The Longevity Project

Chapter 600: The second night (5)


This is the first wave of troops on both sides. There is no experience, only fighting.

Deep in the east of the city, footsteps faintly heard. The rhythm is very slow, the sound seems to be walking on the drum surface, and the sound of beating and killing is actually inferior to the sound of footsteps.

"It's a lion roar." The Lama said lightly behind me.

Oh, one of the disguised forms of a lama, taking the role of a mage.

The man finally walked out from the depths of the city. He looked exactly like the lama, but he was much cleaner. He was wearing a red monk robe, his legs were also naked, and a faint golden light was emitted from his body. Lion Roar folded his hands together, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at the enemy and us who were fighting on the bridge.

"What are his skills?" I asked the lama behind me, "Could it be a Buddhist lion roar?"

The lama said: "Almost."

"It's almost the difference..."

Before he finished speaking, Lion Roar opened his lips, as if saying a broken word or saying something, and saw a wave that was almost visible to the naked eye toward the Bon believers. Time seemed to stop for a moment, and at this moment, I heard the roar of the lion.

In the next instant, flesh and blood flew across, and the Bon believers on the bridge were torn apart, mixed with the bodies of other people, and it was impossible to see from which side they believed in the gods.

The Lamaists cheered together, their eyes were red, and they looked mad, "Master Lion Roar—Master Lion Roar—"

The lama said lightly behind me: "Do you know what the power of faith is?"


He pointed to the lion's roar, and the golden light was even more conspicuous because of the cheers of the Lamaists: "This is the power of faith."

I know, the power of faith is the experience bonus after killing the creeps. This thing can improve the ability, that is to say, the roar is now stronger.

"In addition, I regret to remind you." Lama said lightly, "None of your three skills seem to be lethal. It is not difficult for Yi Xing and Di Renjie to keep the top lane, but your mid lane is dangerous."

I thought nervously. What I control is Arthur's silence, Chongyang is the displacement of Han Xin, and Fang Jinyue is the resurrection of Taiyi. It's really useless.

"Then what to do?"

"Keep the tower." Chongyang said.

At this time, the Lamaism believers have rushed into the attack range of the first tower in our middle road. The tower can only attack one target at a time, and the lion roar follows closely. —"

The lion roar sounded, and the tower collapsed in a corner. Seeing this posture, the first tower simply couldn't stand a few roars and had to be demolished. "How long is the cooling time of his lion roar?" I asked the lama.

"Cool down every five minutes, you can yell twice at a time, and wait for it to cool down after two."

In other words, Lion's Roar has entered the skill cooldown time now, and I see him, as expected, he has slowly retreated to the other side of the river in the chaos.

As for the Lamaism believers who rushed into the attack range of the tower, under the attack of the Bon believers and the tower, they didn't support it for long. In a blink of an eye, their bodies were all over the field. But more people gathered across the river at the same time.

"Do you want to chase it?" Fang Jinyue asked.

"The lion roar has just taken the lead. Now our people can't get into the attack range of the opposite tower to resist damage, so the first thing we should do is to kill."


"Using skills to kill the Lamaists, and then let the Bon people fight the tower, we order the tower."

"This… "

Fang Jinyue hesitated, "I can't do it at all."

That's right, not only Fang Jinyue, but Chongyang and I also have difficulty starting. After all, killing one person and killing a group of people, having to kill and planning to kill, feels different. "

"It seems that only Di Renjie and Yi Xing can do it." I said.

The two of them are our output, and there is definitely no sense of guilt as an npc, and if the three of us don't do it, the sense of guilt will naturally be weaker.

"You and Fang Jinyue hold the middle road and drag the lion roar. Fang Jinyue's resurrection and your displacement should be able to delay for a while." I said to Chongyang.

"What about you?" Fang Jinyue asked.

"I'm going to help up and down the road, let them solve the opponent as soon as possible."

"It's a way." Chongyang nodded.

I looked at Fang Jinyue and Chongyang: "Then it must be held back."

I looked down the road. There was a large dense residential area in the middle. I walked through the rugged alleys. I thought about it and felt that Di Renjie’s injury was higher. Of course, I should help Di Renjie first.

The lama followed me lightly, "Why are you following me?"

He smiled, "Of course I am following you. What do the two of them mean."

The two headed down the road. These houses are built with irregular stones, and a large part of them are mud walls. Many of them are already dilapidated, but the Bon flags are hung in front of every house.

Their living resources are quite scarce, including houses, so even the streets for people to travel are compressed to the width of one person. Sometimes I look at the street right in front of me, but I still have to detour a long way. To.

Along the way, I saw a lot of people, including men with knives, women crying, and children aimlessly walking up the streets.

I have no interest in talking with them, not because I don't want to, but I dare not. Because I don't want these people's sense of reality to become stronger and stronger, no matter from a direct or indirect perspective, I am the one who wants to kill them.

When I walked around a street like a headless fly for a long time and couldn’t find the way I wanted to go, a child hiding behind the door poked his head out, “You’re the one who came out of the temple. ?"

I looked at him with a sense of absurdity that filled my heart. This was clearly an ancient Tibetan child who couldn't even eat enough to eat, but he spoke standard and fluent Mandarin. Even so magical, he is real and real before my eyes. In any case, I can't regard this person as illusion.


His eyes lit up, "Are you really a fairy? I'm so hungry."

I sighed, bent down, and beckoned to him, "Are you home alone?"

"My dad went out. He just said that the gods had come out of the temple."

"What is he going to do?" I asked.

The Tibetan child stood by my side, raised his head, "He said he would follow the gods to grab food."

"Over there?" I pointed in the direction of the east of the city, and the screams over there came one after another, and the sound of killing came after another.

"Yes, my dad is the best. He was the first to go there. He will definitely grab me some food and come back." The child said.

I was speechless for a while. Looking back at the Lama, he stared coldly at this side, and when I saw me looking at him, he just grinned sarcastically.

I searched for it, and the backpack was in the temple. There was only half a biscuit left on me. "Your father wanted me to bring you." I said.

The child took it and blushed with excitement, "Is this what the gods eat?"

I nodded, then he hesitated again, "have my father eaten yet?"

"I've eaten it. You see, this half is what he left after eating."

The child carefully divided the night into two pieces, looked at me, and saw that I had nothing to say, so he wrapped one of them and put it in the flap of his clothes, while the other piece was bitten and eaten, "Where are you going, god?" he asked I.

"I'm going there."

"I'm the most familiar with the road here, I'll take you there."

I smiled bitterly, "Okay."

"As long as the gods can lead us to defeat them, we can do anything."

He ate the biscuits and seemed to have recovered some strength. He bounced around in front of me, sensitively leading us around the alleys, finding a way where I thought there was no way. Soon, we finally walked to the main street of Bottom Road. From a distance, I saw the end of the street, next to the river, and on the bridge, with corpses piled up and blood flowing into a river.

"Are you going back?" I stepped forward, blocking the child's view.

He wiped his mouth covered with biscuit crumbs, and his eyes went around me to scoop over there: ";My dad is here."

The lama sneered.

I sighed, "You are not allowed to walk around, just hide here and wait for me."

The child nodded, squatted on the spot and hugged his knees, but his eyes couldn't help looking forward.

I followed his gaze and looked over there, Di Renjie and another lama in a red robe. (End of this chapter)