The Longevity Project

Chapter 610: Wake you up with the world (5)


The so-called third story line refers to the appearance of the second Ning history.

He came from the underground glimpse of Longshan, and did not accept the apocalypse from the obsessive glimpse, or in other words, did not agree with the apocalypse from the obsessive glimpse.

Therefore, since 1945, the longevity plan has changed from a single line to two lines, one bright and one dark. On the bright side, the non-Apocalypse Ning's history is still going down the road of the Apocalypse, but in the dark, he did it. This is not the case.

So I asked Padmasambhava, "Do you know that the amazing character you have been waiting for, not only appeared in the end, but two appeared in one breath?"

Lotus Sheng smiled, "Of course I know that many things are not secrets to me, so it is said that things must be reversed. Too smart is a double-edged sword. After Qi Ning's history died that day, I knew that things had gone away. With the control of God’s will, as long as a smart person has a little advantage, he can magnify the advantage by multiples. The Ning, who does not accept the apocalypse, has a mental arithmetic and unintentional. In the end, even I cannot predict what things will be Going forward."

"Don't you know everything?"

"To some extent, it is true. I know everything that has happened, but I know nothing about what has not happened. Among all the things that have not happened, the human heart is the most difficult part to control. Just like I can’t grasp how you think now, even the providence can only use a generation as the basic unit and a hundred years as the starting time to affect the development of the event from the general situation, and it is specific to a certain individual. Specific to a certain person at a certain moment, no one can control his thoughts, whether it is me or God's will. So, Ning Chuan, what are your thoughts?" Lianhua Sheng asked me.

"My thoughts, are they important?"

"Very important."

"But when I came here, few people asked me what I thought."

"Until the last minute, no one can completely control others. As long as you are still alive, at least you can dominate yourself."

"Don't tell me the truth." I said blankly: "Everything you said, I may believe it, or maybe I don't believe it. I have lost the desire to find out whether I believe it or not. I just want to know, yours. What is the purpose?"

Lotus Sheng said: "I said, I have no purpose."

"That's right." I sighed: "You only have tasks that have nothing to do with you, so what exactly is your task."

"I have said from the very beginning that I, or the task of obsessively watching, is to let the suicide know that he is having a dream, and when he realizes this, he will be able to wake up. Before that, we It took thousands of years to collect the subject consciousness of the scattered parties and put it in a container."

"This container is me?"


"Now I know I'm dreaming, and then, why haven't I woke up yet?"

"Not sincere enough." Lotus Sheng said sincerely.

I also sincerely said: "I really know that I am dreaming, please make sure to wake me up."

"Please be more sincere."

"I really know I'm dreaming." I said sincerely: "Let me wake up quickly."

The four people waited in silence for a while, and there was no movement. Lotus Sheng said embarrassingly: "Forget it, there is still a part of the subject consciousness in the hands of Ning Hanqing."

"Oh." I got it, "it's the one that can save Chongyang."


"If you save Chongyang, I won't get the subject consciousness, then your task will never be completed." I said.

"I know. But what does it matter? It's just a small task." Lotus Sheng said.

I know it. Padmasambhava has no sense of responsibility for this matter. It has nothing to do with him. He is just letting the flow take its course and watching things happen. He doesn’t like it or not. What a monk.

"Ning Hanqing is also in Tibet. As long as he comes, the things he has counted for so many years are not worth mentioning in front of me. As long as you want, I can take the things in his hand at any time. The point is to see what you want. Not willing."

"Of course I have to take it, and I have to save Chongyang." I said excitedly: "I have been played by Ning Hanqing for so many years, hurry up, I want to watch you play with him now."

Padmasambhava shook his head: "If you are willing to accept the Apocalypse and want to gather your subject consciousness, I will help you. As for saving Chongyang, it is your own business and has nothing to do with me."

I was a little annoyed, "But just before we beat the king, you said that as long as I win, you will help me save Chongyang."

"Did you win?" Lotus Sheng asked rhetorically.

"Am I not winning?"

"You haven't pushed the crystal yet, you come to have a fight with me, and you have one or two thousand words."

"Then you send me back down the mountain, I'll push the crystal, isn't it just a god peeping at the ground?"

"Didn't I already tell you? The ground glimpse is the source of this world." Padmasambhava stood under the moonlight and looked back at me, "The real crystal is this world."

Seeing that I was silent, Padmasambhava continued: "Destroy this world, and you will win."

"You shamelessly." Fang Jinyue yelled.

Lotus Sheng smiled indifferently, "It was originally a game I played casually, what happened to it?"

"But, after destroying this world, where is Chongyang?"

"Have you forgotten? Since the beginning of this world, the future development direction has been preset. Since the mountains and rivers of the two worlds are exactly the same, why can't people reproduce exactly the same? Maybe in the outside world, there is also one You, there is a Double Ninth Festival. At the moment this world is destroyed, you no longer have to worry about being calculated by others, and Chong Ninh no longer has to fall into reincarnation. Everyone can live well, okay?"

"Then, how do I do it." I looked at Padmasambhava’s bewildered eyes, "After gathering my subject consciousness, what should I do to prove that I realize this is a dream?"

"Suicide." Padmasambhava categorically said: "Only when you desperately want to wake up, desperately want to leave this world, use suicide to prove that you believe that this is a dream and is the only choice. Other than that, No matter how sincere it is, it is no use."

"Suicide?" I murmured, "The philosophical question of killing myself is inexplicably familiar, but it is clear that what we are trying to do is to save a person who commits suicide, but in the end we can only use suicide to carry out the so-called Is the rescue? Isn’t it too ironic."

Padmasambhava did not speak, but looked at me silently.

"But what about other people in this world?" I said.

"Ning Chuan, there are too many people in this world. They killed each other when they were ignorant, and when they were civilized, they killed each other by class. There are more people who die in the hands of mankind than we are going to destroy today. You I thought that during the battle between Bon and Lamaism, did I show you those pictures for nothing? Are they fictitious? Back then, when I walked all the way from India, my feet never stepped on the dirt."

"You are too exaggerated." I murmured.

"What is life?" Liansheng sighed, "When this world is destroyed, they will usher in a new life in the outside world. The liberation in Buddhist teachings is nothing more than this."

"You promote Tibetan Buddhism, are you preparing for this last day?" I asked him.

"It's easy." Liansheng said indifferently: "Who ever thought you would believe in Marx in the end."

My nodded: "Marxists do not believe in the afterlife, in liberation, in reincarnation, but in the present."

"What about you, after so much experience, are you still a Marxist?"

"Why not?" I stood up and looked at the bloody man at the foot of the mountain side by side with Lotus Sheng, "In fact, this game, you and I have always been 5V5, right."

Padmasambhava looked at the foot of the mountain, "Huh?"

"You have not quit the game at all. You have been affecting my mind. If I die, you will win. From the beginning of the game, I have no possibility of winning. Also, as for what you said, outside The world may also have a me and Chongyang. This is impossible. I am me. Chongyang is Chongyang. No one needs to live for us. In this world, the only external consciousness is that of the suicide who has not yet gathered. Subjective consciousness, if you gather him, after I die, there is only one person in the world who can live, and that is the suicide lying in the hospital bed. Everyone, including me, will never appear again."

"But." I paused. "Why should so many people sacrifice for his selfish man?" (End of this chapter)