The Longevity Project

Chapter 608: Wake you up with the world (3)


Why is this person Chongyang

For the Ning family, they have been closely integrated with the Northern Song Dynasty through the Lantern Division for more than a hundred years. The patriarchs in the family passed on this plan called Changsheng from generation to generation, and it has been more than one hundred years. Did not get any benefits, but weakened the power of the family, because most people actually did not understand the plan. Even within the Ning family, the people who believed in the apocalypse were also in the minority, and many people were separated from the master’s family. For the Ning family to do business and become officials, they are just names that exist on the genealogy. In addition to the clansmen’s incomprehension, there was also a lot of investment in wealth. The Ning family’s main branch did a lot of things and achieved some results, but most of the things could not be connected with the longevity plan.

Therefore, after the most important achievement, the undead tree in the Hengduan Mountains was discovered, the experimenter who was about to lie in the coffin was not from the Ning family, but from Chongyang, the royal blood of the Northern Song Dynasty. People sigh. Perhaps it was due to pressure from the royal family, or perhaps the court had tolerated the Ning family for too long. At the last moment, the Ning family had to make a compromise.

That year, it was not a few years since Jingkang shame. Before Jingkang, the Northern Song Dynasty was singing and dancing, and the fire was cooking oil. No one would think that the end of this country was coming. The Ning family was also waiting for a few years later. Waking up from the Hengduan Mountains brought breakthrough progress to the Longevity Plan.

However, an advanced civilization is still destroyed in the hands of a barbaric nation. From then on, many things have to start all over again and go astray. The most important one of the Ning family, the one that pushed forward the longevity plan, either died in the massacre after Bianjing was broken, or was taken captive to the north with the two emperors and the concubines and concubines. , Became a figure in the greatest shame of the Han nation in thousands of years. Most of them could hardly set foot on the land of the Central Plains in their lives, and finally died in the wind and snow.

The existence of the young man in Qionglai Mountain was originally an absolutely confidential matter. A large part of the confidential documents of the Lantern Division was combined with the cultural accumulation of this civilization for hundreds of years. They were either burned or piled up on a bullock cart and messed up. Pulled to the north, Wenhua is romantic and mournful for a time.

Such a Haojie is a devastating blow to the entire civilization, not to mention an inexhaustible plan.

Therefore, in the early Southern Song Dynasty, on the one hand, the imperial court was like a dog of the bereavement, and it was impossible to stand by. On the other hand, it was also because the few apocalypses of the Ning family died unexpectedly and no one succeeded. The Ning family regained their status as a merchant and settled in the south of the Yangtze River with the Southern Song regime. It was not until the middle and late Southern Song Dynasty that the new Apocalypse reappeared.

Why is every patriarch in charge of the longevity plan of the Ning family always tenacious and determined? Because if you are not a stubborn person, you will never take the vague will of God in your mind seriously. The re-emergence of the Apocalypse began to collect the files of the lantern divisions scattered around several decades ago. Some of them were taken across the river by the soldiers who fled to the south and returned to the mansion. The organization of the lantern division has long been in turmoil. People asked, these ancient archives were also put away indiscriminately. When the apocalypse found them again, most of the surviving paper writings had been damaged in dampness and insects.

They started to read the previous results word by word. Many things have been confused and can only start from scratch. Even in just a few decades, the most important step taken by overseas visitors over thousands of years has been renewed. Returned.

Not only do they fail to understand these remaining documents, they do not even know the existence of Chongyang in the Qionglai Mountain. It was not until a long time later that they noticed the existence of Qionglai Mountain in the fragments, and speculated that Qionglai Mountain occupies a very important position in the lantern division before the Jingkang change, because they felt that the focus of all the work of the lantern division in those years was Around that area.

At this time, the successors turned their eyes back to Qionglai Mountain and began to pay attention to all information about this area. Finally, in such an era when information was extremely underdeveloped, they were able to find information about Qionglai Mountain again. Clues.

