The Longevity Project

Chapter 26: Snake (3)


Su Mu and the others looked at us with a surprised expression. The king was taking out the climbing rope from his backpack. They could not fly over the gorge and were ready to descend into the gorge.

Because this gorge is their final destination.

Everything is stranded.

The flying birds flew over their heads, the black wings brought up a cyclone, and the breeze lifted up the flying leaves and entangled them in the air.

Snakes swarmed forward, and the coquettish red was eroding this space.

The dry grass clippings were picked up by Chongyang and floated towards the unknown.

A huge impact hits, and the slow motion fades in an instant.

Chongyang steadily landed on the opposite cliff after the leap, and the impact made my stomach twisted by his shoulders.

Due to inertia, I flew out from Chongyang's shoulder. One end hit the root of the tree.

The position I hit seemed to be the same as when I was in the basement. For a while, my eyes turned black and my brain exploded. I shrank in pain, and there was only a roar in my mind.

I said in my heart that I will never end with you on Double Ninth Festival. This will knock me to death. Tomorrow will see who you eat.

While cursing, there was still a string of dark shadows in front of him, and he felt cold in his butt.

My pants were stripped. I was used to taking off my clothes to sleep, and the same was true for sleeping in a sleeping bag last night, but when I was dragged out of my sleeping bag by Chongyang this morning, I only wore a pair of pajamas.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I yelled, subconsciously like jumping up to give him an ear scrape, but after being bitten by a snake, my body was still out of control, like hemiplegia.

"Don't move." Chongyang whispered.

"If you want a girlfriend, I'll find it for you. How about Su Mu? Maybe I can introduce you from Beijing!" I was pressed to the ground by him, whispering.

He didn't make a sound, but pressed me to the ground, not knowing what to do behind me.

I felt the muscles of the buttocks tighten, just like the injection from the buttocks when I was a child.

"Are you giving me an injection?" I asked.

"No." Chongyang paused, and threw an object in front of me, "see it for yourself."

I turned my head away, a fishy smell came.

It is a long, thin red object.


This is a young snake, only as long as a chopstick, it is dead.

I don't think Nao Ren'er hurts so much anymore, it's more painful.

"This is..." My throat became dry for a while.

I already understand that this snake with such a thin body did it! Don't go on the right road and go on the crooked way.

"This kind of snake releases toxins to paralyze your nerves, and then penetrates into the human body. In a short time, people will not die, relying on the body temperature to lay eggs and hatch." Chongyang said behind me.

"How do you know." I asked.

"In the beginning, Su Mu told me, Sun Xuewen also had it in his body."

"You put my pants on!" I was so annoyed that I patted the ground straight, of course, I only had to pat the ground.

"Oh." He replied indifferently, and pulled up my pants.

I turned my head away from the dead snake, "How did you get it out?"

"He's still young, he doesn't have enough strength to get in completely." He added solemnly, "It's very tight."

I:"… "

"Do you think I already have eggs laid by it in my body?" I asked.

"No, it's head first, and it doesn't use its mouth to lay eggs, but if that's the case, it won't be easy to say." Chongyang said seriously.

I ignored him. He said he would let me rest here for a while. He went to the cliff to see if Su Mu and the others succeeded in descending to the canyon.

My heart said that my assistant is extraordinary. When others have nowhere to go, he jumps off the cliff, and when he has nowhere to go, he takes off.

I lay on the ground for a while, feeling able to move.

Struggling to get up, walk towards the cliff. (End of this chapter)