The Longevity Project

Chapter 604: The second night (9)


I also lowered my head, this thing is too spicy.

At the same time, I am also thinking about the special features of this last idol. It is not only big, it is not just that he does not wear clothes, but his realistic style.

Oriental-style works of art, whether they are paintings or sculptures, are not based on realism as the primary purpose. For the depicted objects, they tend to greatly magnify their characteristics and give them more artistic expression.

Just like the thousands of idols I have seen along the way, although I can't appreciate their artistic tension, I know that they are in the normal category. And this last one is obviously too realistic. To that big bird, the realism is too much.

"This is the Great Sun Tathagata." Liansheng said lightly.

"Da Ri Tathagata?" I was shocked. "When I read Journey to the West, why didn't I know that Da Ri Tathagata has so many leg hairs on his legs?"

"This is the original appearance of Dainichi Tathagata." Padmasambhava said: "In Buddhism, Dainichi Tathagata represents absolute truth, that is, the embodiment of truth."

I sighed: "It turns out that truth does not wear clothes."

"Look carefully, maybe you still know this great statue of Tathagata like you."

I still know? No matter how great my Ning Chuan is, I can't recognize who this person is just by relying on two hairy legs and a big cock. I don't want to be innocent.

Seeing my disagreeable expression, Padmasambhava just smiled slightly, "If you can't recognize it, maybe the crystal can't be pushed off."

I raised my head and took a closer look. I really can't think of whose legs and dicks look like this in my mind, "Chongyang, isn't it yours?"

Chongyang ignores me, and that's right, if Chongyang's I can't recognize it? Three walks towards the high platform where the giant idol stands.

A total of two high platforms were built in the main hall. One foot stepped on one high platform. We leaned over to the left foot to see that the high platform had sunk slightly, indicating that the idol was not a hollow shell.

I leaned over and looked at the heel carefully: "What kind of material is this?"

"Is it jade?" Chongyang was also a little puzzled. The three people felt around their big feet. When they looked at it from a distance, the idols were quite realistic, but when they looked closer, they could see that the workmanship was not particularly delicate, at least There are no traces of pores or skin texture.

Padmasambhava stood at a distance and watched us study without speaking. I asked Chongyang and Fang Jinyue in a low voice: "Think about whether anyone's dick looks like his dick."

Fang Jinyue stammered: "I only know that mine is different from his."

Chongyang also shook his head.

I squatted down next to the big fingernails with a frown. It would be nice if I could stand a little higher and look at his face, but Lotus Sheng did not intend to let us see his face. He was either making things difficult for us, or just watching him. Come, you can recognize who this is without looking at the face.

If you don’t look at your face, it’s nonsense to recognize a person with your legs and cock alone. If the characteristics are so obvious, you can add a big eagle photo to the photo on your ID card.

Could it be other characteristics besides that

Toenail cover? instep

It's not right, I'm in a misunderstanding, and I should learn from Gu Tang and change my mind.

What if the hints given by the idols are not physical characteristics

In this way, it is not "recognized" based on physical characteristics, but "speculated" based on other characteristics.

Guessed it out...

The most notable feature I can see now is that it is big. The statue of this god is so big that I can't see his upper body clearly.

The second is realism. From a distance, the proportions and details of the body are similar to those of real people, and are completely different from other gods in the temple.

As for the three... It should be the word Padmasambhava just reminded me that Dainichi Tathagata is the embodiment of reason, that is, the embodiment of truth.

I stood up and suddenly realized. In fact, as long as you move your mind away from the big cock, the identity of this statue is easy to guess, because his characteristics are so similar to those of a person we met before.

No, I don't know if it's a human being, because it's a glimpse of the ground.

Peep down in the ground where the corpse is separated from the underground of Longshan.

The ground glimpse is huge, almost identical to the physical structure of a real person, and the most important point is the symbolic thing behind the ground glimpse. Ground peeking symbolizes the ability of the mirror to create, and it also symbolizes one world and another, a real world and a world in the mirror, and the ground peek between the real world and the world in the mirror naturally symbolizes truth.

I said loudly to Padmasambhava: "Is this thing a peek?"

He smiled: "In the Central Plains, it is called Di Jing, and in Tibet, after the establishment of Lamaism, he was called Da Ri Tathagata."

I stepped down from the high platform and looked at the statue of the Great Sun Tathagata built by imitating the ground glimpse. Although it is huge, it is just a figure after the ground glimpse has shrunk countless times.

My complexion was calm and I walked down slowly, my mind was already turning back and forth.

From the ground, sure enough, there are more things hidden in the dark. The existence of the earth peeping and the earth peeping in the mirror led to the emergence of the heavenly will and the non-heavenly sect in the Ning family.

And the great day Tathagata in Tibetan Buddhism, which is one of the main gods of Tibetan Buddhism, turned out to be the original prototype.

Although I can’t see his face clearly, I can confirm the existence of this idol. In other words, the first generation of lamas in Tibetan Buddhism first saw the ground glimpse, not the corpse separated from Longshan underground. To glimpse, but to glimpse in a complete mirror.

What about Padmasambhava? This legendary Guru Padmasambhava appeared in front of me again. What is his position? What is the attitude of Lamaism behind him

Before I knew it, I had already walked to Padmasambhava.

I took a close look at this young lama, with messy hair, a tattered red monk's clothes, and his feet. I don't even know whether the image of him in front of me is the real body of Padmasambhava.

He and I looked at each other for a while, then laughed: "Are you thinking now, what is the position of Lamaism in the longevity plan?"

"What's the position then?"

"There is no place." Liansheng said with disdain: "When I came here, they had already turned the ground glimpse into a big day Tathagata. I joined them just to find myself a piece of clothing to wear."

What he said inside and outside of his words was that the clothes of Padmasambhava were just one of his many identities. After the three words, Padmasambhava, there are more things. As for Lamaism, it was only his temporary place to stay, so he dismissed the things of Lamaism throughout the whole process, turned a deaf ear to the lives of Lamaism followers, and despised the teachings of Lamaism. Even if he is a Guru Padmasambhava who has made great contributions to this religion.

"Then, what is your identity? Are you a real person who I see now? Have you lived forever?"

"Although I have existed for a long time, the concept of immortality cannot be applied to me. It is different from the unknown of death when you were born. My ending is already doomed. When the ending comes, I cannot die. When the ending comes, I cannot survive."

I chewed his words carefully, "Talking to others."

Padmasambhava continued to say: "The me you see is not the complete me, just like the world you see, not the complete world. My identity is really hard to explain."

I thought for a while, "You come from another world in your mouth."

Then I added: "The so-called real world."

The seriousness of Padmasambhava revealed a look of confusion, "Maybe, but I am not from that world. To be precise, I was born for the world you are in."

I rubbed my forehead tiredly, "Stop playing the front, I still want to push the crystal."

"You don't need to push the crystal." Lianhua Sheng said: "This is just a game originally, just have fun."

"What is fun?"

"Enjoy, the things that should be seen are already in your eyes, the sounds that should be heard are already in your ears, and the tastes that should be tasted are not left behind. This is called jostling."

"In other words, the foreshadowing is over, is the good show about to begin?"

"Maybe it is not the beginning of a good show, I hope to call it, the end of the story." (End of this chapter)