It was a Nandu scholar, recalling some words written during the time when the fire was full of flowers before the Jingkang change. It mentioned that he had participated in the major development of the Northwest in the late Northern Song Dynasty. In the open side of Hehuang, according to his statement, if there is no sudden rise of the nation, according to the management of the imperial court, Xixia will be destroyed step by step, and the rest will be restored there. It is not impossible for the old places of Han and Tang Dynasties, but unfortunately this process was broken by a drastic change.

He also recalled his experience in funerals with the army. They had a repeated contest with a minority in Qionglai Mountain. In the end, the Song army occupied the underground city of the minority after the massacre.

This is the clues that the apocalypses are looking for. They finally set their sights on a certain area in the Qionglai Mountains, because they found a relic of a war from many years ago, just before they were about to follow. When the footprints of the predecessors were taken back, the fourth powerful ethnic minority in the north rose.

This new nation is more terrifying than any previous one. They will not tolerate the existence of any foreign nation's regime within the range of their military front. Just as the founding emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty said, it is impossible for others to snore on the side of the bed. Unfortunately, time has changed, and this bed in the world no longer belongs to the descendants of Zhao Kuangyin.

So the battle of Yashan came in an instant, and one hundred thousand rushed across the sea, sweeping the ground with wind and current. This time the Apocalypse believed that the Longevity Plan would never be able to withstand a large-scale destruction, so the Ning family decided to place more bets. One party swears to follow the Southern Song court until the cliffs and mountains and the sea, and the other goes to sea to Hainan, Southeast Asia and other places. The other party surrendered to the Mongolian and Yuan court.

The important contribution to the preservation of the Longevity Plan is to stay in the line of the Central Plains. They tried their best to preserve the documents compiled in the last decades of the Southern Song Dynasty for the future.

In this coming day, more than ninety years later, a Fengyang beggar named Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor. When he was a precarious little warlord, he received help from the people who claimed to be overseas survivors of the former Song Dynasty. Not only was financial resources strong, it also preserved the Song Dynasty rule system, and made a great contribution to Zhu Yuanzhang's cause of restoring the Han system. Moreover, this group of people are quite smart. They are the first group of veterans, but they have not made outstanding contributions in military and political aspects. They have a very low sense of existence in Zhu Yuanzhang’s founding group, but they have shown loyalty and veteran qualifications that cannot be ignored. , But enabled them to receive the emperor's credit.

Therefore, this group of people escaped the wave of several large-scale massacres of heroes during the Hongwu period. When Jianwen succeeded to the throne and everyone was relieved, they turned their eyes to the king of Yan in the north, Jing. After the difficult battle, this group of people turned out to be the elders of the second founding of the country, but they were still ordinary.

So far, after the confluence of the North and South Ning family, the Longevity Plan has been launched again.

During the Yongle period, they did a lot of things. They still used the name of the institution in the Song Dynasty, the Lantern Division, and started to explore Qionglai Mountain again. However, the young man who was sent to Qionglai Mountain hundreds of years ago has long been missing and disappeared. In the rolling wave of history, I don't even know if this person is still alive.

However, with the help of the strong national power of the Ming Dynasty and long-term stability, the Apocalypse finally found Chongyang, and the longevity plan finally made great progress. They were still in the southwestern Yunnan-Guizhou region and found many people who have lost their memories. They finally turned their attention. It was brought to Guangxi, but at that time the relocation had not yet been completed, and the exploration in Guangxi was greatly hindered by the local ethnic minorities. Instead, they made a major breakthrough in Tibet.

It was at this time that the Apocalypse finally came to the closest step to the providence in history. During the Jiajing period, the Apocalypse finally began to suspect that longevity was not the ultimate goal. Behind the longevity, longevity was just a cover, and the providence seemed to be still there. Telling them more things.

And the ultimate point of Providence is Tibet. (End of this chapter)