The Longevity Project

Chapter 607: Wake you up with the world (2)


I was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, and denied it: "How is it possible."

Lotus Sheng smiled: "Why is it impossible?"

"I am one of the autonomously born consciousnesses in this world. All memories and experiences are in the same line. It cannot be his subjective consciousness."

Padmasambhava said: "But this world is doomed in the dark. Your appearance seems uncontrollable, but maybe millions of years ago, the moment the giant peeped down was doomed. "

I shook my head, "You are an idealist view of history. Anyway, I don't believe that my appearance is destined, and I don't believe that I am subjective consciousness."

Padmasambhava’s expression has not changed: "Of course not. The things attached to consciousness, his memories, his emotions, all the unwillingness and the ashes of his heart, all follow the collapse of consciousness. It collapsed, and when it reunited, to be precise, it was a brand-new consciousness, but it was inextricably linked to the previous one."

Fang Jinyue thought for a while and said, "Is it just the relationship between the previous life and this life?"

Lotus Sheng smiled, "There is a little superficial similarity, but in essence, the two are not the same concept, but this kind of statement is easy to understand."

Fang Jinyue glanced at me sympathetically. I didn't want to take into account his eyes. I sat on the side to calm myself down and ponder the joints inside.

If I am the subjective consciousness of the suicide who has collapsed, but I am shaped by the collection of thousands of clues, my personality, my preferences, my words and deeds, all these factors cannot be controlled by humans, It comes from the environment in which I have lived for more than 20 years, and the environment in which I live is shaped by the 5,000-year history of human civilization. A slight change may cause me to stand here instead of me.

But Padmasambhava is talking about a kind of idealistic fatalism, that is, no matter what kind of me I am, as long as I stand here, then this kind of me is destined for that year.

Why don't you just let him say something with a broken mouth

I shook my head, stopped thinking about it, and calmly said to Padmasambhava: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Padmasambhava nodded, "The obsession to survive has created a second peep, but the second peep is too weak. He is hidden underground. When he has the ability to have some influence on the real world, he is already wet. The kingdom of floods has multiplied on the seabed to the age of extreme prosperity, so he obsessively chose to cooperate with the kingdom of wet floods. Before that, he allowed the kingdom of wet floods to rise from the bottom of the sea as a means to weaken its power. Another reason is that the marine architecture of the wet floods can reduce the workload for him to connect with the real world. After that, a long excavation process began. The people in the mirror appeared from the ground to excavate from the stone pillars in the land of wet floods. A passage leading to the real world, in the process, countless people died in the murderous, poor food and clothing, the tired bones by the river, you must have seen it. But where you haven’t seen it, In the deeper underground, there is also a passage where countless bones are piled up.

By the time these passages were completely opened up, it was already the Han Dynasty. From this time on, a group of overseas visitors gradually appeared along the southeast coast. During the long historical period when the South was intertwined with ethnic minorities, no one knew how many overseas visitors were hiding in the southeast. In the mountains, most of them don’t know where they came from. They only know that their mission to appear in this world is to do one thing, which is extremely complicated and extremely remote. At that time, all they had to do was to survive. There was nothing more than that, so they thrived on this land until they forgot the faint heart palpitations of their ancestors. They lived here for generations. Ethnic minorities are generally the same. The more open settlements have already been assimilated, and the more closed ones have become similar to Tao Yuanming’s Taohuayuan villages.

Among these people who vaguely know that their ancestors seem to come from farther away, there may be one occasionally raising his head and looking towards the horizon, vaguely feeling as if there is something to do, but the time is not yet. It was not until the mid-Tang Dynasty that the number of overseas visitors gradually decreased. By this time, the North-South exchanges had become extremely frequent, the South had become more and more prosperous, and the central government’s control over the southern coastal areas had become stronger than ever. Therefore, on the one hand, overseas visitors were already very strong. It’s difficult to settle down without knowing it. On the other hand, with the development of society and the improvement of productivity, mankind has finally gradually mastered some greater power, that is to say, once restricted the ignorance and backwardness of the ancestors who visited overseas. Gradually faded, after thousands of years of precipitation, the time is finally ripe.

So at this time, a group of merchants gradually active in the southeast appeared. How did they get out of the mountain fields in the southeast

Perhaps at the very beginning, it was because there was a man in the closed village of this era who went out for business and returned home. When he was full of food and drink in the village, in the enviable eyes of the villagers, he said drunkly: "I knew I would get rich. , God said to me a long time ago. "Others may ask him, how did God tell you? The apocalypse smiled and said, "How do I know that this thought is floating in my mind, and my life is good, there is no way."

As a result, more young farmers who had felt strange thoughts began to wonder whether they were also the person appointed by God to make a fortune. Therefore, in the second year, the second young man also walked out of the village.

These farmers, hidden in the mountains in the southeast, in the poor mountains and bad waters, on the one hand, it is difficult to survive, on the other hand, they also have a bit of wisdom. In the outside world, they use their clan as a link. The geography is a link, we are connected together, we share the joys and sorrows, and finally, they really let them out of a way.

They finally mastered a certain amount of social resources, so they began to send their children to study and take scientific examinations, because some of them vaguely felt that money was not enough, and they had to have power. Why did they suddenly think so? Isn’t it because everyone thinks so? It seems that there are some other reasons, which I will never figure out.

After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the north fell into war, and the south was a little more stable. At this point, the economy of the south completely surpassed that of the north. This group of merchants, who were initially connected by geography, became active among the various political powers. The influence of providing goods and talents finally began to increase. Later, with the fall of one regime after another, the merchants realized that the loose geographical alliance could not survive the tide of the times, so the Ning family appeared and they chose A common surname was created, and all resources and contacts were combined to the greatest extent. Perhaps in this process, intrigues and bullying were one after another, but in the end, the family surnamed Ning finally appeared.

At this time, the era finally came to the eve of reunification, and the coming dynasty will be an era in which scholar-officials and businessmen are extremely tolerant, and it will also be an era in which the Ning family takes a crucial step.

Before the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, the people of insight in the Ning family had much contact with the great general who had not yet mutiny, and showed goodwill. Such a prescient bet would love the next thousand more than one. During the year, it repeated itself time and time again, becoming the most important foundation of this family that was blessed by heaven.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, some people in the Ning family finally began to change from ordinary businessmen and scholars to metaphysicians. They began to pursue the path of longevity. This seems a very reasonable idea, because when a person's material life is extremely satisfied, They would want to survive in this world forever. After that, they used their own financial resources to promote the entry of a feudal dynasty with the contacts they had accumulated over the past one or two hundred years.

It was the most powerful dynasty at the time. On the eve of the Jingkang change, the institution called the Lantern Division had made considerable progress in metaphysics, and one of the most important things was that they finally discovered the hidden The tree in the Hengduan Mountains. This is the most important step taken by this group of people from the moment when overseas visitors set foot on the land in the Han Dynasty. It was at that time that the connection between Chongyang and the Longevity Plan was Can't be divided anymore. "(End of this chapter)