The Longevity Project

Chapter 613: Final Mapu Temple (2)


Fang Jinyue took out a bottle of water from his bag. My hands were still shaking at this time, and I was trembling and drinking, barely awake, "When did I start to feel sleepy?"

"After Padmasambhava left." Chongyang said.

I was so sleepy that I was crying. Fang Jinyue was also crying in the wind. Chongyang's eyes were red. I took a look at the two of them, "You and my grandparents, won't you be stuck here today."

There was some speechlessness in Chongyang, and Fang Jinyue didn't respond.

I yawned, "Let me think about it."

First of all, we must confirm what will happen if we continue to develop in this extremely bad state.

You will lose consciousness, that's for sure. The point is to judge the nature of this loss of consciousness. Is it asleep or unconscious

The difference between falling asleep and coma is that sleep is due to the body's decline and actively requesting rest. There are many reasons for coma, either because of severe and unnatural physical exhaustion, or because of direct and rapid interference from external forces. .

I felt my own state. This feeling was not the feeling of exhaustion after a severe physical overdraft. It was just sleepy, as if I had stayed up for a long time. I didn’t feel tired from doing a lot of physical work, so I still have strength. It's just that the brain gradually stops functioning.

"Are you tired?"

Chongyang and Fang Jinyue thought for a while, but answered two different answers. Chongyang said it was not tired, Fang Jinyue said it was tired.

I asked Fang Jinyue: "Why do you feel tired?"

"Too sleepy, I feel very tired to fight hard."

I repeated: "I feel very tired, the body is not tired, but the heart is tired?"

Fang Jinyue nodded: "Yes, it's like taking my math class."

I nodded: "So, we are really just getting sleepy, and not because we are too tired, but because of other reasons."

Why do people get sleepy? In other words, why do people sleep? If this problem is explained in a more complicated way, it will definitely involve some biological things, but if it is explained in a simpler way, then it is time to go to sleep.

Day and night are not the only direct influencing factors of sleeplessness, the change of individual's state is. If it comes down to a causal clue, it should be that as the day and night change, the individual's state has changed, the time for the brain to work has arrived, and the need to rest, so the signal sent is, sleepy, I want to sleep.

At the same time, because different people are in different states, some people will be sleepy, and some people will not be sleepy. When everyone starts to be sleepy at the same point in time, then it must have nothing to do with people, it can only be There is a problem with this environment.

What's the problem except for the environment... But my current state of mind has almost reached the worst time since I can remember, my eyelids can't help but thump down, and the strong spirits caused a layer of cold sweat on my back.

Chongyang suddenly said: "Time is because of time."

I murmured: "Time... By the way, time."

Time, I barely thought of the time mentioned in Lotus Sheng's mouth. The time flow rates of the two worlds are not consistent!

The problem of the flow of time between the two worlds. This is the world we live in. The flow of time is countless times that of the outside world, but it is not static, but becomes slower and slower as time advances.

Because the development process of our world cannot surpass the outside world. When our level of development is roughly the same as theirs, the flow of time will slow down.

Specifically, if the time of the suicide was the productivity level of the industrial society, after our world developed to the productivity level of the industrial society at a very fast rate of time, the rate of time would slow down. Because after all, our world is modeled on the world of suicides and based on the dreams of suicides. After all, it is difficult to break through to a level that has not been experienced in the world of suicides, and wait until the productivity level of the two worlds is complete. After the agreement, the flow rate of our time will gradually decrease in a gradual process, and gradually become equal to the outside world.

But no matter what, the current time in our world is still faster than that in that world. Even if the brakes have been applied, the speed is still very fast.

Under such a premise, what kind of environment is our current environment

This snow-capped mountain comes from the outside world. When we come to this snow-capped mountain, our ability to withstand the flow of time is equal to the outside world, or the tolerance threshold is lowered accordingly.

But the time tassel in our world is still so fast.

Therefore, people who come to this snow-capped mountain should be multiplied by several times, or more than ten times, when they spend time in our world.

"Is this fucking a question of relativity?" I said.

Chongyang said: "It should have nothing to do with the theory of relativity."

I waved my hand and said weakly: "Don't talk about this, the most important thing now is to sleep."

It is indeed a sleep. We have spent an hour now, and it may have been a day for the brain. If we stay on it, we may have a nervous breakdown.

"Can I sleep here?" Fang Jinyue asked tremblingly.

He didn't know what happened, and he didn't know the explanation that Chongyang and I had tacitly figured out, but he knew from my performance that everything was serious.

"Can sleep," I said, "Got your life."

Fortunately, the three of them are equipped with sufficient equipment, and now they can no longer drag on. The consequences of not sleeping for a long time are terrible. Without knowing what the speed of the flow rate is at the specific time, it is necessary to act early.

The three of them took out their sleeping bags and lay down as much as possible to fit the left rock wall. At the same time, they took the climbing rope, tied one end to the waist and the other end to the protruding rock, and then put the blanket and unsupported tent cover Outside the sleeping bag, it is even the last cold protection measure.

A truly weird picture. On a rocky road less than one meter wide, there is a steep cliff on the left and a steep slope covered with snow on the right. Below is the endless snow-capped mountains with clouds and mists. In the surrounding environment, three people lay in sleeping bags to sleep.

One is not afraid of death, but has to sleep.

Lying in the sleeping bag, I felt that the rope around my waist was tightly tied, and I reluctantly let go of my heart and found a sense of security, "I hope everyone wakes up safely."

Why use the term “safety”, because the term flow of time is only speculation after all. I don’t know what I will face after this sleep.

He closed his eyes, and his consciousness disappeared in the next instant.

This was a sleep I was very impressed with. After a long time, I recalled that I would even want to experience this kind of extreme sleepiness again and get a good night's sleep. Next to it are cliffs and mountains, the wind blowing from the continuous snow-capped mountains and snow-capped mountains, clouds and mist, and the sun is shining. Such an environment is unavoidable after all.

When I woke up again, it was a feeling of being satisfied after a full sleep. I was refreshed. All the sleepiness from the brain disappeared. I opened my eyes naturally without any urge to continue sleeping. Sit up naturally from the sleeping bag. The moment I uncovered the blanket and tent, I saw the distant snow-capped mountains close at hand.

This is really a contradictory description, but the feeling at the time is like this. The rolling snow-capped mountains are so close to me, as if I can hold them close to my arms as soon as I stretch out my hand.

"Wake up?"

I heard the voice of Chongyang, and turned my head to see that he didn't know when he had already woke up, so he just sat on the edge of the cliff, staring at the huge cloud in the distance.

The sky in Tibet is clear and clear, and even the shadows cast by the clouds on the ground are so full. "What is that cloudy like?" Chongyang asked.

I squinted and looked at it. It looked a bit like a love heart, but it was hanging upside down, with the pointed end on it.

"Like shit." I said. (End of this chapter)