The Longevity Project

Chapter 54: Falling from high altitude (3)


"Where is the equipment bag?" I asked, reluctantly following him.


"How can I be so sure?"

Gu Tang didn't speak, but I felt that he stared at me deeply.


He sighed, "You have to know that in this world, Lu Chi is a minority after all, so don't feel inferior."

Me: "If you can't find the equipment bag today, let me see how I hurt you."

After walking a few steps, I kicked something with my foot, and it slapped. It was dull, it was an equipment bag.

Gu Tang stooped to lift the bag, flipped it through, and pulled out another flashlight from the inside, turned it on, and handed it to me, "The last one."

"I really found it for you." I turned on the light and took a picture above my head. The inner wall of the steep mountain was invisible, and there was a black mist farther away. We should have just walked down through the black mist. .

"I have a good sense of direction."

"It's so high, did you say that the king of the Jing clan really jumped down?" I asked.

"Footprints disappeared there, they should have jumped down." Gu Tang took out something from his bag and handed it to me: "Yunnan Baiyao, spray."

I took it and shook it, sprayed a bit on the wound on my right arm, after thinking about it, sprayed a bit on the shoulder, and then the elbows, bone gills, hips, waist, forehead, tickles Nest...

"Save me some." Gu Tang said.

I almost sprayed it into a face, and I felt that all the wounds on my body were covered with medicine. Who left me with only a pair of pajamas, and I rolled down without any cushion.

I flashed a flashlight to Gu Tang and pushed up his clothes again. There was a big bruise on his back, almost black and blue, and the abdomen was almost the same.

After taking the medicine, the two rested for a while, ate a compressed biscuit, almost choked to death, and then walked down the road into the city of the Xiao people.

The ground is covered with slate, which seems to be the same material as the stone slab in the previous Shinto, and when they stepped up, they made an empty echo.

Surrounded by cramped buildings, most of the black stone walls have collapsed. Gu Tang and I just walked on the once prosperous streets. The gray cobwebs and dust were intertwined with the entire city.

"Fuck me, why are there so many cobwebs?" I said, people walking on the street, basically one foot down, and the cobwebs are going to overflow to the ankles. "Those who don't know thought it was a pansi hole.

"The climate in the Hengduan Mountains is quite suitable for spiders. In addition, it has been deep into the mountain. There will be no one inhabited for hundreds of years. There will indeed be spider silks, but there are too many spider silks here." Gu Tang walked in front of me. Tao.

I looked around the city imprisoned by gray spider silk and dust, and there was a dead silence.

"This city looks pretty big. The Shao Clan was quite prosperous back then. Why are they all dead now?"

"Why do you think that the Xiao people are all dead?" Gu Tang asked.

"I guess." Along the way, all I saw were desolate and desolate scenes, and it was easy to understand that the Xiao people were already dead.

"I don't know what happened to the Jing people. This nation seems to have been suddenly erased. There is no record of them in history." Gu Tang said.

"Then where are we going now?" I asked.

Gu Tang pointed to the distance, "Go deeper." He said, "Their goal is in the deepest place. You can definitely meet them when you go there."

Deeper, deeper, to the center of the earth, I suddenly remembered "Journey to the Center of the Earth", my heart said that we also take a trip to the center of the Earth.

This city is different from ordinary cities. The ordinary cities are built on open and flat ground, while the Jing people are built in the mountains, which also destined the entire city to be distributed in a cone.

I can feel that the streets are slanted, leaning toward the lowest point deep underground, and all buildings are built around that lowest point.

When Lao Chen relayed to us the content of the wall carvings of the Jing people, he said that it was a huge mountain crevice that was impacted by a meteorite. The people of the Jing people regarded it as a god gift, and the ancestors of the people of the Jing people crawled out from the ground. There is still a certain factual basis. (End of this chapter)