The Longevity Project

Chapter 617: Final Mapu Temple (6)


The first time Starvation appeared was in the underground river in the underground palace of the Jing clan in Sichuan. It was at that time that I saw Li Yuanyi’s skills for the first time, and it was also the one that I have seen Li Yuanyi exert the most combat power. Once, although there may be a reason to deliberately hide his own strength because of the calculation of Gao Xia, but he can't ask for instructions from starvation.

Hungry death was refined by the Su tribe back then as part of the underground city defense system. At first, in my impression, this thing was like a long jagged tongue covered with wax, but then I met Fang Jindong. Although this old man looks inseparable from starvation, his tongue length is normal, he also has his own mind, and his fighting power is also quite high. Later, after Meng Qisheng's point of death, Fang Jindong was also hungry and refined by Fang Xiang.

That is to say, the existence of starvation is closely related to the Qi people or Fang Xiangshi, and there are two kinds of this stuff, one with brains and the other without brains.

I just don't know why starvation occurred in the temple on this snow-capped mountain.

Isn’t all these big urns all these things? This is only the first floor. Will there be more on the second floor? This is just one of the many attics I have seen, and So much.

I couldn't help feeling a little bit chilly.

Because Li Yuanyi is not there, even if he doesn't want to admit it, in terms of violence, Li Yuanyi is a perverted existence, and he is more confident.

"Hide it later, and sneak out when you find an opportunity." My opponent Jinyue said.

He doesn't dislike the dirty trekking pole now. He holds his hands horizontally. Although he is trembling, he is not panicked, "I won't be dragged down."

"Don't be nervous." I boasted: "Brother Ning, I've seen him before, and he came here in a bloody storm. This one is not enough for me to move my muscles and bones."

Before the words were over, the cyan old man who was blocking the door jumped forward and rushed forward. I pushed Fang Jinyue: "Hidden on the side and lighted us the lights."

Chongyang stepped forward and rounded the trekking pole, which was a stick, with a dull cracking sound, the green old man flew out half of his head, and his brain slurried sparsely, like egg drop soup, but it did not slow down and rushed at me. Come, of course, I also rounded a stick, and lifted the other half of his head away, with egg-flower soup on my face.

Damn, why am I so bad? Chongyang is the protagonist. Chongyang kicked the cyan old man with only one chin back a few steps, and took off his coat for me.

I wiped my face from start to finish, blew my nose, tilted my head, patted my ears, and spit, "Xiansisier."

Brother Cyan is physically disabled, and still loves to play, so I continue to pounce on him. At this time, I am not so afraid of him. Whether it is compared with the Sichuan Underground River or Fang Jindong, the fighting power of this thing is inferior. It is not a level. I am more afraid of the egg drop soup in his mind than I am afraid of him.

Speaking of egg drop soup, I have a guess. If you compare the refined hungry to the pickled Songhua egg, Fang Jindong is pickled. As for this one... it's pickled.

Not only is it not resistant to beatings, but the muscle tissues including the brain tissue are all wet and flocculent. I tasted it again, Xiansisier...

But it can be disgusting if it is salted. Even if his head is gone, he still rushes over and over again. I was so moved and cried. What does it mean to be physically disabled? It seems that unless half of his body is torn off, he will not lose his combat effectiveness. The half that just came out of the big urn is still crawling on the ground with one hand dragging his intestines.

Fang Jinyue walked out of the small corner again and again. I saw that his expression seemed a bit regretful, "So the zombies are all fake."

"This is a counterfeit and shoddy product. If you are lucky, you might be able to see the official authentic product."

Cai and fun-loving Fang Jinyue longed for: "I hope, in fact, I don't think my potential has been stimulated yet."


"Maybe I still have some bloodline that I haven't awakened. I can hit ten at a time of crisis."

While talking, Chongyang had discounted the legs of the blue brother, and the black brother had also climbed a distance of one or two meters.

"Okay, there is nothing good about these big urns. Let's go to the second floor and take a look."

I was quite curious about that sudden voice.

