The Longevity Project

Chapter 6: Crazy


The wound on Meng Qisheng's left hand was still tingling. Always remind him—

You can't die yet, you have to go out, you have to find the second uncle and the third uncle, and you have to exhaust the grievances in your heart.

In the darkness, he shivered and held up his severed finger. At this moment, he was still hungry.

Meng Qisheng held his severed finger and fell to his knees, his eyes cracking.

After experiencing so many things, after falling into a desperate situation, for the first time, he strengthened his unwillingness-no matter what he gave, he would get back what belonged to him.

Social status, family property...

He burst into tears and muttered to himself: "I can't die, I can't die, I want to live, I want to avenge Ah Di!"

In the subconscious, he had attributed the death of A Di to his second uncle and third uncle.

In order to survive, what Meng Qisheng had to face was to eat his own severed finger in this dark space.

The body is skinned, the parents of the recipient, the legacy of the parents, how dare you give up

Then never give up!

Meng Qisheng gently wiped the dirt off his severed finger.

He could feel, in the darkness, the cold and stiff feeling of that severed finger...

Now, it must have lost its former vitality and agility.

Without the nourishment of the body, it must be pale at this moment...

Meng Qisheng trembled, kneeling in the darkness like an old man.

The look is pious, and he severed his finger at the entrance.

He tried to chew.

Meng Qisheng had eaten chicken feet before, and he felt a little greasy at the time, and he didn't like it too much.

At this moment, the taste of this severed finger is a bit similar to that of chicken feet, but it is eaten raw, without the flavor.

The taste is firmer and harder to chew, with a hint of fishy smell.

Like eating chicken feet, Meng Qisheng bit the broken finger in his mouth into small pieces along the joints.

Driven by hunger, he has fallen into a state of madness.

He bite especially hard, while tearing, sucking desperately, of course, the blood has been drained, nothing was sucked out by him.

After biting off the finger bones, then I started eating.

Human fingers are not like chicken feet, which are in contact with the ground all the year round, and the meat is thick and tender.

The human finger is more just a thin layer of subcutaneous oil covering the finger bones, making it more sticky.

But in the eyes of Meng Qisheng at this moment, although the human finger is less and greasy, it is better than nothing.

He picked out the nails from the tips of his fingers, hesitated for a moment, and put them away.

It is a part of oneself, if it escapes, it can be made into personal accessories in the future.

Put the remaining severed finger in the mouth.

Chew carefully and bite tightly.

After a while, there were only a few pieces of bones that had been warmed by Meng Qisheng.

However, this cannot be wasted.

He fumbled and found a sharp rock.

There is a saying, "Knock the bones to suck the marrow, eat the marrow to know the taste."

Somehow, when Meng Qisheng was still the young master of the Meng family, he only felt greasy and nauseous when he ate the cooked bone marrow as a tonic.

But at this moment, Meng Qisheng felt that it would be better if there were more.

He searched for a dozen more earthworms and ate them. Although he was still not full, he was still not as maddening as he was at the beginning.

Leaning against the mud wall, he rested motionless for a while, his strength recovered, and his tight nerves relaxed slightly.

A burst of tiredness struck Meng Qisheng and fell asleep.

In the darkness, he curled up in a corner, resting his head on the pile of dirt that had just been dug out.

Like a newborn baby, he slowly closed his eyes in an extremely insecure posture.

The fire was rising, and the big black snake leaped up from the sea. Against the background of the fire, that pale face looked particularly terrifying.

Reminiscent of death.

Finally, Meng Qisheng saw the whole picture clearly. This is a wet dragon, a wet dragon with an Adi face.

The wet dragon pounced on Meng Qisheng's body and slowly opened and closed the black scales on the snake body. It seemed very excited, and Meng Qisheng seemed to have become a puppet, unable to move and was at his mercy.

The wet Jiao Wuqing's lips opened, revealing a row of fine, dense, sharp teeth that are characteristic of carnivores. The cold light is awe-inspiring.

A black and cyan tongue protruded from its mouth, squirming slowly, as if a slug looking for a direction.

Finally, it was pasted on Meng Qisheng's pale lips, and it was cold and smelly.

The wet Jiao's tongue slowly pushed Meng Qisheng's lips away, and got into his mouth, stirring slowly. The cold touch continues to extend downward, the throat, the esophagus, and finally the stomach. Meng Qisheng felt the wet Jiao's tongue churning in his body.

A sharp pain awakened Meng Qisheng.

"Huh, this dream again..." He panted.

It seems that this dream and the previous two dreams are continuous.

However, he had no intention of entangled with these.

Severe colic in the abdomen at this moment is the most important thing.

The earthworms just now are not clean after all. At this moment, there is a storm in his belly.

It seemed that an awl was swallowed by him. What it brings is pain like a stomach piercing.

Meng Qisheng struggled to stand up, as if there was a foreign body about to force it out of his body, which was unbearable.

He squatted to a corner, and then, a stench filled the already muddy air.

The finished Meng Qisheng was lying next to his own excrement, and he didn't mind the stench at all. At this moment, he was almost like a mess of mud.

He is dehydrated.

This is not a big problem in the past, but at this moment, it can threaten Meng Qisheng's life.

water! I need water!

