The Longevity Project

Chapter 50: Underground Palace (3)


In the huge crack in the mountain, a huge city appeared.

"This is the city that appeared on the wall carvings in the cave." Gu Tang said solemnly.

"Is the Jing Clan underground palace you are looking for?"


Gu Tang and I were staring at the city, cold light bullets could barely let us see what it was, but couldn't see the details at all.

Until the cold light bomb slowly fell into the city below, the space was again shrouded in nothingness, and the only light source was the moonlight above the head.

Gu Tang and I looked at each other, and both saw the shock that couldn't be removed from each other's eyes.

Before, I also imagined what the Jing Clan’s Underground Palace would look like, but I didn’t expect it would really be such a city built in the mountains.

I even suspect that time didn't have such a deep and wide crack in the mountain, which was split by the Xiao people in order to build the city.

Even though Gu Tang had long known the existence of the underground palace of the Qing clan, he was still very surprised. It seemed that the whole picture of the underground palace of the Qing clan was indeed amazing.

"What should I do now?" I asked.

Gu Tang looked at the emptiness again before his eyes, and said softly: "The king of the Shao Clan has gone down."

As he pointed at the ground, I saw that there was a white mark, and it was also the last mark left by the King of the Clan.

"He's going down." Gu Tang said: "I want to go down too. Do you really want to keep up? You have seen the previous things too, it is very likely that people will die."

I nodded, "I'll go down, my friend is still below.

Since this is the underground palace of the Jing tribe, Gaoxia and Su Mu should also be underneath. I don't know if they have merged. There is also Chongyang, with the team in Su Mu, I don't know if they have found anything related to his past.

Gu Tang and I made preparations. He took out a roll of climbing rope from his backpack. This thing was heavy and took up a large area. I tried to throw it several times, but Gu Tang stopped it.

Fortunately there is this thing now.

We are still a long way from the bottom, and the rope doesn't seem to be long enough.

Gu Tang stood there a few times and said, "Go down first, and just jump when the rope reaches the end."

"Officer Gu, calm down, what should I do if there is still a long way to go, don't fall to death." I said.

Gu Tang patted me: "Assistant Xiao Ning, the party and the people are still waiting for us, we can't back down! Besides, most of the kings of the Jing clan jumped like this."

I found that as long as this person is not with Mr. Gu, sometimes he gets along well, and occasionally makes a joke.

The two began to wear protective gear. This thing was quite heavy. I tried to throw it away several times along the way. Fortunately, it was stopped by Gu Tang.

After getting dressed, Gu Tang went down first, and I followed him. The moment the lock was buckled, my life was pinned on the rope.

Slowly sliding down under the control of my hand, I was afraid that someone who couldn't help but squatted down and killed Gu Tang.

The rope trembled slightly, and I stepped on the cliff with my feet, slowly descending.

The night wind blew across the forehead, taking away the oozing cold sweat, and breathing gradually became quicker. The rope turns uncontrollably, and the person is turning with it. In order not to knock on the cliff, I must try to buckle the cliff with my feet.

With the cracks, from the first tentacles to the later unreachable. Gu Tangkai shouted: "The rope is over, we are going to jump down!" He shouted.

"I know! How high is it?" I asked.

Gu Tang was silent for a while before saying: "I don't know, I didn't follow the flashlight to the end."

Me: "..." (End of this chapter)