The Longevity Project

Chapter 603: The second night (8)


Unsurprisingly, Yi Xing had indeed gained an advantage before leaving the road. When we arrived on the road, the second tower on the road had already been pushed down by the Bon believers, but along the way, the bodies of the believers of both sides were filled.

Before our arrival, every advance of the Bon believers was actually an extremely strong belief in the great. Often after a round of fighting, only a few people of the Bon religion can survive, and then these remaining people will rush into the tower's large attack range with blood and corpses without turning their heads, and finally be able to withstand the gunfire. Only one or two people rushed to the bottom of the tower, and finally used their lives to cause slight damage to the almost unshakable tower.

After we arrived, we stood behind the crazy group of people, silently watching them fight all the way, slowly advancing to each other’s high ground, until all the Lamaism believers fell and the surviving Bon believers entered the tower, the three of us would enter the tower. , It’s up to me to cause damage to the tower.

In fact, no matter whether we act or not, people on both sides will die. It's just that we die early or late. Even if we act on the Lama, their pain will be even shorter.

The Virgin seems to have no blood on her hands, but she still benefits from the blood. But for us, what can be done.

Finally, the enemy's high ground was breached by us. The tall Lamaism temple appeared before our eyes.

I looked back, the lama was still there, "Is there any danger?" I asked him.

The lama said: "Maybe there, maybe not."

I glanced at him suspiciously, and the feeling of anxiety in my heart became stronger. It's so easy. It's so easy to walk here all the way. The lama has worked hard to arrange all of this. Is it because he is here to release the water

The temple stands tall. Its structure is not the typical Lama temple structure in Tibet. Instead, it has a weird style that mixes Gothic architecture and Central Plains architecture. This style often exists in brain-opening games and In movies, it generally does not exist in reality.

The temple was quite quiet, and after walking in, the tall dome made us hardly see what was in the darkness above our heads.

In front of me was a long hall paved with jade, and it was dark all around, and there was nothing I could see. I turned my head subconsciously, and saw the lama still behind me expressionless

I said to Chongyang: "Be careful, there must be something wrong here."

Fang Jinyue shivered and moved closer, "I'm afraid of the dark."

I was scared before, but now I am not so scared of the dark. "Have you never been to a haunted house with a female classmate before?"

"I've played Escape Room, but I know it's fake, so I'm not afraid."

I smiled, "Isn't it fake now?"

Fang Jinyue thought for a while, "Something makes sense."

It's a bit reasonable, although the world is fake, but the terrible things actually exist. I can fool Fang Jinyue to stabilize the army, but I can't fool myself. I elbow Chongyang to signal to be careful.

The three of them moved forward slowly, their footsteps empty. Suddenly a ray of fire lit up in the darkness.

Before I could react, the ray of fire was like a fuse. The flames in the depths of the darkness lit up like a fire dragon. The fire dragon hovered up, illuminating the darkness on the dome, and engulfing the three people in its grandeur Under his body.

In an instant, the temple was brightly lit.

Under the lights, there are statues of Lamaism entrenched on both sides.

Numerous idols with beards and hairs were spreading, and King Kong's angry eyes generally stood on both sides of the main hall, and they continued to extend to the top of the dome. The taller the idol, the larger its body and the calmer its expression.

The four of them walked forward slowly. These gods could not move a single moment, but their eyes seemed to be staring at us who were walking forward.

Under the suppression of such a religious atmosphere, a person’s life seems extremely small, just wanting to lay down everything and kneel at the feet of gods and Buddhas, and even the desire to speak is infinitely close to zero. I know that this state is not right, just He asked the lama behind him: "Does any of these Buddha statues have anything to say?"

The Lama said indifferently: "What can be said, anyway, it's just some bodhisattva vajra or something."

I have to doubt whether he is a Lamaist or not. When talking about his own affairs, he often feels a little bit cynical, but when I think about it, this attitude is not abrupt. After all, distance produces beauty. People of Lamaism, on the contrary, do not have superstitious worship of religion. In Buddhist terminology, this is also called great freedom

As I walked forward, I thought a little bit.

