The Longevity Project

Chapter 602: The second night (7)


Looking at his tragic situation, I didn't feel too uncomfortable. After all, I knew that this was a character in the game. As I struggled to get up from the ground, I thought to myself that if I could go back this time, I would definitely buy some skins for Di Renjie.

The lion's foot almost broke my chest. I can feel the pain every time I move. I found a place to rest for a while. At this time, the believers of the Bon and Lamaism were fighting together again. It was still the kind of close-knit melee without technical content. This extremely cruel method of cannibalism, after a long time. One would feel that human beings seem to be a collection of all darkness, and the meaning of human civilization is really not great.

I withdrew my gaze in time, restrained my thoughts and don't think about the ones that I have, because there are more important things to do at this time. I felt the condition of my body and recovered quickly. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to recover so quickly. Now my physique should have been strengthened to a certain extent. The top road has reached a deadlock, just one change of two, now there are only the mages dragged in the middle and the fighters dragged on the top road. There is no need for me to worry about the bottom road.

Looking back, as expected, the lama was still standing behind him blankly, his feet in the blood water, unconsciously. "Thank you for reminding me just now." I said.

He sneered, "You can do it without me reminding you, and it's useless to remind people who can't."

After walking a few steps back with him, I suddenly remembered, where is the kid who led us

When I turned around, I saw him standing on the street where the body was covered with blood, with a severed hand in his hand, crying there.

I saw that the severed hand was broken by someone with a blunt tool, and the fractured part was so broken. The owner of this hand must have suffered a lot. That hand was ordinary, as skinny as everyone I just saw. The nails had been broken piece by piece due to dragging on the ground.

I may know what is special about this hand for this little child. I may not know. After all, sorrow and happiness are not the same. I dare not know, so I sighed, "Let's go." I said.

The Lama smiled and said, "I don't care about him?"

I didn't answer, just walked forward.

Sooner or later, there will be a difference, and the deeper the intersection, the more difficult it will be to leave. At least until this moment, I have not done anything to be sorry for him. At this time, it is the best choice to go.

When we returned to the middle road, the first tower on our Fangzhong Road had been pushed down by the lion roar. Chongyang and Fang Jinyue still huddled under the tower. After the lion roar killed the Bon believers, it relied on the Lamaism believers to fight the tower, and then ordered them by themselves. tower.

I told the two of the situation on the road. It was a good situation. Although Di Renjie sacrificed, the two opponents were also taken away. This way, our advantage will be even greater, "Can you still defend one?" Asked, "I'll go to the next road to help Yixing."

Chongyang said: "Neither Fang Jinyue nor I have any offensive power. We can move and resurrect one by one. There is nothing we can do with him."

I am also a little sad. If I stay here, silence can cause some interference to Lion's Roar and let Fang Jinyue go down. Fang Jinyue’s resurrection skills can increase Yixing’s laning advantage, and see if I can quickly solve the opponent. .

I told the two of them about the adjustment plan. Fang Jinyue’s eyes lit up, and he seemed to be very interested in finding Yi Xing two alone, but then his expression changed, and his expression dimmed. I followed his gaze, and it turned out to be Yi Xing has already stepped down from the road.

"How come here?" I said.

"Solved." Yi Xing said lightly.

So easy

"On the opposite side is a soldier with short hands. My hands are long. He can't regain his blood. I was consumed to death.

This is very surprising, this game is too simple, it is not like the difficulty of the final task, is it possible to burst a big boss or something? I looked back at the lama, and he said: "Resolve the roar, you can push the crystal."

I see him look calm, and feel weird in his heart. This game is so troublesome, so many people have died, so it ended so easily? Show me this when I take off my pants

Another round of fighting began. At this time, the believers on both sides were already stepping on the corpses of their predecessors and walking forward. One after another mutilated corpses floated on the river, following the slow flow of the river downstream. But the downstream exit seemed to be blocked, and the corpses gathered on the water like moored ships.

