The Longevity Project

Chapter 4: isolation


The doctors came and walked, but they all shook their heads and sighed.

Obviously, they were at a loss for A Di's illness.

Meng Qisheng dressed Adi, fed Adi with a calming medicine and fell asleep. The maids and servants all stood trembling with their hands and bowed their heads.

Just now Meng Qisheng got angry and smashed a doctor's medicine box.

The second uncle said with a faint smile, "Oh, my nephew, I won't be so angry for such a thing."

The tone was full of ridicule.

Meng Qisheng turned his head and glanced at him, then turned his head to look at A Di who was lying in the fuck, as if he did not exist.

The second uncle didn’t seem to see Meng Qisheng’s attitude, and he laughed again, “My third uncle and I have always missed your young couple. No, I’m here to give you a foreign doctor who is from the provincial capital, from Germany. Let me tell you that other foreign doctors, that medical skills are really not a boast..."

Holding a pipe in his mouth, the second uncle told the maid underneath, "Go, invite the foreign doctor in the third master's yard, and show respect!"

The maid stooped down.

Meng Qisheng looked at his second uncle who was smiling, and felt that something was wrong. This old fox is always unsmiling. How did he change his temper today? Thinking of what the two uncles and three uncles had done these days, Meng Qisheng immediately felt a little bit of energy in his heart. Maybe the old fox had any plans taking advantage of the old man's serious illness.

Doctor Yang came soon, very old, with gray curly hair, a big beard, short stature and hunched back.

The second uncle came up with haha and said to Meng Qisheng, "Introduce, this is a German doctor, Mr. Dai Liheng."

Meng Qisheng stood up and nodded to Dai Liheng without saying much.

Da Liheng squinted and nodded, seeming to be very dissatisfied with Meng Qisheng's attitude.

The second uncle said again, "Dr. Dai Liheng has been in China for many years and he has cured many diseases that cannot be cured by Chinese medicine. Adi’s disease may be cured by Dr. Dai Liheng."

Meng Qisheng said: "Then Dr. Dai Liheng will show me my wife. She has been sleeping like this for some time." His tone was cold.

Dai Liheng took out the medical gloves and put on squinting his eyes to look at the girl who was lying on the bed, almost stubborn.

"Why, it's done, this way?"

Da Liheng asked every word in Chinese. It's not too smooth.

"If we ourselves knew the crux of the matter, we wouldn't invite Dr. Dai Liheng to come."

Meng Qisheng's face was cold and his tone was not good. For some reason, he didn't like this foreigner very much.

Dai Liheng shook his head, pinched Di's chin with his gloved hands and raised her head, exposing the large red granulation under the neck.

"It's some unknown disease, oh my god..."

Dai Liheng shook his head while flipping the eyelids of the sleepy Adi.

Meng Qisheng watched Dai Liheng's rough movements, squeezing his fists and forcibly not breaking out.

"There is something growing in the corner of her eye." Meng Qisheng reminded.

Dai Liheng saw the synapse at the corner of Adi's eyes and squinted again.

"Oh, not only the corners of the eyes, you see, there are also above the eyeballs."

Meng Qisheng leaned over to look, and sure enough, there were several transparent bumps just above the eyeballs.

"Oh, it may be infected with some kind of fungus, um... it reproduces crazily in the patient's body, which is not right, the patient itself seems to be parasitized...

Dai Liheng said to himself.

"Then, is there a way." Meng Qisheng asked.

Dalyhen took a serious look at him, "Sir, unfortunately, I can tell you that this case is the first to be discovered, and, presumably, it is likely to be contagious."

"Dr. Dalyhen, what is contagious?"

The second uncle who sat aside with a smile for a long time opened his mouth, and the standing maids and servants also behaved very curiously.

Dai Liheng frowned and thought for a while, as if thinking about how to explain to these ignorant people.

"Well, what you Chinese call'smallpox' is very contagious. It's just that the two transmission routes may be different, so it is recommended that people who have been in contact with the patient for a long time during the previous period should be isolated. Observed."

After that, I turned around and left, as if I didn't want to stay in this place full of germs for a single moment.

Hearing this, the second uncle smiled and glanced at Meng Qisheng, then turned to send Dai Liheng out.

Meng Qisheng only felt that the sky was spinning, and there seemed to be a bell roaring in his head. Adi's illness can't be cured. And the two uncles and three uncles will definitely take this opportunity to isolate themselves.

Meng Qisheng sat down weakly against the bed. The old lady in the family is also critically ill, and no one will protect herself.

On the second day, Meng Qisheng was quarantined by his second uncle for possible illness.

A group of servants who had served Adi were also expelled. In fact, none of them showed symptoms of illness. Most of these servants who were expelled were relatives of Meng Qisheng.

Uncle Meng Qisheng took this opportunity to concentrate the rights of the family in his own hands.

Meng Qisheng and A Di were placed under house arrest in the inner hall. A big lock was added to the door, and Meng Qisheng could not go out a step.

On weekdays, someone brought in the food for the two of them from the small window, and then they closed it tightly.

No one has visited Meng Qisheng and his wife, and the family has never invited a doctor again, leaving the two to fend for themselves.

After Meng Qisheng was quarantined, except for his haggard look, there was almost nothing unusual, and there was no sign of illness.

But Ah Di, it is getting more and more serious.

