The Longevity Project

Chapter 62: Break through the wall (1)


It took a long time in my mind to howl like a bell before it calmed down. Fuck, what kind of gun is this so loud.

"What should I do now?" I shook my head and said to Gu Tang.

Gu Tang put the gun back, now I saw where he put the gun, just put it in the pocket of his pants, I didn't feel too panic.

"Since it is a closed circle, there must be a starting point, where we come in. Let's walk around again and see if we can find the door that comes in."

The two made a mark on the ground, that is, they messed up the spider web on the wall, and then moved in the direction when we came. In fact, now I can't figure out which side is which. Anyway, the two of them are casual Picked a direction to go.

But this time it was a lot slower than before. I just turned around one step at a time, like looking for a secret room in the movie, but after walking for a long time, I didn't see the door when we came.

"Hey, have you read a book about the Daqingshan Project." The two walked boringly, and I had nothing to say.


Hum, I knew you didn't, this book is not very famous, I forgot the name now.

"It means that after some people enter a space, they will never get out. They open a door from the room, and after passing through the door, they find themselves back in the room. If there are people in the room, you will find that that person has changed. It became two."

I deliberately said in a gloomy tone.

"The narrative is very confusing." Gu Tang said.

Uh, it's really messy. I studied liberal arts and I couldn't understand it when I read that novel.

"It's a mirror space." Gu Tang said.

"Yes, yes, it seems that this word was mentioned in the book." I almost forgot about it. After Gu Tang said this, I vaguely remembered, it seems, probably, maybe... It should have mentioned such a word. "Do you think we will encounter the mirror space."

"No." Gu Tang was very sure.

"I think we are in a similar situation now, a long corridor that will never go out."

Gu Tang took a close look at the promenade next to him. Among the thick cobwebs was the wall made up of black stone long bricks. "If it is a mirrored space, the bullet I just fired will pass from behind us. Shoot it from the back."

Also, the occurrence of sparks when the bullet rubbed against the wall indicates that this is a looping corridor, but the walls of the corridor still won't have the elasticity to bounce the bullet away, and will eventually shoot into the wall.

The two walked for a long time, and finally, we returned to the place where we marked before, where the spider web on the wall was messed up. However, we still did not see the door when we came in.

Did we guess wrong or... Someone closed the door.

Gu Tang and I looked at each other, I think there should be only one sentence in my eyes—what the hell should I do!

I won’t just walk and die here. If this place is as evil as the mirrored space, not only the space loops, but the damn time also stays, then we can’t get out, and we can’t die!

Gu Tang and I sat down to rest for a while, and Gu Tang looked at the equipment bag: "We are almost out of food."

I leaned over and took a look. Indeed, only a few compressed biscuits were left, and the water was gone.

"Why is there only so much left? We didn't eat much either."

"It should have fallen out over the cliff, and the last flashlight is not too bright." Gu Tang shook the flashlight and it became very dark.

"Then save a bit." I turned off the flashlights. Anyway, the two of them are resting, and there is no need. If the last flashlight is dead, Gu Tang and I really have no hope of going out.

"We must be prepared to raise the torch." Gu Tang said. (End of this chapter)