The Longevity Project

Chapter 5: Burial alive


fire! It was still the endless black flame, and the people tumbling in the sea and flame made a silent hiss. A cruel pantomime was staged on the ground.

The meandering figure cut through the sea of fire, and the obscure singing broke the silence of the world, floating in the sky and the earth. Incomprehensible language reveals a sense of desolation.

The figure seemed to notice Meng Qisheng and turned to swim towards him. The fire became more fierce as he passed by, and the struggling people turned to ashes.

As the figure approaches, Meng Qisheng's heart is full of horror. He wants to evade, but he can't move. Seeing that figure getting closer and closer, it was... Wet Jiao, but with Adi's face!

Meng Qi woke up vigorously and was soaked. This was the second time he had had this dream.

The last time was when they were still at sea, before the fishing boat and Adi disappeared.

Thinking of Ah Di, Meng Qisheng's heart was filled with an incomprehensible meaning.

Is it liberation? Is it heartache? Meng Qisheng couldn't figure out what other emotions were.

He straightened his mind, looked around, and found that he was no longer in the quarantined room.

It was dark all around, and only a short candle was placed not far away, emitting a faint light, illuminating a small area, and the fire was swaying, seeming to be extinguished at any time. The fire was erratic, like a ghost.

Sitting on the bumpy ground, with his back leaning on the damp soil, the muddy air was filled with the smell of mud and the smell of saltpetre, which made people uncomfortable.

He staggered to his feet, "Anyone?"

The three words were layered on top of each other in this narrow dark space and shook apart. There was no response, except for the echo, only Meng Qisheng's breathing quickly.

In the surrounding darkness, there seemed to be countless karma ghosts from the netherworld, shadowy, whispering, and seemed ready to extinguish the candle at any time, eroding the last light of this dark kingdom.

If a ghost hurts someone, turn off its light first.

He felt a lot of pain all over his body, especially his left hand, and bursts of empty pain stimulated Meng Qisheng's weak nerves.

"My fingers!" After sensing something, Meng Qisheng wailed, and the screams seemed dull and lonely in this dark space.

The only candle glowed faintly. He tremblingly approached the little yellow halo, and finally saw clearly-his left hand only had his thumb and index finger.

In addition, where the three fingers should have grown, only a piece of flesh and blood remained, which seemed to be formed by being hit by a heavy object.

The wound has stopped bleeding, but it hasn't formed a scab. Obviously, this is a wound formed not long ago.

Meng Qisheng screamed and fainted.

After a long time, he woke up leisurely and stood up again.

"It would be nice to sleep forever like this, like A Di." He thought.

When he figured it out, the candle was about to burn out. Only a small pool of liquid wax remained, dying to be there.

Meng Qisheng moved his attention away from his painful left hand as much as possible, and began to look at this space by candlelight.

The most noticeable thing is the red table where the candles are placed—he just glanced at it when he woke up earlier, and didn't take a closer look. He always subconsciously used it as a table.

When he looked at it carefully at this moment, Meng Qisheng recognized it at a glance—it was a coffin.

A big red coffin.

It was the coffin that Di was previously lying in bed and the second uncle and three uncles of the family built the tomb for Di.

It was well known to the world that at that time the whole world knew that the Meng family's grandson-in-law was going to die.

Since the coffins are here at the moment, this is Adi's tomb, right? The one lying in this lipstick coffin should be Adi.

Meng Qisheng was also in Adi's tomb at this moment.

While thinking clearly about his situation, Meng Qisheng's heart surged with anger.

In order to exclude him as the eldest grandson, the second uncle and the third uncle went so far as to extinct humanity and buried a surviving person alive!

At this moment, the tomb should not have been closed for long, because the candle that was burned in the tomb to guide the deceased’s soul when the tomb was closed has not yet burnt out.

Meng Qisheng's second uncle and third uncle must have been afraid that he would wake up midway, so he hurriedly used gunpowder to collapse the tomb, and the flying debris broke Meng Qisheng's finger.

He stood in the dark, gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

"Their excuse to the outside world must be that their grandchildren and grandchildren contracted the disease and both died!"

Meng Qisheng's face was in the extinguished flames, and his expression was unclear, and he lowered his head thoughtfully.

"Then, Adi is here too."

He turned his head and looked at the red coffin with candles in it. I remembered what A Di looked like when he died-Zhuangruo demon.

Now, she must have her eyes open in this red coffin.

If she herself knew that she died in such a manner, she would definitely cry to death.

Beauty-loving, she once joked with Meng Qisheng that she must dress up like a bride when she dies, and then she and Meng Qisheng’s husband and wife will have the same acupuncture point and be a ghost couple.

Now the husband and wife are in the same acupoint.

It's just that one person hasn't red makeup, and one hasn't died yet.

In the rage, people were also irritable, and Meng Qisheng walked around the red coffin a few times, suddenly desperate.

"Those who can't get out..." he muttered to himself, "or else, just sleep with Adi here."

One of the husband and wife died, and the acupoint was sealed but the coffin was not sealed. On the reunion day, burn a pair of candles and seal the coffin.

Ah Di's red coffin has not yet been sealed, and the big red coffin lid is quietly closed on the coffin, as if waiting for someone to push it away.

The inner vicious demon is ready to go.

It's not bad to have the same cave and coffin with Jiefa's wife.