As a result, the lama took the initiative to explain later: "A total of 416 bodhisattvas are enshrined here, and there are 1,461 mandalas in the Vajra realm.

"Do you know all these Vajra Bodhisattvas?" I'm very curious. How do you remember so many gods and goddesses? No wonder monotheism spreads more widely than polytheism. After all, a single god is best remembered.

The lama said casually: "They are all old acquaintances, what do you do not know."

"I won't suddenly come out alive later?" I asked.

The Lama smiled weirdly: "Guess."

I guess what I guess, most of them are there.

The hall is very deep. After the shock after the fire suddenly lit up at the very beginning, I felt a little aesthetic fatigue in the back, just like visiting a painting exhibition. When I walked to the back, I just glanced at it and left, unless I was very concerned about related fields. Interested people can resist this fatigue. Now if an expert who is very interested in Tibetan Buddhism comes, I am afraid I will want to live.

I was bored and walked for a while, his vigilance hadn't relaxed yet, but his gaze would not stay too much on the idol.

The lama suddenly took the initiative to speak behind him, pointing to a statue of God and introducing: "This one is King Samantabhadra."

The three of them glanced in the direction he was pointing, and couldn't see any special features worth introducing, and then they all made a respectful appearance and waited for the lama to continue to explain.

The lama glanced at us: "What's the matter?"

"What happened to this King Samantabhadra?"

"Just give you a mouthful." Lama said.

I don't give up, looking back, there is really nothing special.

The lama had already taken care of himself and continued to move forward, and the three of them followed in his footsteps, "This is the Vajra Bodhisattva."

"This Vajrayhand Bodhisattva..." I thought for a while, "What does it have to do with the Vajra legs?"

"It doesn't matter."


The lama still didn't explain why he introduced the Vajrayana Bodhisattva to us. I still looked at it a few more times, but didn't find any special features.

Walked a few steps forward, "This one is Guanyin Bodhisattva."

"I'm familiar with Guanyin Bodhisattva!" I said, looking in the direction of the lama, good fellow, what a Guanyin Bodhisattva with blowing beard, staring, bare chest and abdomen.

The Lama said: "The Guanyin Bodhisattva is originally a man. I am afraid I will disappoint you if you want to see beautiful women."

I whispered, what beauty to see, can't I see Chongyang? He patted Chongyang’s butt smoothly, and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

"Wait." I suddenly took a few steps back, "Why is this place empty?"

The lama gave me a light look, "Why can't it be empty."

"It's too conspicuous. Okay, there is obviously a Buddha statue here, but there is nothing."

The Lama smiled faintly: "Isn't it right in front of you?"

Not right in front of me... I suddenly raised my head and looked at him. This man came in a strange way for sure, but I didn’t think about his identity in the Bodhisattva Vajrayana. After all, his tattered appearance is nothing. It's not divine, but after another thought, doesn't Buddhism like to do this kind of beggar's disguise? ** Guanyin all dressed up as beggars to test Tang Xuanzang, "I don't know the name of this bodhisattva?"

The Lama rolled his eyes, "Guess it yourself."

I thought for a while, and tentatively asked, "Could it be, Master Padmasambhava?"

After all, Padmasambhava has a lofty status in Tibetan Buddhism, and it is reasonable to place such a high ranking.

"Smart." Lama said lightly.

He acquiesced.

I tentatively asked, "But how did you become a living person from a wooden fetal clay sculpture?"

"Who told you that I left this temple? I think the rank they gave me is too low. I smashed my idol."

Good guy, this is still an unruly old man.

"Don't think about things, it's almost here." Liansheng said lightly.

At this time, I hadn't been relieved from the shock of Padmasambhava's sudden appearance in front of me, and I was shocked by the huge Buddha statue that suddenly rushed into my eyes.

He stood in the temple with the dome above his head, looking down at us, and we can only see his distant chin and the huge hang when we raise our heads.

"Why don't you wear clothes for this thing?" I stammered.

Padmasambhava looked away from the huge cock in the sky, "because he was not clothed when he was found." (End of this chapter)