The Longevity Project

Chapter 615: Final Mapu Temple (3)


Chongyang instantly cold his face and rolled his eyes at me. I'm so innocent. I'm just a boy who just woke up. What can I be wicked

Waking Fang Jinyue, he looked at his watch and he only slept for less than an hour. But this hour is worth seven or eight hours of adequate sleep.

The three people carefully packed their things on this rocky road, and each carried a huge backpack on their shoulders. I have basically adapted to this load-bearing hike, but it was still miserable to put it in the moon. After all, I used to go out for outings.

The next period of time was lacklustre. It was basically an hour of driving and sleeping for an hour, which was extremely inefficient, but it had to be like this. This road basically went to sleep all the way up the mountain.

A lonely snow peak standing in the air, the three of them seemed to be on a pilgrimage, but the other ascetics knelt all the way, and we slept all the way.

But when the setting sun went down and the light spilled on the snow through the vast world, the rock path that hovered up finally came to an end.

But there is still some distance from the summit. The three of them walked step by step in the snow in the sunset with trekking poles. Looking up, the summit seemed to be right in front of them, but it was still far away. But the hard work pays off, as long as it is something that is close to you, as long as the pace does not stop, it will eventually come.

At the same time, we found footprints in the snow. They were the footprints of a group of people. Thinking of the direction of the top of the mountain, they stretched out. Obviously, they were the group in front of us. It's just that there is no snow to leave footprints on the rock climbing trail.

Climbing up in the footsteps of the team, when the temple built on the top of the snowy mountain appeared at the end of the sunset, the three of them were already sweating, but looked at the outline of the huge building against the sunset , A sense of piety for pilgrimage naturally came to my heart, and even the feeling of sleepiness disappeared a lot.

"Footprints." I pointed to a footprint on the ground. "Footprints from the other side."

This line of footprints came from across from us, but eventually they also gathered in the golden temple in the setting sun.

This is another team, including us, there should be three teams here.

The rock path that we climbed up the mountain is not tightly wound around the mountain, but in a zigzag shape, buckled and snaked. It is only distributed on this side of the mountain. On the other side of the mountain, there should be a similar one. the way.

In fact, I can roughly guess who these other two people are. One group should be the people led by Hu Qinan, but I don't know what they experienced after the three of us were taken away by Padmasambhava. Gu Tang is probably the other team.

In any case, everyone gathered in this temple from another world, and the final meeting was inevitable after all.

Moving forward, the footprints of the three teams finally merged and gathered into a scattered footprint on the snow. The snow-covered Lama Temple is getting closer and closer, and finally is in front of you.

Above the gate is a dilapidated plaque with a line written in Tibetan.

I don't know Tibetan, but I can roughly guess the name of this temple.

Mapu Temple, in the story of Guansong, Mapu Temple will be the ultimate holy place.

This Mapu Temple is built against the mountain. To be precise, it is a complex of buildings. In addition to the main hall with the most conspicuous position and the highest position, there are also side temples on the side. The temple is actually a complex of buildings that basically occupies the peak of the entire snow-capped mountain.

The door has been pushed open, and the two teams who came first must have entered. I thought that as long as someone took the lead, it would be safer to put it in the first place. I stopped thinking about it, and walked in first. This Mapu Temple walked in. Seeing the scale is huge, but after walking in, it is unremarkable. Behind the gate is a step of no more than a hundred steps. The three of them stepped on the steps made of rough stones and stepped up slowly. There was no trace of snow on the steps. To be precise, after entering the door, the area of the Mapu Temple The snow is no longer visible inside, but another layer is covered on the roof of the temple, as if it has been cleaned all the year round.

The steps have reached the end, and there is another gate. Pushing in again, I frowned.

Why is it another step, but this time the step is obviously smaller. It was built on the mountain and turned a few times, with dense pavilions on both sides. "Continue going up?" Fang Jinyue said cautiously.

I glanced at him and remembered that I had come before, and most of it was so cautious. "Of course I keep going up."

I don’t know what’s going on. Since I entered the temple, the heavier and heavier feeling of sleepiness disappeared. It’s not that my condition has become better, but that in this temple, the flow of time seems to return to normal. The same. But this gives people a weird feeling. After all, if you don't understand the doorway, you lose control of things.

"I think about it." I said, "Should I continue to go up or look at the attic next to me."

These lofts are wooden lofts, neatly built on the left and right sides. The scale and shape are much taller than the steps. This step in the center does not match the left and right lofts at all, just like a Chang'an city has been repaired. , Suzaku Street was paved with cinders, not decent.

I thought for a while, "Let's pick a loft and go in and take a look."

The loft is magnificent, and I don’t know how much manpower and material resources it took to transport such a large amount of wood on such a high snow-capped mountain. And looking at the overall specifications, it doesn't look like the Tibetan style, but when it comes to the decorative patterns, it also has a strong Tibetan Buddhism color. But I don’t know much about the doorway.

Pushing the door and entering, the dust rustled down, I took a bite, stepped back two steps, waited for the dust inside to dissipate, and picked up the machine to look at the environment.

The light inside was very dim, and only the rays of sunlight shone aggressively through the gaps, reflecting the dust flying in it. As for more, I can't see clearly.

Chongyang took out a flashlight, this thing is of course a must. After living in modern society for a long time, there will be an illusion that there is light everywhere during the day. But these ubiquitous light does not come from the sun, but from electrical energy. In fact, as long as you walk into a building with a larger scale or less daylighting, you will need additional light sources even during the day.

For example, now, the designer of this loft may not have considered lighting matters. Even if it is daylight outside, although the inside is not barely visible, it can be regarded as hard to see.

When the dust was almost dispersed, the three of them stepped in. With a thumping sound, Fang Jinyue was frightened, and I signaled him to stay calm. The floor is wooden, but I did not expect to step on it so loudly. Even though we can control the strength of our feet, the surroundings are too quiet. No matter how restrained, the breathing is clear, let alone the sound of footsteps.

The attic is very deep. Chongyang took a flashlight and looked around. I didn’t see any extras, just some dusty debris. I looked down at the ground and signaled Chongyang to pass the light. The ground was also covered with dust. , Except for the three of us, there are no other footprints, which means that no outsiders have been here.

This attic is the one closest to the steps among all attics. If the first two teams have checked the attic, they will definitely not miss this one. Since there are no steps, it means that they have gone straight up the steps.

I vaguely felt that something shouldn't be done, but didn't think much about it, because the three of them had already reached the deepest part of the first floor of the attic. Hanging on the wooden wall is a huge angry King Kong statue, which is obviously Tibetan style. King Kong sits on the ghost head lotus seat with his upper legs crossed, begging a bowl with one hand and the sky with the other hand, staring anger and looking down at the three of them.

"This old Bodhisattva is quite scary." I said lightly.

Fang Jinyue stammered a little: "It's better to be in awe."

I nodded and didn't say much, but at this moment, I heard a slight noise in the darkness above my head.

In such a quiet environment, it is extremely clear. It's not like the sound made by the natural displacement of the timber structure, but like something dragged on the floor.

The three of them raised their gazes at the same time, over there, it was the second floor of the attic. (End of this chapter)