Meng Qisheng took a deep breath, not daring to imagine how unbearable it was in the coffin.

But then he was relieved again-the candle had already been extinguished, and he wouldn't be able to see how dirty the coffin was.

His hands pressed against the tail of the coffin that hadn't been nailed to death. Accompanied by a sour rubbing sound, a dull sound echoed in this small and dark space. But it was even more deadly, and it was creepy.

He could feel that in the darkness, the coffin body and the coffin lid were slowly separating.

A faint fishy smell permeated, mixed with the originally muddy air, and smelled even more unbearable, but it was mixed with the breath of dead fish and mud after the low tide on the beach.

This reminded Meng Qisheng of those days when he caught the wet flood at sea.

Sometimes he would regret it. If he hadn't taken over the business, he would not have fallen into such a desperate situation—

In a sealed tomb, waiting for death.

In the coffin, Meng Qisheng bent down and touched it. It was a big red forged quilt that was bulging up, with fine and dense stitches tracing the tip of his intact right finger.

On it, maybe it is embroidered with mandarin ducks or white-faced Buddha, but most likely it is embroidered with a double-sided flower.

The flower of the other bank, the flower blooms the other bank.

Longer than Youming, put in Huangquan.

The flower surface is scarlet like blood, and the flower branches are staggered and enchanting.

The red face seemed to be smiling, like a demon and evil body.

Meng Qisheng knew that the bulged shape, the swollen human figure that was twisted and twisted, Adi was right below, with her eyes closed, or... with her eyes open

He then fumbled down in the dark.

At the end of the coffin is a set of leather bagging knives.

This is A Di's only funeral object besides Meng Qisheng, and it is also A Di's favorite set of objects during his lifetime.

It was when Meng Qisheng came to get married, he just returned from business, and there was no suitable meeting gift at hand, so he brought such a set of Western knives to send.

I don’t see a fiancee giving knives, but Adi likes it very much.

I once joked that I don't want other funerals in the Meng family after death, just this set of knives.

Meng Qisheng, who was so young and energetic at the time, laughed and scolded me, saying how incompetent Meng Qisheng would leave my daughter-in-law to be buried with knives.

At this moment, it has become true.

He drew out one of the knives. Although he couldn't see it, he could still feel that the knife was cold and sharp under the care of Adi.

"Meng Qisheng, you are really incapable... The funeral items are so shabby..."

He muttered to the raised knife in his hand.

"You have become like this now. The two old immortals in the family must be celebrating that their damned nephew is finally gone!"

Meng Qi plunged the knife into the ground vigorously, and the pain of tearing the wound on his left hand with excessive movement reminded him all the time that he could not just die like this.

"I want to go out! Don't let those two old men proud!"

He roared: "I want to go out!"

In the dark space, Meng Qisheng cried and laughed, as if mad.

I don't know how long he had passed before he finally settled down, panting loudly in the darkness.

Meng Qisheng began to dig the tomb. He wants to dig out.

After digging for a long time, he held a sword, but he was not a god general in the heavenly palace, but a demon who wanted to escape from hell.

He looks numb, moves mechanically, he is digging in the dirt frantically. Not long after the tomb passage was bombed, the soil was still very soft.

"I can still go out! I will definitely be able to go out!"

Meng Qisheng repeated these words frantically. He was afraid that once he stopped, he would lose the motivation to persevere.

In the netherworld, only the god Meng Qisheng muttered to prove that he was still alive, not a ghost with a walking dead.

I don't know how long I have been digging, maybe one hour, maybe two hours, maybe longer.

A piece of loose earth and rock fell and hit Meng Qisheng's head. Finally, he fainted.

The severe headache quickly awakened him again.

What followed was the pain caused by the re-opening of the left hand wound during excavation.

There was also an overwhelming sense of hunger that eroded Meng Qisheng's nerves.

Meng Qisheng knew that he had to eat, otherwise, he could not go out alive.

The sword in his hand was already covered in gaps, and his body was aching all over. Meng Qisheng leaned sideways on the mud wall, exploring the new mud pile with his right hand.


Earthworms, the worms of reincarnation that extradite the souls of the dead, go up to the earth of the dead who eat the earth, and drink down the endless haunting yellow springs.

Of course, it is also an excellent food for hunger at this moment.

Finally, an earthworm was dug out from the soil by Meng Qisheng, squirming in his trembling hands, with a hint of mud in the dampness.

What an intoxicating smell to the hungry.

Gently stroked the dirt in his hands, as if it were a treasure. Putting it in the mouth, a fishy smell poured into his mouth, but it made Meng Qisheng even more excited.

The index finger moved vigorously, and the tongue produced fluid.

The taste is very similar to the hollow pasta that Meng Qisheng and A Di had eaten on the street.

Between the lips and teeth, squeeze and grind together.

Biting it into sections, the turbid liquid gushes out, and the mouth is full of salty.

Meng Qisheng felt the earthworms wriggle between his mouth. Stir the tip of the tongue and swallow into the abdomen. The clay cow enters the sea with endless aftertastes.

But this is not enough, Meng Qisheng still needs more food.

In the darkness, he fumbled for more than a dozen earthworms. After grinding them into his abdomen, Meng Qisheng touched other things under the sharp gravel in a corner.

That was Meng Qisheng's severed finger. (End of this chapter)