The Longevity Project

Chapter 605: The second night (10)


I saw him brewing almost: "Then should you tell me what kind of story is this?"

Padmasambhava looked at the three of us and laughed, "Many years ago, I have been waiting for someone to ask me this question. What kind of story is this? Inside the mystery, there is the mystery, and the outer garment is outside the outer garment. I am walking in Tibet by myself, waiting for the arrival of the last moment, imagining the day when all this is over, and looking forward to the people who will end it all come to Tibet. At the moment, you may not know it, but for me, the last moment has arrived. Up."

He walked among the statues of gods on his own, and his eyes fell on the faces of these gods with vain eyes. The three followed him, and the sound of killings outside the temple gradually ceased and fell into silence.

"Do you know how this world is formed?" He asked us softly.

"The Big Bang," Fang Jinyue said.

I don't say a word. If it was just the most common answer, Padmasambhava would not ask this question. The final answer to this question is probably the last thing in the longevity plan, which is what Ning Hanqing who died underground in the Dongxing warehouse asked in his letter, what is the truth of the world.

At first I thought it was because he was going to sell him before he died, but later, I learned about what the living non-God will send Ning historically did, and then I gradually understood that the Ning family seemed to be sitting still for thousands of years. The fishermen of the Diaoyutai are actually just blindfolded seekers.

Whether it is the original Providence faction or the later non- Providence faction, the relationship between the two is that the latter calculates the former, but it does not mean that the latter is better than the former. They are just two sides of the same horizontal plane.

The two are confined to the same question, that is, what is the truth of the world, where does the providence come from, and what is the purpose of those who obey the providence and those who violate the providence.

"All of this may have to be told from the story of a very ordinary person." Liansheng said softly, "I know you are tired of stories. You have heard many twists and turns and strange stories. They have eroded your curiosity about things. , But at the end of all the twists and turns, it's just the most common story of an ordinary person."

Padmasambhava paused, turned around and looked at me: "Would you like to hear this story?"

"If this is the last story of this story, then I certainly hope to have a happy ending."

"Even the most ordinary story is the life of an ordinary person. We need to go to a wider place." Lianhua Sheng said.

He waved his hand, and the four of them had appeared on a towering snow-capped mountain in a daze. The huge full moon hung from the top of the snow-capped mountain, and behind the full moon was the vast sea of stars.

Through the clouds and mist on the banks of the snow-capped mountains, at the foot of the distant mountains, is the city that I named Hanpi City. The river in the snow-capped mountains passes through the city, carrying the corpse and blood, flowing to the more distant world.

"This person's name is really too ordinary. I have been in this world for too long. It is so long that I have forgotten his name. Where should his story start?"

Padmasambhava thought for a while, "Let’s start with his birth. Don’t worry, an ordinary person’s life will not waste too much time.

He was born in a very ordinary family, and his parents are ordinary farmers. If we must say that his parents are different from other farmers, it is that they have realized the importance of reading and tried their best to give away. He goes to school.

This man lived up to expectations when he was in elementary school, and his grades were good. When he was in junior high school, he was reluctant. Although he was struggling in high school, he was admitted to a good university. He let go of the burden in college and played for two years. Time came.

His parents seemed to be much older. He suddenly felt that since he stepped out of the high school gate, the two peasant parents who seemed to be omnipotent, like him, became helpless when facing the society. One night, he suddenly realized that it was not that his parents had become helpless, but that he had never been so helpless.

He walked out of the school and, like everyone else, did not dare to go into a company for an interview. His academic qualifications were like a piece of waste paper. This is a very ordinary university that complements his life, but what else can he do? Trying, he wore awkward clothes and a haircut that he didn't like, smiled on his face, and walked into office after office. Finally, he finally found a job in the provincial capital.

In the days to come, he will no longer feel a smile in his life.

It’s like, I’ve been studying hard for so many years in the cold window, looking forward to growing up for so long, turned out to be tossing around among faces with different looks, returning to my hometown, looking at the two old figures, no more Can't find the sense of belonging and safety in childhood. At this time, he came to understand again that since he stepped out of the university, all his emotions have been diluted, even family affection is no exception, he can no longer rely on family affection, on the contrary, he has to give them a sense of security.

This kind of life is really exhausting. Life is like a rolled paper. He walks along the arc of the paper. Sometimes the road is steep and difficult to walk, and sometimes people can’t stop falling. But in any case, he walks along the curve of the paper. The road surface of this rolled paper is getting narrower and narrower, making it more and more difficult to look back. When I look back, I can only see the white light.

In the end, it seems to have come to an end, and when it comes to an end, the change disappears. He could no longer take a step forward, but squatted down on the spot, waiting for the long life to come to an end. He didn't know what else he could look forward to, at least he could survive, but what about other than living? When a person comes to this world, he always hopes to pursue something. This rolled paper must give him something different.

But he couldn't find it, so on a certain day, which day, he didn't know, he had the idea of suicide, where did this idea come from? He didn’t know, maybe it was from a social software that hadn’t received news for a long time, maybe it was from the low sunset outside the window when he woke up in the afternoon, maybe it was from borrowing money from his only friend and never received a reply, and Perhaps it was from those two old figures.

When a person wants to take the initiative to leave this world, it does not mean that he is not afraid of death. On the contrary, he is afraid of many things. He is afraid of the stain on the ceiling, afraid of the takeaway boxes piled up in the trash can, and afraid of some wrinkles. The hem of his shirt, the fear of the dangling handles on the bus, in short, he is afraid of living, perhaps, the fear of living has surpassed death.

So on a certain day, we still don’t know what kind of day it is. After paying off all the debts and sending the last amount of money to his parents, he began to seriously think about suicide. At this time, He only realized that penniless himself, he couldn't find many ideal ways to commit suicide. The cheaper methods are either too painful or affect others. He can't even get the money for sleeping pills, and using gas can easily cause fires. Finally he thought of burning charcoal.

The charcoal is not used up in winter. It is piled up in an iron basin to ignite. Next to the charcoal is a basin of water and an electric fan. There is no air conditioner in the rented house. The electric fan was brought back from his hometown when his parents came to see him. Close the doors and windows of the room tightly. Afterwards, he lay down in his arms, looked at the stain on the ceiling, turned on the fan and closed his eyes. He has been trying to scrape this stain white, but such stains are everywhere, and he hasn't done anything. It's a pity, he thought.

The fan turned slowly and the steam rose. The way to kill suicide by burning charcoal is carbon monoxide poisoning, which means death due to lack of oxygen. This process is actually quite painful. Charcoal seems to be of poor quality and smells very pungent. After a long time, he finally felt tinnitus. At this time, he already felt severe pain in his brain and couldn't move his whole body.

Vaguely, he heard the ringtone of his cell phone, and the dying person barely opened his eyes. He could not see anything anymore, but he could guess it. Except for his parents, it seems that no one would call him at this time. . By the way, I should call them last, he thought with some regret.

But at this time, waiting for death was his only destiny. Carbon monoxide poisoning made him immobile, and he was about to faint. Before fainting, he suddenly felt a slight wind, which relieved the pain caused by suffocation.

In this airtight room, there is no wind. The wind actually comes from the fan, which is also one of the accomplices who killed him.

At the last moment before he fell into a coma, it suddenly occurred to him that he could not commit suicide with this fan that his parents had painstakingly memorized.

He regretted it. "(End of this chapter)