The Longevity Project

Chapter 61: The corridor of ten thousand yuan households (3)


No, the point is not the gun on Gu Tang, but what Gu Tang said, this is not a straight corridor

"How to say?" I asked.

"The corridor is very long, and the walls are covered with cobwebs, which affects our judgment. It makes us mistakenly think that this is a straight corridor, but in fact it is deviated in a slight arc, forming a huge Round." Gu Tang paused, then said: "In general, this is a blinding trick."

I remembered that when I was on the high platform with Mr. Gu, the King of the Clan who sat down and stood up again.

Although it’s still unclear whether the King of the Shao tribe was really resurrected at that time, or is it just a blind eye, or both, but the architectural design of the Shao tribe looks rough, but it is very delicate. This is certain. of.

If this long corridor is really a huge closed loop space, as Gu Tang said, it would be a huge amount of engineering.

If you want to build a circular corridor with an insignificant curvature, then this corridor must be quite long, and it's even built around the city of the Qi tribe.

Due to the deflection of the corridor covered by cobwebs on the wall, and Gu Tang and I only had a flashlight barely illuminating it, we walked a few times in it without knowing it. We didn’t discover the problem until we found that the footprints were wrong, but if we were If you have the habit of making a mark, you may find it earlier.

By the way, we have a mark, or reference, but it did not appear in our long circle before.

"Why didn't we see the door where we came in when we were just walking in circles? If we had been walking the same way, we would have returned to the starting point."

Gu Tang shook his head, "This is what I am puzzled about. Maybe there are other tricks, but what we can know now is that the Shao people definitely don't want to be as backward as we thought."

"Then what should we do now, although we have guessed which situation it may be, there is no solution at all."

Gu Tang said, "As long as it is proved, it is not without solution."

"Then how to prove it, or if we go separately, we can meet together to prove that this place is closed." I said.

"Then if it weren't closed here, wouldn't we both go farther and farther, and the possibility of accidents when we act alone is also very high."

That's right, besides, we only have the last flashlight left. "Then we use the rope, one end stay here, the other end lead."

"There are no ropes long ago, or your pajamas can be taken apart and used."

Fart, I only have this piece of clothing left on me now.

Gu Tang raised the gun in his hand: "We use this."


"The bullet has no eyes, it won't be deceived,"

I thought about it, and then I understood what Gu Tang meant. If you want to prove that the corridor is not straight, you just need to shoot. Because the trajectory of the bullet is straight, it is clear at a glance whether the wall is curved or not.

Since the walls on both sides are perpendicular to the ground, the webs are not particularly thick. Gu Tang holds the gun in his left hand and is about two to three centimeters closer to the wall.

"Cover your ears." He plugged his ears with his right hand and said to me.

I covered my ears with both hands, and Gu Tang buckled the gun. With a gunshot, a rumbling echo came. The next moment, there was also gunshot behind me, and after the bullet flew straight into the darkness in front of me, almost Insignificantly rubbing against the wall sparks.

I think there is almost no difference between holding and not holding, my ears are almost deaf.

"There is also an echo from behind!" I yelled, "There is also a spark in front of me!"

"Yes, this is indeed a loop!" Gu Tang also yelled. (End of this chapter)