The Longevity Project

Chapter 28: Mr. Gu (2)


I said in my heart that if my grandfather hadn't died, someone could tell Chongyang his past, so I don't have to play so hard. Watching him slowly descend, and finally land smoothly, meeting Su Mu and the others.

Before entering the woods, he seemed to pause and looked up at me.

I stood up and waved vigorously, and he waved his hand, and then his figure disappeared into the woods.

I stayed alone at the intersection of the woods and cliffs for a long time, feeling that the venom remaining in my body was losing its effect.

The sun was shining on my body, I was resting on the bag, and was going to sleep in a daze. I hope the things in the canyon have something to do with the Double Ninth Festival, I think.

When he was about to fall asleep, a rustling voice came from behind.

I stood up and looked back.

Something seems to be moving. When I looked at it clearly, I realized that it was four men in mountaineering suits, carrying equipment bags, walking out of the woods and coming to face each other.

I thought it was from Gaoxia, but I looked closely and found that there was no Gaoxia in the team. The one in the lead was looking at it with a frown while holding a map. It was a middle-aged man with deep eyes under his sharp eyebrows.

They quickly noticed me, and the man in the lead put the map away and raised his eyebrows. A big man behind him quickly took out something to face me, I was stunned.

That is a gun.

I struggled to stand up, raised my hand, and yelled: "Don't shoot, don't shoot."

They didn't speak, and walked over slowly. When two or three meters away from me, the strong man flew over and hit the back of my head with a shot.

Before I could react, I fainted when my eyes became dark, and vaguely heard the leading middle-aged man said faintly: "You beat too hard, big man."

This man who looks like a man is really called a man. I thought before fainting.

When I woke up again, the sun was still warm on my body, and it seemed that I hadn't been in a coma for too long. With their hands tied tightly, they were very uncomfortable. The four people were studying the map on the edge of a cliff not far away. The backpack left by Chongyang was opened by them. Several packets of compressed biscuits fell outside. There should be nothing inside. Something else.

I can't get up even if I want to run. It's impossible to run. I can only negotiate with them, "Who are you?" I slowed down and asked loudly.

They were alarmed by me. The middle-aged man in the lead got up and walked slowly in front of me and squatted down, "My last name is Gu, you can call me Mr. Gu."

This person named Gu has a blank face and sharp eyebrows, giving people a deep and majestic feeling.

"I told you who I am, now it's your turn." he said.

I said that you gave a surname, so I will only say a surname, "My surname is Ning, you can call me Xiaoning."

Mr. Gu laughed suddenly, lighted a cigarette and put it in my mouth involuntarily.

I don't smoke, but it's not easy to refute others' face, so I took a sip, which was a little choking.

"Tell me, are you the one brought by Su Mu or Gao Xia?" He put the cigarette in his mouth and asked.

So this Mr. Gu also knows Su Mu and Gao Xia, so I hope he is not an enemy. Then I felt that there was something wrong with his questioning method, but I couldn't figure out the problem for a while, so I could only say: "I was brought by Su Mu."

"Well, Su Mu... Where did they go?" Mr. Gu smiled faintly, spit out a cloud of smoke, flicked the ashes and stuffed the smoke into my mouth.

After I took a breath, I struggled to sit up. He helped me and let me lean on the trunk behind me. (End of this chapter)