The Longevity Project

Chapter 45: Something is in the building (1)


"Fuck! Why does he run faster and faster!" I was as tired as a dog.

Gu Tang didn't speak behind me, but suddenly bent down and lifted me up. My body rose into the air at once, making my hair stand up in fright.

"Fuck! What are you doing! Running like this is not looking for death!"

Gu Tang slapped me on the waist, "Don't waste your energy by screaming, run faster like this."

Indeed, I found that Gu Tang and Chongyang's physical strength were about the same, and I was still fast with my back, which was much faster than the fastest speed I could run by myself.

Suddenly, I was moved a little bit, he could just leave me running first.

"Thank you." I said.

He slapped me again, still in the same position as before, "Say don't scream."

The thing behind him, which was suspected to be the King of the Clan, began to chase us at a constant speed.

What the hell is this? Is it true that, as we guessed, this is the place where the king of the shao tribe is resurrected, and the king of the shao tribe has never died

Unlike Chongyang who carried me, Gu Tang carried my head forward, and the angle was more comfortable, so as not to twist my stomach.

I gave Gu Tang a flashlight, but he didn't know where he flung the flashlight.

The dim beam of light swayed around, the ancient portraits on the murals flashed by, and the obscure and ancient pictures passed by.

The powerful footsteps always follow us behind.

I don't know when it started, and the forks began to appear in the four weeks. At the beginning, I tried to remember the path we took, but then I basically gave up.

The place gradually became as complicated as the maze, and the two of them were dizzy and didn't know where to go.

And the sound of footsteps that always followed him began to slow down, and it seemed to be affected.

The terrain began to descend, and several times there were slopes with great drops, some almost to the point of vertical.

Gu Tang's speed did not decrease, and the dark scene flashed away in front of me, leaving only the rumbling heart beating in his ears, Gu Tang's unsteady breathing, and the sound of footsteps.

"Do you think we have the feeling of running away from the temple?" I turned my head and shook my throat in Gu Tang's ear.

"I haven't played," he said.

"Tsk, I will show you some fun in the future."

"Good," he said.

I wanted to be talking, but Gu Tang suddenly stopped.

The expression on my face also solidified.

I don't know when, the footsteps behind me gradually disappeared, and after a period of silence, it suddenly rang in front of us.

The maze-like terrain here made the fugitive fugitive run in front of the pursuer. Under the dim light in my hand, at the corner in front of us, a figure slowly walked out.

The sound of the impact of the iron piece was clearer than ever before, right on the person, the black armor, the hanging iron piece, accompanied by the sound of calm footsteps, the armor ding dong.

The king of the shaman clan.

He almost stiffly walked out of the corner and appeared in front of us. In that moment, we lost our best chance to escape.

Just like all the weak are suddenly exposed to the strong, we remain rigid and still uncontrollably, thinking that he will not find us, and he has the initiative to attack.

The king of the Suzu clan is covered with a hideous mask, and a slight cold light shines at the corners of the mask.

In the area of the eyes, there are two pieces of deep darkness, both hands are covered with iron armor, and the ancient giant sword is pinned to the waist, occasionally making a slight noise.

It was finally certain that this was the King of the Clan that we began to encounter on the high platform, the King of the Clan that should have been wiped out in the explosion, just appeared here and walked slowly.

The sound of footsteps shook in this small space, and the burly figure, carrying hundreds of years of dust, with the vicissitudes of warfare, approached the two of us who had broken in.

I was carried on my shoulders by Gu Tang, and the two of them suppressed their breathing, staring at the figure close at hand.

The space was completely quiet, and only the slow footsteps of the King of the Clan were left. (End of this chapter)