The Longevity Project

Chapter 612: Final Mapu Temple (1)


On the plateau and among the snow-capped mountains, the sun was shining, and a group of three trekking on the snow-capped mountains.

The mountain is covered with snow all year round, but above the steep snow cover, there is a narrow rock path. If this rock path winds up along the steep mountain, one side is the snow-covered mountain, and the other On one side is a steep slope nearly ninety degrees vertical. The three of them have slowed down since they turned on this path, and they had to concentrate on the road under their feet, in case the rocks were too late to react.

I was at the forefront, Chongyang was the second, and Fang Jinyue was the third. I walked forward for a while. The terrain of this rocky road rises slowly, because it eventually leads to the peak of the snowy mountain, so it is still After some hard work, I heard Chongyang say behind me: "Someone has walked this road recently."

"What did you find?" I asked him.

"There are traces left on the snow on the rock wall."

I stopped and took a look, "There is nothing weird about, the road is here, someone has to go, and it's better if someone gives us thunder in front."

If this mountain is a mountain from another world, then there is something weird and strange. After all, it is different from Hanpi City. When Hanpi City was in Hanpi City, no matter how real the situation in front of me was, I knew it was. It is made by the lotus birth, so there is always a sense of isolation, and he is not so cautious about life and death. But it's different now, so there must be some considerations in many aspects.

I just don't know who the team in front is, or how they got here.

I feel a little sleepy. The Risen Moon has been implemented too quickly these few days. I don’t know if it’s only a day or a few days, but people’s fatigue does exist, so I concentrate so much for a long time. I hurried mechanically, and I yawned several times in recent months, which caused me to yawn with tears. "Stop it for me." After yawning three times in one breath, I couldn't help the other side Jin Yue said.

Fang Jinyue covered her mouth aggrievedly. I still felt quite sleepy, so I talked to Chongyang, "From the first night, we saw the giant lotus statue, until now. What happened, which ones are real and which ones are illusory?"

In fact, this question is not interesting to discuss. I was really interested in this kind of thing before, but now I really don’t have much curiosity for this kind of details that have little effect on the overall situation, but this time Just found such a chat topic that can make up the word count, right is to wake up.

Although I can't see the Chongyang Dao expression, I can still imagine him shaking his head expressionlessly: "It's hard to tell whether it's true or false."

"Then let's put it another way, which period of time is true and which period of time is false?"

Chongyang yelled, "In terms of time period, this question is much simpler. Lian Sheng had already reminded it. From the first night, to the day of the next day, to the second night, it was all made up by Lian Sheng. Yes, it wasn't until just now, when the moon went down and the sun rose, that he entered the non-fictional world again."

Fang Jinyue couldn't help but yawned and added the topic: "How did we get to this snow-capped mountain from Lacan Canyon?"

I thought for a while, "You can’t look at this experience with the thinking of a dream. To be precise, this is not a dream, but a variation of time and space with a combination of reality and fiction. The change in our distance in space should be real. It exists, but the time change in this process is indeed influenced by Padmasambhava, which is beyond our comprehension."

"It's boring." Fang Jinyue yawned.

"You are not interesting yet." I also yawned, "You just don't understand."

Continue to walk forward, only after walking not far, I saw the snow cover on the steep slope on the right, and there were traces of being disturbed by people.

"This is because someone fell." I said.

Chongyang agreed, "This is indeed the case when looking at the traces. It should be a top-heavy fall. I grabbed a hand on the snow, but didn't grasp it. Looking at this height, I should have fallen to death at the foot of the mountain."

The three were silent for a while, and Fang Jinyue stammered: "Can this fall down?"

It is indeed a bit strange. Although this rock path is not enough for two people to walk side by side, it is more than enough to walk by one person. A strong man of three hundred jin will not scratch the rock on the left. The road under my feet is also flat, and there is no loose rock. This can all fall off, and the idea is a bit back.

"What if someone stumbles with their left foot and falls with their right foot?" I said, "Pay attention to your feet. If you fall down here, you will die."

This was originally just a small episode, but after walking a little further, our position is already quite high, and other continuous snow-capped mountains cannot be seen in the distance. Only clusters of clouds surround the field of vision. At this moment, we found another trace of someone rolling down on a snow slope.

The road was still not narrow and the rocks showed no signs of loosening, but the man just rolled down like that.

Fang Jinyue pointed to the snow scratch that had been disappearing in the clouds and mist, "Is this also the one who tripped the right foot with his left foot?"

"It shouldn't be." I murmured to myself, "There are so many horses in the front team?"

Now I can confirm that it is not the group of people that Hu Qinan brought. I know more or less about these people. They are not such unreliable people. Could it be Fang Xiangshi brought by Fang Yuefeng

In the end, this question was still left over. I had many thoughts in my mind. Although my thoughts were numerous, but people were getting sleepy. I talked with two other people. The three people talked about topics from Trump to Fang Jinyue High School. Have you ever liked girls, but the more you talk, the more sleepy people are, just like playing games all night, the whole person is floating, and the eyes are as dry as sand.

My vision suddenly changed. I don't know when, my whole person was in Chongyang and Fang Jinyue to the side, looking up at them. At the same time, I felt a chill rush from the tail bone directly to the back of my head, which was a sense of horror at the moment of weightlessness.

At this time, not only did the drowsy and rigid brain not wake up, it just barely thought of a question, that is: the road is so narrow, how do I look at these two people from this perspective

In the next moment, Chongyang stretched out his hand and grabbed my hand in Fang Jinyue's horrified eyes.

When I fell on a steep snow cliff, I realized that I almost fell off the cliff just now.

It's not almost, but has fallen off the cliff. It’s just that Chongyang reacted quickly and pulled me back without knowing what happened.

I climbed up, leaned against the rock mass on the other side, found some sense of security, took a breath, my two hands shook after realizing it, and grabbed the collar of Chongyang Road to find some sense of security, "I owe you again A life. What happened just now?"

Fang Jinyue said: "I was yawning just now, and I was in a daze. When I reacted, you were already pulled up by Brother Chongyang."

I looked like Double Ninth Festival, Chongyang looked at my knees, "You are in front, shook it, it seems that the person did not stand firmly, and fell."

I was a little bit shocked. This was the closest I was to death, but it was the slowest time to respond. It was not Chongyang who told me that I could not even know what just happened.

I wiped away the physiological tears that flowed from the corners of my eyes because of the yawn. I stood weakly and said, "This state is not right, don't bring such sleepy people."

My thinking was rigid throughout the whole process, mainly because I was very sleepy, and my brain basically stopped functioning.

"I know how the two Ma Daha fell." They fell while they were dozing off.

I looked at Reenactment and Fang Jinyue, Chongyang would be better, but there were bloodshot eyes, Fang Jinyue was much more miserable, and the dark circles were almost reaching his mouth. I can also think of how weak I am now, but I still have to use my last strength to use my brain to think, "What's wrong."

Why is it so sleepy.

"Get some water, I drink." I half-dead said: "Drink some sober and sober." (End of this chapter)