The Longevity Project

Chapter 40: Shinto (2)


I shouted, "Exit, found it!" Amid the explosion, I shouted hoarsely. On the deepest stone wall of the altar, there is a black passage for one person to pass through. It should have been affected by the aftermath of the explosion, which collapsed the rock crust covering the passageway.

Others rushed over and bury their heads and went in. I also heard Mr. Gu laugh loudly: "Hahahaha, the passage is here! You must be able to find the underground palace of the Jing clan, run!"

"You crazy man!" I almost roared out my lungs, and there was a hot breath in my throat and chest.

"There is a kind of you let me run ahead!" I yelled.

When I was going to Lei, I was asked to go to the front, when I was running away I went to the last. If it weren't for Master Tang, I would have been forgotten.

I followed Young Master Tang and just stepped into the passage. An air current instantly poured in from behind, and the violent impact made me hit Young Master Tang's back.

"Run! The explosion has started!" I adjusted my stance and shouted frantically, "The explosion will spread here!"

The passage is so narrow, there is basically no way to survive after being surrounded by the sea of fire.

Young Master Tang ran ahead, and I followed behind to chase my life, and my heels were about to hit the back of the head.

Accompanied by the shaking of the earth and the mountains, the biggest dust explosion finally began. The sea of fire poured in from the entrance of the passage, like a giant dragon, swimming out of the splendid brilliance, whizzing up and down in the passage.

When my skin felt the painful heat, it had already ran out of the new speed of life. The fire snake licked my back fiercely, and when the fire was lingering, I seemed to be dragged by the heat wave.

Fortunately, because there was no black mist in the passage beforehand, the flame waves that poured into the passage were weak afterwards, and finally dissipated after scorching the hair on the back of my head.

We stopped panting, Mr. Gu and the others stopped not far in front to rest.

"I... Fuck, this time I really escaped from the dead." The big man ran in the second one, panting like a cow.

"Okay, let's take a break for five minutes and set off. I think I can reach the Jing Clan Underground Palace along this passage." Mr. Gu said with a tired expression.

"This is a divine way." Old Chen's complexion was very dark, his face was dark, and he didn't know where to put the dust on, but he still bent over and looked at the wall carefully. He was very fascinated by the study of antiquities. Flashlight.

"Look at this pattern, it's the scene of the Jing people offering sacrifices." He pointed to the mural and said slowly.

"Shinto? How can there be Shinto here? Isn't Shinto only found in ancient tombs?"

Old Chen reluctantly looked back at the big man and said softly: "Didn't you say that this is the reincarnation place of the King of the Clan. After the king of the Clan is dead, he will be placed here, to some extent. , This is the tomb of the kings of the Yan clan in the past dynasties, which is also the tomb of the kings."

The big man sneered: "What's the place of reincarnation? The corpse of the king of the scorpion is not there yet, and I haven't seen it come back to life. He played a trick to scare people.

Young Master Tang suddenly said: "Do you really not know?"

"What?" The big man didn't expect Young Master Tang to talk to him, because Young Master Tang rarely communicates with him.

"The Shao Clan has lived here for so many years. There is definitely more than one Shao Clan king. If all the Shao Clan kings were buried here after their deaths, why is there only one corpse here?"

The big man scratched his head, looked at Mr. Gu, and said nothing. (End of this chapter)