The stairs collapsed when Chongyang kicked the door. Fortunately, it’s not impossible to climb up at this height. Chongyang lightly grabbed the upper railing, got a little bit, and the person went up, and then I was close to Fang. Moon pulled up, and after walking up the remaining flight of stairs, it was a tightly closed door. Dense yellow talisman paper pasted on the door.

The size of the talisman paper is basically the same as the size we removed from the large urn. It is estimated that the two are the same. Fang Jinyue shivered and hid behind us, fearing: "Tear it off and see what happens."

I am also full of expectations.

But it’s worth mentioning that this is the Lamasery, it’s the sphere of influence of Tibetan Buddhism. If there are some things of Middle-earth Zen Buddhism, it is not unbearable, but this ghost symbol is obviously a Taoist thing, how could it be so? Are you here frequently

Are these runes necessary for refining starvation? If it is necessary, what is the relationship between Fang Xiangshi and Taoism? The Taoist culture in Sichuan has always been prosperous. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Lu made the political and religious regime in Hanzhong. Isn't it the Five Dou Mi Dao? It is estimated that Taoism and Fang Xiangshi really have something to do with each other.

Moreover, Fang Xiangshi also came to Tibet this time, I am afraid there are other purposes.

My heart turned a thousand times, and the movement in my hand did not stop, that is, lifting the talisman paper.

Not to tear the talisman paper, but to lift it. See if you can bypass the talisman and just push the door open. Why do you need to do more? A joke, I’ve been in Ning Chuan for so long, so why would I tear the talisman paper with my hands at this moment? This kind of idea is that the mentally handicapped supporting characters in the protagonist team who artificially create contradictions to promote the development of the plot can only have the idea. It's cautious, then cautious...

A nonexistent wind blew by, and a piece of talisman paper fluttered down.

Fang Jinyue said with horror on her face: "Hahahahahaha."

Chongyang caught the piece of talisman paper and wanted to paste it back, but it couldn't stick it anymore.

I calmly said: "It's nothing more than pretending to be a ghost, and it doesn't prevent us from continuing to open the door."

The door was not locked, nor did it fail to open because the talisman paper was pasted. Soon, the door was pushed open by us, and a light shone from the crack of the door. As the door was fully opened, the three of them were bright and the inside of the door was also attached. Full of talisman paper, the talisman paper swayed slightly in the light.

This is the second floor, with light and wind.

The design is completely different from the first floor. The second floor is actually a half-open design. The lighting and gout are very good. The sun outside the attic spills over every corner of the second floor, making it clear. See the dust floating slightly in the air.

And the water tank that fills the entire second floor.

This time it was a one-person-high water tank.

The water tank and the big urn are both the same and different. The same is that they are both ceramic containers. Although there are different shapes, they are also roughly the same. The difference is that the big urn has a small mouth and can be used for sealing. The water tank has a large mouth, which is convenient for drawing water in and out and cannot be sealed.

Because of the large mouth of the water tank, we can clearly see the tops of the heads of all the water tanks protruding from the edge.

"Isn't it this stuff again?" I said.

"I'm afraid it is."

I was a little bit retreat, Fang Jinyue also paled, two battles, "Let's go and see."

Fuck me. "You are so afraid of it." I said.

"In the novel, if the protagonist is the protagonist, after seeing the danger, they will split up to check the situation." Fang Jinyue tremblingly said: I go here with Brother Yang, and Brother Ning goes there. After identifying the problem, how about we meet here. "

"You want to find out something." I asked him.

Fang Jinyue was stunned, "I don't know."

I slapped him on the back of his head, "The protagonist has a heart-wrenching mind, if you really want to stimulate it, don't direct it blindly."

Then I said to Chongyang again: "Let's take a look, take a look and leave." Then I pointed to the dozens of large tanks.

Then I was stunned, and the other two people were also stunned.

The heads in the water tank were all turned around. From the edge of the tank, only dozens of pairs of eyes without any expression could be seen open, staring at us. (End of this chapter)