Since Dai Liheng left, Ah Di has been lying in chaos, talking nonsense most of the time, occasionally when he wakes up, he will ask Meng Qisheng for water and occasionally eat some food, and people become thinner and thinner.

Meng Qisheng has been thinking about what Adi experienced during the time when the ship disappeared that made her look like this.

Meng Qisheng thought, there must be a great connection with that wet Jiao.

In the short time when Ah Di wakes up, Meng Qisheng will pretend to be very relaxed and talk to her.

Adi wondered what was wrong with her body.

Meng Qisheng did not tell her the true situation, nor did he mention the fact that the two were quarantined.

Ah Di's situation is now very bad and can no longer be stimulated.

When Ah Di asked, he just said something about the skin disease, which would heal in a month or two.

Adi has always believed in Meng Qisheng, and if he really believed it, he would soon get better.

She happily took Meng Qisheng’s hand and said intermittently that the lantern festival was about to arrive, and now she should get better soon. Then Meng Qisheng should take her to the lantern festival, guess the riddle on the biggest lantern in the lantern festival, and then send it away give her.

Meng Qi nodded sourly, and said that he would take her to eat Fu Ji's cakes after a few days of getting better.

Among these lies, Meng Qisheng actually began to hold some hope, maybe Adi will really get better, maybe those doctors are all nonsense.

He and A Di have only been married for less than five years, and he doesn't think the relationship between the two of them has come to an end so early.

However, all fantasies were finally shattered ruthlessly in the face of reality. As time went by, the illness on Adi's body became more and more terrifying.

Meng Qisheng did not slept in the same picture with A Di. He slept in the side room. Every night, he heard A Di desperately tearing his body. The clucking sound was extremely harsh in the dark night. The next day You will see pieces of broken skin in Ah Di's **.

Just like a snake sloughing, the difference is that snakes shed their skin once a year, and Adi, once every night, afterwards, I don't know whether it was the scab of the wound or the skin on her body.

Adi has been growing polyps on her body. The fleshy whiskers in the tongue grew longer, sticking out of the mouth, and even Ah Di's mouth could not be closed. It was twisted and stretched open, and the saliva was mixed with meat scraps and flowed out and dripped on his body.

The same thing in the nasal cavity was blocked. Later, the only sound she made every day was the sound of hoarse and difficult breathing. Day and night, it was uninterrupted and desperate.

The red rash on the body is getting worse, with large patches of dense red granulation the size of sesame, layered on top of each other, the longer and more, the longer and thicker.

A Di was obviously also in pain, and her body was torn to blood and blood by herself, and thin fleshy beards soon appeared in the blood-colored wound. It seems to be a piece of meat worms, which is heart palpitating.

And Meng Qisheng, who was quarantined with A Di, witnessed this process with his own eyes, from the initial collapse, yelling, trying to call people, to the final numbness and indifference.

Ah Di no longer eats anymore. For some reason, she has not died. She has been molting and tearing her skin day after day, and thin and dense granulation grows layer by layer.

Meng Qisheng was almost praying, hurry up and take away Adi! Let it all end! He lay in the side room all day, not looking at Ah Di.

He tossed and turned in the hoarse breathing of A Di, unkempt, hated his second uncle, despairing of this family, he cursed everyone in this family except A Di and himself.

One day, in a groggy state, Meng Qisheng heard bursts of sorrow and joy and the exaggerated cry of his second uncle outside.

He thought that probably the old lady had passed away, but he didn't feel much touched, and he no longer paid attention to everything outside of him.

The people in the clan did not let Meng Qisheng go out to serve his filial piety, as if the eldest grandson and grand-daughter-in-law were already dead, and Meng Qisheng was also indifferent, as if unaware.

It was so numb and seemingly calm for a long time, maybe a month, maybe two months, maybe even longer.

The two of them have been eating and drinking, but no one has ever come to see them.

In the middle of the night, Meng Qisheng was awakened by the sound of a collapse, and soon fell asleep again.

The next morning, I realized that Ah Di's hoarse breathing had stopped, and there was a peculiar smell in the room, which was quiet and secretive.

Meng Qisheng entered the inner room, and the sour smell in the air became more intense.

The carved red lacquer bed actually collapsed. It was spent months to find craftsmen in the provincial capital when Meng Qisheng and A Di married, but at the moment it seems to have been hollowed out by insects. Eight fall.

It has only been used for less than five years. Why is it so fast as an old object that has been used for decades

And Di, just lying quietly on the ruins of the bed.

The whole person has swelled in a circle.

The hair fell out, scattered in every corner, leaving only a few strands sticking to his face.

The eyes have been replaced by two purple-red sarcomas, and the teeth are pushed out of the mouth by the rotten meat in the mouth, and the teeth are flared.

It was densely packed with rotten meat, smelling smelly, and the greasy rotten meat was covered with scratches.

Ah Di, the wife of Meng Qisheng, a girl who loves beauty, play and dress for two decades, has turned into a red bug.

Lying on the ruins of the bed, festering, smelly water overflowing.

Never again, can't be seen as the lantern festival she was thinking of.

The biggest lantern will not be delivered to her.

No more, I can't eat the Fu Ji cakes that Meng Qisheng promised.

The most important thing is that Ah Di finally stopped breathing, just like that, savagely and quietly, lying on the ruins of the bed she once loved the most.

After several days of numbness was replaced by tides of grief again, Meng Qisheng let out a cry of grief, and finally fell to the ground, unconscious. (End of this chapter)