The Longevity Project

Chapter 606: Wake you up with the world (1)


The story came to an abrupt end.

The four of them randomly found a place to sit down and looked at the sea of stars hanging above their heads and the snow-capped mountains stretching far away, but this is really a very ordinary story, so ordinary that it shouldn't be mentioned in this scene. The starry sky and the snow-capped mountains are more often mentioned together with poetry and the distance.

"What then?" I asked Padmasambhava.

Padmasambhava turned his head and looked at me: "Then he died, but not completely. His parents came to see him. When the last call was made, the two of them were outside the door. Finally he was sent to the hospital. If you are unconscious, there is a high probability that you will never wake up."

I was silent for a moment, "What then?"

"Do you know in this world, besides his parents, who else wants him to wake up most?"

"It can't always be you, right?" Fang Jinyue asked.

Lotus Sheng smiled and said, "Of course it won't be me, it's actually himself."

"But he committed suicide himself."

"The mind of a person is the most difficult thing to figure out. Just as we can't understand why a person thinks about taking the initiative to end his life, we can't understand that a person changes his mind because of a trivial matter."

"Because he suddenly thought of the origin of the electric fan before he died?" I asked.

"Perhaps. The person he is most sorry for is his parents. What he thought at the time was to change the way of death and not let his parents feel that his death has something to do with them. This is the last obsession before death. This is the beginning of our story." Lotus Life paused, and suddenly asked the three of us, "Do you think that before death, what will be in your mind?"

"Most people don't think about anything." I said: "Death is a momentary matter. If you die of illness or natural old age, you don't know that the next second is the end of life. Maybe you think it's a bit wrong. Comfortable, I should be able to survive like before, and then it’s the last moment."

Lotus Sheng smiled, "Life is so impermanent, but if the death of a person is lengthened, it will be a slow but unstoppable process."

"You mean vegetative?"

"It's probably one of them. What is he thinking of lying in the mind of a sick vegetative person?"

I thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's a long dream."

Lianhuashan looked at me with approval, "That's it, the ordinary person lying on the sickbed had a dream during the long process of death, but in this dream, he died soon. According to common sense, when he died in a dream, he would never have a chance to be awakened in reality, and he would die soon."

I interrupted: "This statement is not common sense, nor has it been scientifically confirmed."

Padmasambhava was a little unhappy, "Anyway, the story I want to tell is this setting, do you like it?"

"Listen to it."

Padmasambhava looked at me and explained, "It was because the obsession that suddenly appeared before his death saved him. After he died in a dream, the world formed in the dream did not dissipate," he looked into my eyes. , One word at a time: "Instead, it began to evolve and develop uncontrollably."

A glimmer of understanding flashed in my heart, and finally found a familiar feeling in this story.

"What kind of dream is his dream?" I eagerly asked.

Lianhuashan looked away and looked at the huge full moon in the sky, "A complicated dream. In this dream, although his main consciousness has been disintegrated, the obsession of surviving before he died serves as the world in this dream. Retained his subconscious mind and began to try to wake him up.

The star shifts, the sun and the moon change, the time in the dream is drawn to infinite length, the world in the dream approaches infinite reality, Cangshan rises and falls, the sea is dried up, ethnic groups multiply, wars one after another, the subconscious is looking for a way to wake him up, in the dream , This world has gone through millions of years. "

My hand trembled, I pressed it forcibly, suppressing the disbelief in my heart, and asked: "In other words, after talking for so long, what you want to tell me is that the world we live in is just a dream?"

Padmasambhava sighed, "It cannot be said that the world is the world. When a creature in a world produces its own consciousness, no matter where it is deposited, no matter what reason it is produced, it cannot be regarded as such. No. By the same token, between the two worlds, there is no distinction between true and false, big and small, primary and secondary, right or wrong. When a world begins to generate autonomous consciousness, it is equal to all other worlds, even if these two worlds The flow of time in the world, the size of space is not a concept at all."

I quickly calmed down and looked at Chongyang. He soothed me with his eyes and motioned Lotus Sheng to continue. Fang Jinyue's mouth was already open at this time, it was the same as auditory neuropathy, but Lotus Sheng still spoke from the bottom of himself.

"What kind of dream is this? At the very beginning of this dream, he was a giant in that dream, the image of a giant, perhaps the image he has always longed for. There are many tall buildings in the city, and individual beings are insurmountable. And the original era of that dream was a primitive era, unfettered, a life returned to the origin of life in such an environment, he lived for life, and no longer lived for anything other than life."

"But he is still dead." I said coldly.

"Yes, he died." Lianhua Sheng said, "He died of his own will to die, but the subconscious mind that survived didn't want him to die. So..."

I continued: "So a giant named Earth Spy created another self before he died."

Padmasambhava said, "Do you believe this story I'm telling?"

"I have heard a lot of stories. Every time these stories appear, they have their own logic. I just follow this logic to make reasonable guesses. It does not mean that I accept the story behind this logic."

It's like the speculation of the world's truth in the country of wet floods. The logic is reasonable, but the story itself is not correct.

Lotus Sheng smiled, "In other words, do you just take this ordinary person's story as one of the possibilities?"


He sighed and continued, "Another giant is the incarnation of the obsession to survive, but he himself is incomplete and has very weak control over the world. What he can do is only in the dark. It affects the world. What should he do to awaken that ordinary person?" Padmasambhava asked us, seeming to want some response.

"What he has to do is very simple. If he wants to wake a person from a dream, the best way is to let that person know that he is dreaming. Even if he doubts it a little, he will quickly wake up from the dream."

Lotus Sheng smiled, "Yes, this is a fairly simple truth. There are often the simplest and best understood laws behind complex things, but in this world where the master has been lost, the ground glimpse is dead, and his consciousness is broken. I just want him to realize that he is dreaming and he can't find a target. In this way, for obsessive peeping, the first thing he has to do is to find his consciousness scattered all over the place."

"Didn't the subject consciousness die in a dream?" I said.

"Don't completely isolate the world in your dream from the outside world. Even if the incarnation of the subject consciousness has died, his outer brain still hasn't died. That is to say, the consciousness must be surviving, just scattered on all sides. Then, The question is, what are the parts of a person's consciousness?"

What are the parts of consciousness? This question is super outline.

"Consciousness can be divided or combined. This part is in the water. Consciousness is indestructible, and this part is in the mountains. Consciousness is inextricably linked, and this part is underground. In this uncontrolled development of the world, there are three consciousnesses. Evolving into their respective forms, they seem to have nothing to do with each other, but what obsessiveness has to do is to combine these three consciousnesses. Therefore, a group from the obsessive world that accepts the apocalypse appears.

I took a few deep breaths and looked at Padmasambhava, "Then what did this group of people who accept God's will do? By now, will obsession succeed? And what is your position in the whole thing? "

Padmasambhava looked at me for a long while, and suddenly showed a look of compassion, "Ning Chuan, are you still awake?" (End of this chapter)