated the compensation, added 20% to me, then signed a contract, asked me for a phone number, and left Chongqing to prepare for related matters. I am waiting for notice.


The weather gradually warmed up, and I took Chongyang to get a haircut.

Looking at his delicate skin and tender flesh, I really can't think of him almost sixty.

I took him to add some clothes, because of my evil taste, Chongyang has a few more pink clothes.

He was very obedient, and looked at me with a weird smile.

His ID card was also down. I hadn't paid attention to Chongyang's home address before. When I leaned over to check it out, the bear kid put away the new ID card like a treasure.

Huh, I am not without it.

After staying with him for a long time, he discovered that, except for the age on his ID card, which is the age that a middle-aged and elderly man should have, he is similar to a child in many other places.

If you have done something good, I will come to ask you for credit, if I am upset, I will frown and raise my eyebrows with you. If I am happy, I will play treasures without showing any traces.

Just thinking of his real age makes me awkward, plus he has a relationship with my grandpa...

I don't know what the days before Chongyang Amnesia will be.

In mid-May, Gao Xia’s notice finally came down, saying that someone would come and pick me up the next morning to gather me to keep my communication open.

I asked him where he was going to investigate, and he said he was going to Qionglai Mountain in Sichuan.

Sichuan, I know, is a neighbor of Chongqing, but Qionglai Mountain, where is this

After checking the information, we learned that Qionglai Mountain is the easternmost part of the Hengduan Mountains, and we are going to enter the Hengduan Mountains from there.

I called my brother and said that he had been out to play recently, he had been used to it, and he didn't say anything.

When I was packing my things, Chongyang found me and said that he would also go, saying that he wanted to walk around.

I called and asked Gao Xia. Gao Xia hesitated for a long time. I repeatedly assured that Chongyang was absolutely credible and was my assistant. Then I said that if Chongyang could not go, I would not go, and he agreed.

A joke, there is nothing doubtful about my people.

The two of them are about to clean up. I look at the princess fan in Chongyang’s backpack. I think it’s still not too bad for him. I can see for myself. I can’t let him fan in front of outsiders.

The next day I rushed to buy him a more normal set of clothes, and the phone case was replaced with SpongeBob SquarePants.

This time the phone case is really nothing to do with me, I let him pick it himself, and he said he wanted the one to make a cake.

After I was almost ready, I was idle, and the time was not as tight as I thought.

After I was free, I remembered that I hadn't seen the White Night for a long time, and I just made a few calls these days, thinking about gathering together before leaving.

He took out his cell phone and dialed it.

"Hey, Ning Xiaoye." Bai Ye answered the phone and said slurredly, as if he was eating.

"What are you doing, ruminating?" I sat on the sofa with my legs cocked.

"What are you talking about, I'm having dinner with Qingqing."

"You haven't divided up with that Xiuqin?" According to normal circumstances, Bai Ye changed girlfriends a month.

"It's Qingqing..." he corrected. "My buddy is true love this time. I have dinner together all day long. It's a small day, tut."

"Are you two doing nothing but eating?" The last time he called him, he said he was having dinner with his girlfriend, and last time, and last time.

"Where can I tell you something, I'm afraid that you, a single man without a girlfriend, can't stand it, and you're very angry."

"Okay, okay, don't talk, come out for a meal later, you come to the Yuanshan Garden to pick me up." I said.

"Don't you have a car."

"The rearview mirror is off." I said.

"How did it fall?"

"Naturally fall off..."

In fact, I took Chongyang to play Grand Theft Auto. It was in the community, and the already desolate green belt on the side of the road now has two more car wheels.

"Tsk, this thing is still falling off like hair..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Chongyang and I are waiting!"

"Hey… "

The three of them asked for a seat by the window in the restaurant where they had eaten with Gao Xia last time.

"Have you found something to do?" Bai Ye took a sip and opened her mouth coldly. He and Na Xiuqin were probably struggling, so they turned their heads when they saw the dish.

"Yes, it's a one-time one. After getting paid and leaving, you will have a chance next time you get along well."

Chongyang was sitting on my left hand, bowing his head seriously eating a plate of Cantonese sausages, which Bai Ye ordered specially for him.

I look at Chongyang who only eats sausages, and I really want to say, my child, the world is so big, don't just eat sausages. Sometimes I take you to eat roast duck.

"It's a company, tsk tsk, I can't think that your two brushes for photography are popular everywhere." Bai Ye said.

"It's much better than me. I'm only relying on the relationship of my classmates to get in."

When I got to know Gaoxia, Bai Ye had already moved away from Beijing. These two people didn't know each other, so I didn't talk about Gaoxia.

"When will you be back then?"

"I don't know this anymore. I haven't notified them. What kind of drugs are they developing first. This trip is confidential." I said.

I didn't even tell Bai Ye about the departure time and destination, because the previous contract with Gao Xia contained confidentiality clauses for related matters.

He had almost eaten with Baiye, and he seemed anxious when he answered the phone. I asked him what's wrong.

He fidgeted and said that everything was fine.

I said, then go back and take care of Xiuqin.

He hurriedly picked up the bag, corrected the sentence, it was Qingqing, and then walked out of the hotel quickly.

It seems to be true this time, but this cannot be a reason for you not to pay the bill.

In the early hours of the next morning, I was still asleep, and the phone rang.

When I answered, I saw that there were several missed calls. I guess it was because I slept too hard to hear.

"Come to open the door, Gao Xia asked me to pick you up." It was a clear female voice, who was quite young.

It's still dark outside at the moment, but I didn't say anything. I signed a contract with others, and only obeyed the arrangement.

While putting on clothes groggy, he went to the next door and smashed the door of Chongyang.

After knocking twice, the door opened and Chongyang walked out wearing a pink pajamas, and I felt refreshed.

"I'm going to assemble, bring things, and listen to what people say at that time, do you know." I asked.

He nodded, turned around and raised a backpack from the room, which was packed yesterday, only some personal items.

"Go change clothes, don't wear that red suit." I said.

This kid didn't know what to think, and once deliberately wore a pink coat and dangled in front of me, then he took a photo of me with a grim smile and sent it to QQ space.

I applied for his QQ account not long ago, and only one of my friends, after he posted my ugly photo to the space, asked me to like it in a serious manner.

They packed up and went downstairs. On the road outside the yard, a lone car was parked under a street light without driving lights.

It's probably the one who came to pick us up.

Seeing us coming out, the car's lights popped on, and then honked the horn twice to tell us to hurry up.

Chongyang and I ran for two steps, opened the back seat door, and the car started when the legs were still outside.

"Why, in such a hurry? Why didn't Captain Gao come to pick me up?" There was only one driver in the car, and it should be the young woman who called us before.

"Gao Xia arrived in Chengdu yesterday, and now it is estimated that he has reached the meeting point." The woman said.

"We have to get to Chengdu before dawn, and the plane will take off in 30 minutes," she said.

"How can this be too late?" I asked in surprise.

"If you haven't been so long..." She hit the steering wheel and turned out of the gate of the community, "... Don't be so eager, then now..." She slammed on the accelerator, the speed soared instantly, and I felt that I was about to get into the chair. Went inside.

"Fly!" she screamed.

"Ah, madman, be careful!" I grabbed my seat belt tightly.

"It's much more stable than you." Chongyang Road, who has been sitting quietly. (End of this chapter)