The Longevity Project

Chapter 39: Shinto (1)


The fire was shining, and the whistling sound was endless, but the explosion always only happened on the high platform, and did not spread to the altar.

The black mist on the altar has also reached our waist. According to the general saying, as long as there is dust in the place, it will be destroyed by the explosion within a few seconds.

I don't have time to think about this, now thinking about how to escape is the most important thing.

The sound of the explosion echoed in this space, and the extinguished firelight finally illuminated this space completely for the first time.

Mr. Gu and the others have also given up their plans to go back. "What the hell is going on!" The big man shouted, pointing to the extinguished explosion under the altar and almost collapsed.

"It's a dust explosion," I yelled, "Our fire was not extinguished."

Young Master Tang glanced at me with a little surprise, and then said: "Dust explosion requirements are very high, first is the density of dust in the air, and then the radius of the dust, all need to reach a certain level. But the size of the diameter of the insects around us Obviously not up to the requirements." Young Master Tang said while finding his way around the altar.

"That's right!" I suddenly thought: "They are a kind of creature. When these insects grow large enough, they will cause a dust explosion. At first, the insects were very small, but now the insects on the high platform have reached the requirements for explosion. Soon, the bugs here will grow to the size of a dust explosion!"

Mr. Gu nodded: "Little brother is good."

"Then you guys find a way!" I roared.

The explosions under the high platform clearly disappeared one after another. It can be seen that the flames of destruction are advancing to the altar, and the black mist around us has spread to our necks.

Countless black dusty creatures are slowly growing around us, finally extraditing the god of death to us.

"There are only two options now, either sit here and wait for death, or..." Mr. Gu shrugged and looked at me, "Go straight down and die."

"Fuck! What kind of bug is this! So capable!" the big man roared.

Until now, only Young Master Tang remained persistently looking for a way out on the high platform. Old Chen was very short, and his whole body was submerged in the black mist, standing there not knowing what he was thinking.

Perhaps recalling his life, I said in my heart that you have lived for so many years anyway, but I haven't lived enough yet. While thinking, follow Master Tang to find his way on the altar

The explosion under the high platform finally spread to the altar.

The aftermath of our latest explosion directly overturned us, tumbling a few times in the air and hitting the rock wall at the deepest part of the altar.

I fell dizzy, and in a daze, I saw the death god walking slowly amid the constant crackling sound with a magnificent flame.

The biggest explosion is brewing on the altar. All dusty bugs here are about to grow into the best medium for dust explosions.

The sound of fire roared, the temperature was scorching, and the clothes were fluttering under the pressing heat wave.

The air was trembling, and I closed my eyes. At this moment, I thought of Chongyang, and he wanted me to wait for him over the cliff.

But I broke my promise. When he returned there, he looked at the empty cliff, maybe it would be like the afternoon when he first learned his name, he was in a daze for a long time.

"Here!" I heard a loud roar. Before I could react, I was dragged aside by a person. At this moment, I looked up and ran with him, because the black mist had reached the position of my ears.

According to the normal speed of insect growth, a group of people had been submerged for a long time, but because the dust explosion consumed many insects and slowed their spread, it was a blessing in misfortune.

The person holding me was Master Tang, and then he led me to a dark cave. (End of this chapter)