The Longevity Project

Chapter 46: Something is in the building (2)


Step by step, he came to us with stagnation and stiffness.

The king of the Jing family didn't seem to see us, but we were right in front of him, and he was there, silently silent.

I saw Gu Tang squeezed his fist and was ready to do it at any time, but still pinned the greater hope that he would not find us.

Finally, the left foot of the king of the Jing clan slowly lifted.

He was about to leave.

I lay on Gu Tang's shoulder in an uncomfortable posture, and the equipment bag was tied to my neck. Seeing him as if he was leaving, I was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Time passed slowly, breathing slowed down, waiting for his departure.

The King of the Shao Clan stopped the left foot he was lifting.

A hoarse voice came out from under the rust-covered mask, through the darkness, into our ears.

"Where is the thing?" he asked.

The sound seemed to be a door bolt that had not been used for many years. When it was opened after many years, the dumb sound seemed to float in this space as if dust exploded.

The king of the Shaan clan, he did not face us, but continued to face the darkness of the divine way.

However, he spoke.

"Where is the thing?" he asked again.

thing? what

A glimmer of light flashed in his mind.

I remembered Meng Qisheng, I remembered the words my grandfather left me.

"Things are in the building." Meng Qisheng said on his behalf.

And he asked: "Where is the thing."

This is by no means a coincidence. I had guessed that I was not involved in this operation by accident, but I didn't expect it to be related to that sentence.

The king of the Shao clan was still standing there, waiting quietly for our answer.

I stared at him tightly. Although his iron armor had already been rusty, it could be seen that there were faint circles and obscure patterns on it.

Just like standing on the altar before, he was silent and silent, time solidified on him, like a sculpture.

Should I answer him

In the end, I chose to be silent, and the King of the Shao Clan still stood there, and fell into a stalemate for a while.

I can feel the cold sweat starting behind my back.

Gu Tang carried me and stood there to withstand the pressure of the King of the Jing Clan, which was obviously more difficult than me.

Finally, Gu Tang spoke up.

"Things are in the building." Gu Tang's cold voice spread through this space.

My body instantly stiffened.

How would he know this sentence!

This is what my grandfather communicated to me through Meng Qisheng. How could Gu Tang know that I have a lot of thoughts for a while. Does this also mean that Gaoxia Su Mu and Mr. Gu's party are related to my grandfather

The information in the package, the incomplete diary, the past of Meng Qisheng, the underground garage, the appearance of Chongyang, all these are related to Ning's history.

Gao Xia found me, and Su Mu took me here, and was taken away by Mr. Gu and his party. They all seemed to be looking for the civilization of the Qing clan.

Something in the building.

They want to enter a certain building and take out something.

And neither Meng Qisheng nor Gao Xia wanted to bring me into this incident. Was it my grandfather's arrangement? What are they doing? Continue the longevity plan

Also, why must you find me? There are so many thoughts in my mind, but it's a mess, and I don't have a clue.

"Something is in the building." Gu Tang repeated softly again. The king of the Jing clan stood there without saying a word. After a long time, I saw sweat dripping from Gu Tang's forehead.

In the silence, time seems to see a crack, but we dare not act rashly.

Finally, the king of the Jing clan continued to lift his left foot and took a step downward. (End of this chapter)