The Longevity Project

Chapter 53: Falling from high altitude (2)


Gu Tang didn't make a sound. If I didn't notice that he moved, I would have thought that he was fainted by me.

After a while, he said with difficulty: "It's okay, it's hitting my stomach again... Let me slow down." He said, lying on the ground motionless.

"Do you have a grudge with your stomach?" I said, "Why are you standing under me? Didn't I say hello to you before I jumped down."

Gu Tang coughed, "Isn't this afraid of you falling to death..."

"Officer Gu, although I was skewed just now, I broke my leg at most, and I won't die."

"Assistant Xiao Ning, do you really think you are just biased?"

Is not it

"The sense of space for a person in mid-air is extremely bad. You just felt it off at the moment," he coughed, and then said, "...but I look down and you are upside down."

Is it so scary

"Are you okay? Didn't you cut off your intestines?" I felt a little guilty.

"It's okay," he said.

"Where's the kit? I remember there was trauma medicine in it."

My current situation is not so good, and Gu Tang's situation is probably not going to be better under me. "

"Under the cliff," he said.

"Then go."

"Wait first"

"what's happenin?"

"Let me take it easy," he said, lying on the ground.

I squatted and stared at the air in a daze. When Gu Tang came over, the two of them slowly walked under the cliff.

I didn't know when I rolled, but after I finished rolling, I realized that I had already rolled a long way. The junction of the city and the cliff is a steep slope.

Gu Tang's lamp was also smashed into pieces in the tumbling exercise just now, and the two of them crawled under the cliff in the dark.

"The location of this city is too unreasonable." I pulled Gu Tang's arm on my shoulder, "The terrain is low and it's easy to be flooded."

"The east side of the Hengduan Mountains has a lot of precipitation. This city must have a well-developed underground drainage system." Gu Tang thought for a while and said.

"Unexpectedly, Officer Gu, you are not only well-developed limbs, but also your mind is not simple."

Gu Tang smiled and said nothing.

He overturned my first impression of right. When I first saw him, I thought he was a gentle young man, and then I realized how powerful this human body is.

Seeing his and Mr. Gu's attitude when they got along, they looked so cold and didn't talk much. Now they are very easy-going and easy to get along with.

Bai Ye is studying Chinese medicine karate and making girlfriends while also working on psychology. What he said is that if a person's personality changes, it is because the person with whom he gets along has changed.

The person with whom he gets along has changed. Am I a well-known person

As I was thinking, the terrain under my feet suddenly changed, and I was staggered-I was already on the flat ground.

Gu Tang gave me a hand, "Where to go?" I asked.

It’s pitch black now, and there are no stars in the sky from this angle. Gu Tang and I don’t have flashlights. Except for the clothes that fell into rags, there is only one injury left. I can’t find the direction, let alone find the equipment. Pack it. We are lost in the depths of the mountain. I think I'm going to finish it.

"I will think about it." Gu Tang stood motionless.

"Do you think me and you would just starve to death in the process of searching for equipment, never see the light again and become two ghosts swimming in the dark?"

"Although it is deep in the mountain, the top of the head is still connected to the outside world. It will be bright when the sun comes out tomorrow morning."


I have basically formed an inertial thinking, and thought I was in that shinto.

"Assistant Xiao Ning, let's swim in the darkness over there." Gu Tang pulled me over. (End of this chapter)