The Longevity Project

Chapter 37: Dust explosion (2)


The king of the Jing clan was also motionless, with a sharp blade facing this underground space.

Mr. Gu and the others walked for a while, and suddenly there was no sound. I looked back and saw that they were two or three steps away from me, looking at this side with amazement.

"Brother Gu, why did the person on this chair suddenly stand here?" the big man asked.

Mr. Gu bowed his hand solemnly and said nothing.

Behind the group of people, black smoke was slowly rising, while in front was a corpse that suddenly stood up and walked around.

Mr. Gu took a step back, and the others followed suit.

I looked at the figure standing silently, and said that you would react a little bit. If I don't move anymore, I will leave.

I tentatively stepped back and found that the figure hadn't moved.

I was about to rush down to follow Mr. Gu and the others. The group now turned their heads and ran down for their lives.

I walked a few steps down and suddenly stood still. Standing in the current position to see the King of the Clan, he is still sitting on the throne.

A flash of light was drawn in my mind, could it be a matter of angle

I walked a few steps up again, and sure enough, a figure wearing an armor stood in my field of vision.

It turned out to be so, I secretly said that it was not the king who was moving, but I was moving.

Since there is only the light from the flashlight, the overall environment is still relatively dark. The designer used the different angles of light and shadow to create the illusion that the king of the Jing clan is sitting. Originally, his corpse was in a standing position. When someone came under the altar and looked up, due to the angle, he would be regarded as sitting on the throne. Only when he got closer would he discover the true state of the King of the Clan, and then mistakenly believe that the King of the Clan had moved.

"Don't run!" I shouted down, "I figured it out!"

Mr. Gu and the others have already changed directions, ready to go around the altar towards the deeper part of this high platform, and they turned their heads when they heard me calling there.

"Little brother, are you okay?" Mr. Gu asked aloud, distantly.

"It's okay, it's just a blindfold." I said.

After I said it, I regretted it. I could just run away without telling them. Then I thought that the equipment was all on them, and I couldn't live without them.

Several people hesitated, but came back again.

When they went up the steps of the altar, they stared at the king of the shaman clan. Now looking at where they were, the king of the shaman clan was sitting.

After walking to the previous position, their expressions changed, and in their eyes, the King of the Shaan Clan stood up.

"Hey, that's amazing." Old Chen stepped back two steps, and then stepped forward two more steps, staring at the king of the Ji clan and wondering, "This Ji clan is really playing some tricks."

You are still fooled by the trick, I said to my heart, I have completely forgotten the fact that I was almost scared into incontinence.

Mr. Gu came over and smiled and patted my piece, "Little brother, that's not bad, I'm sorry to trouble you." He pushed me forward again.

I was pushed by him close to the man standing on the edge of the altar, who has been standing here for hundreds of years.

I cautiously walked around and walked towards the throne behind him.

Due to the need to cooperate with the deceptive eye trick, this throne is very big, and it is estimated that it will work as a bed.

The sky above the throne was full of dust. Mr. Gu and the others also bypassed the king of the Jing clan and followed. Only Lao Chen had been there to marvel at the king of the Jing clan.

Everything seemed to be extremely normal, but I suddenly remembered the two footsteps I heard, and my heart jumped, and I glanced suspiciously at the King of the Clan who stood still behind me.

Is it really that simple. (End of this chapter)