The lion roar still used the same trick again. One lion roar smashed the believers, and the second lion roar was used to point the tower, but at this time, I had already skillfully mixed in the fighting crowd and approached him. The silence was activated instantly, and the knife in my hand was directly activated. Stabbed into the chest of Lion's Roar, the next instant, the figure of Lion's Roar appeared ten meters away, it should be a displacement skill.

However, Yi Xing had already prepared. The black and white chess pieces fell out of thin air, attracting each other. The center of the chess piece was where the lion roar was. The twins collided and burst, and the lion roar spit out a mouthful of blood. His footsteps were a little slow, but he was still retreating in the direction of the local tower.

Yi Xing pressed forward every step of the way, pinged out a black exercise, and infiltrated the body of Lion's Roar. At the same time, the second pair of pawns fell and was blasted at the roar of the lion, and his movement speed was reduced again.

Yi Xing still chased forward, and at the same time tied the damage.

Soon, the third pair of pawns fell, and I secretly sighed, is this the advantage of the strange hand

At this time, Lion's Roar has entered the tower, and Yixing's skills are finally exhausted, and he needs to wait for the skills to cool down. He continued to chase, ignoring the damage of the opponent's tower, and stepped directly into the attack range of the defensive tower.

The defensive artillery bombarded Yi Xing directly. Yi Xing spit out a mouthful of blood. He was still chasing after him. He placed a white son on the side of the lion roar. He was waiting for the sunspot to cool down. At this time, the defense tower fired his artillery to face However, Yi Xing took a forcibly and passively triggered to offset the fatal damage. Yi Xing is still chasing forward, Sunspot cools down, falls, explodes, flat a.

With the third artillery, Yi Xing had absolutely no possibility of surviving, but I felt that before my eyes = Yihua, Chongyang grabbed Fang Jinyue and moved into the tower. By the way, displacement plus resurrection.

When the artillery fell, Yi Xing was torn apart.

Fang Jinyue said solemnly: "Resurrected from the dead."

He suddenly turned pale, and his eyes showed extreme annoyance.

The lama said lightly behind me: "Major Taiyi's big move can only take effect before he dies."

I was silent for a while.

Chongyang grabbed Fang Jinyue and moved out of the tower. Fang Jinyue sat down on the bloody ground, "I killed him. I made such a low-level mistake, and I made such a low-level mistake."

"Okay." I grabbed him from the ground. "Their heroes can be resurrected from spring water. What annoyance is there. Going back and saving Yixing several times in the game."

Fang Jinyue glanced at me blankly, and finally nodded.

I turned my head to look at the lama, "How about, we won."

The lama said blankly: "You don't have leg crystals yet."

I gritted my teeth. Although all the heroes on the opposite side have died, the followers of the Lamaism seem to be even more crazy, and they are still fighting endlessly with the followers of the Bon religion.

"Can't you stop?" I said.

The Lama smiled faintly: "They are pawns who cross the river and can't stop. You should think about how to push and kill people faster."

But I am not like a murderer, this is a slaughter.

I frowned, "Let's go to the road to see, Yi Xing on the road has played an advantage, the advantage of the small soldiers is cumulative, maybe it is almost completed now."

Chongyang nodded, obviously neither he nor Fang Jinyue wanted to kill.

The lama sneered, "You are so hypocritical."

"what's happenin?"

"Even if you didn't make a big effort, these people are still dead, and your so-called benevolence is just sitting and watching their death, prolonging the pain of their death, and then benefiting from their death, and you think your hands are clean and you have a clear conscience."

I was speechless. What the lama said does not mean that I don't know. Of course I know the nature of what I do, but I don't know how to refute it. In the end, just keep going, "The Virgin is better than the butcher."

When I used to watch movies and read novels, I was most annoying to the Virgin, but sometimes, the appearance of the Virgin may have some involuntary reasons. (End of this chapter)