Meng Qisheng thought mixedly, "I need water, I need food, I need water, I need to live..."

Physical strength has been exhausted, and the escape route will take at least two days to be dug. but,

He couldn't hold on for a day.

In the dark tomb, Meng Qisheng ignored the peculiar smell of saltpeter, soil, and feces, and climbed to the red coffin where Di was closed again.

The red coffin was closed again by Meng Qisheng. He was afraid that if he suddenly died here, no one would reattach Adi's coffin.

In the dark tomb, leaning on Adi's coffin, he didn't know how long he had been sitting, but he remained motionless.

It has reached the point of running out of ammunition and food.

For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him. The little life force remaining in the body seems to pass little by little between breathing.

Breathing became more peaceful.

Time passed slowly, breathing slowed down.

Meng Qisheng was dizzy and dizzy. In front of him, there seemed to be ghost flags from the hell, attracting him to the hell full of endless karma.

In the darkness, there was a god of death wearing a red cloak and a big crown on his head. He walked slowly towards him, whispering in his ears, and a cold breath fell on his face.

Meng Qisheng finally laughed, he was too tired.

"It's great to leave those things alone..."

Breathing quietly, he leaned on Adi's coffin and slowly closed his eyes.

The world is silent, everything is gradually moving away, and the body is slowly lightening, just like this, it is about to die.

In an instant!

Meng Qi opened his eyes vigorously! Picture after picture flashed through his mind like thunder!

The sea is raging, the fire is raging, the body that screams and screams, the wet flood snaking forward, the silent mime, the ethereal singing, the black lips, the fine teeth, the tongue deep in the abdominal cavity.

Meng Qisheng stood up trembling, his left hand with only two fingers trembling violently.

"Wet Jiao..." He spit out two words lowly.

In the darkness, where he stood quietly, facing Adi's coffin, tears streaming down his face.

"I want to live! I want to go out! Live! Go out! Me! What do I have to do..."

He burst out suddenly, his already exhausted body seemed to be overdrawing his vitality, tearing his hair frantically.

Feeling helpless, like crazy.

"Must... what to give..."

Suddenly, he grinned. The smile was very happy, the smile was out of breath, and the smile squatted on the ground shaking violently.

"How can I die? I was so miserable, how can I die?"

It seemed that for an instant, he was no longer the person who was about to be driven mad by death.

"Adi, how can I die? Adi, you said, I can't die, you say..."

He raised his head and gently stroked the winding lines on the silent coffin.

"Adi, let's go out together... okay..." He gently pressed his face to the lid of the coffin in the dark, as if his wife was lying there, looking at him with a smile.

"I'll take you to find the second uncle and the third uncle, okay."

Speak softly and softly.

Meng Qisheng listened attentively, as if, Adi said, okay.

"Adi." It was still that whispering tone, but the expression on Meng Qisheng's face was smiling like a demon.

Slowly getting up in the dark, he knew that Adi was under the red quilt in the coffin at this moment.

"Perhaps, she is smiling, watching me through the red quilt and the coffin lid." Meng Qisheng thought.

Pushing open the red coffin again, a fishy smell drifted away.

Has it started to rot

He slowly opened the red quilt wrapped in Adi, and the stench became more intense.

Gently, in the darkness, Meng Qisheng untied Adi's corpse. Stroking the skin that was already covered with festering wounds.

Dense layers of sesame-sized granulation are distributed throughout Adi's body.

His wife died of such a strange disease.

Pull out one of the knives. This is more like a dagger, this is the smallest of this set of knives, and it is also the one that Adi usually loves, and he always plays with it in his hand.

Lifting the knife, gently rested it on Adi's already bloated upper arm. Slightly hard, the tip of the knife slowly sank in.

A smell of blood permeated.

No, Adi has been dead for a few days, the blood in his body should have stopped flowing, the deposition has solidified, and a black corpse spot is formed on the side close to the ground.

But at this moment, why is there a smell of blood

Meng Qisheng stretched out his hand and touched it, putting it in his mouth, the sticky cock smelled of rust. Obviously, this is blood that hasn't solidified yet.

The eyes are bloodthirsty.

At this moment, his soul was roaring, "Go on! Go on!" The scarlet eyes revealed fiery desire.

Yes, he is very thirsty.

Meng Qisheng no longer cares about why the blood has not solidified, nor can he care about what to do or not to do. Even if he can get out, he will forget about it at this moment.

As if something was attracting him strongly, he plunged into the coffin and threw the red bed outside.

He could hear the sound of Adi's skin being squeezed and broken by him, and pus was flowing out.

Although a fishy smell has been heard, because the decay of the corpse is generally from the inside out, Di's skin is still a little swollen to the touch.

Meng Qisheng held A Di's cut left arm, and a rotten odor rushed into the mouth.

Somewhat disgusting.

That is blood, a mixture of pus.

He didn't care about so much, as long as it was in his mouth, he swallowed it all.

In the frenzied sucking, mucus poured into Meng Qisheng's throat mixed with fleshy flesh.

The ** who was too late to swallow slipped into the clothes along the neck.

Cold and sticky.

Now that you have drunk the pre-dinner wine, let’s start the dinner...

Meng Qisheng exhaled a foul breath and grinned.

And the smell of rust is already in the mouth. (End of this chapter)