The Longevity Project

Chapter 620: Final Mapu Temple (9)


Some team members installed a pulley and pulled the rope there. Soon Chongyang came up safely.

I looked at Chongyang, who was unharmed and forcibly holding back the pain in the thighs, and said excitedly: "Er Gouzi, you really survived." Chongyang ignored me again. After a long time, he knew that I often had something in my mind. No, it's hard to keep up with my thoughts completely. The best choice is when I didn't hear it.

I looked at the scene before me. This should be the highest point of Mapu Temple and the true highest point of this snow-capped mountain. A main hall was built behind it, surrounded by side halls with a smaller shape.

"Should we run away?" I said.

Gu Tang shook his head, still sitting there, "What anxious, this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, they can't get up."

Seeing that Gu Tang's heart was well established, I naturally wouldn't refute, so I sat down and took the medicine box out of my bag to bandage my two bloody hands.

"Are you in the attic?" Gu Tang asked me.

"Yes, curious."

Gu Tang nodded, "Fortunately, I didn't enter. I thought you were still in Hu Qinan's team. I didn't even touch those attics when I saw them. I didn't enter in order to keep up a little bit. Who knew you were behind. A group of ancestors."

"This is the starvation we encountered when we were in Sichuan. Why did it appear here?"

Gu Tang sighed, "I was thinking just now, what does Fang Xiangshi have to do with this place? My child, come here."

Fang Jinyue was sitting on the side and rubbing her legs. When Gu Tang called him, she shrank her head, "What's the matter."

"These monsters, don't you know?"

"I really don't know." Fang Jinyue said innocently, "I don't know anything."

Gu Tang stared at him for a while, then looked away, "How did you separate from Hu Qinan."

I had long thought of telling Gu Tang about all this after I met Gu Tang. Of course, I wouldn’t hesitate at this time. I had to tell Gu Tang about everything that happened during those two nights. Gu Tang should have told him in advance. The team members are all sitting far away chatting, spanking, cooking, and no one is near here. I have no worries.

Gu Tang listened quietly from start to finish. Chongyang and Fang Jinyue added a few words from time to time, and they soon finished talking about the moths made by Liansheng.

Gu Tang didn't show any surprised look. Lianhua Sheng's dream creation said that although it was bizarre, it was not without foreshadowing. After all, Ning Hanqing had confessed to Ning Er and Gu Tang about the existence of God's will. I also saw another outstanding letter left by Ning Hanqing in Dongxing Warehouse, which repeatedly mentioned the truth of the world.

Later, in Luoza’s hotel, Gu Tang secretly found me and Chongyang, and specifically demonstrated the possibility of existence of such a vain thing as God’s will from the perspective of materialism, and also mentioned in the inferences made by the two at that time. The consciousness in one world derives another world, that is, the legendary consciousness creates matter. This kind of speculation is very close to the creation theory in the Taoist dream of Padmasambhava, that is, the flesh and blood filled after a bone frame is built as a detail.

"It seems—" Gu Tang pondered, "The last place to wake up is at Mapu Temple."

I nodded and asked him, "How did you find this snow mountain?"

"I took people to follow you all the time. On the first night after entering Lacan Canyon, nothing happened in our camp, but after waking up the next day, we were already at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, no one I know how to get to the Snow Mountain from Lacan Grand Canyon, and Hu Qinan's team was in front of us at that time, so I thought you were also in the team. Who ever thought there was something like this in the middle."

"It seems that this snow-capped mountain does come from another world."

At this time, Gu Tang's team members had already put away the ropes, and each took up weapons to deal with the hungry deaths that caught up. The hungry people either climbed up with their tongues. This is a good deal. Seeing his tongue climbed up, he could blow it up with a dagger or hit it with a trekking pole.

As for chasing from the stone steps, it is easy to deal with the advantages of using the narrow terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and waiting for work. Seeing them at ease, I knew that Gu Tang would not do things that were uncertain, so I relaxed, and took a sip from the bowl of hot water in Gu Tang's hand, "Tibetan water is sweet."

"This is the mineral water we brought up." Gu Tang reminded lightly.

"The mineral water burned in Tibet is just sweet." I remedied it in time.

Seeing that we were almost done, someone from Gu Tang's team came to ask him: "Gu Brother, what should I do next."

I see this person, this person also looks at me, I know from his expression, this person mostly knows me, no, most of them know Ning Er, he and Gu Tangdao team members had a New Year’s Eve dinner, although he told me That meal, but didn't tell me what everyone looked like and what their names were.

I had no choice but to pretend that I couldn't remember the name for a while and watched him with joy, and kept his mouth silent.

This old brother Liu kindly smiled at me: "Forget about our brother so soon? Liu Jianyuan."

Oh, "Why did I forget Brother Liu." I said suddenly, "This is not a momentary jam."

Gu Tang did not answer the question Liu Jianyuan specifically came to ask him, but beckoned to a student's face, "Guan Song, come here."

A young man who had been sitting by the side watching the excitement turned his face when he heard the words, smiled at us, got up and walked over.

It turns out that this person is Guan Song. I have heard of his name for a long time. I am still quite curious about this person who suddenly appeared in our field of vision.

This person is very similar to the image in Ning Peiping’s narrative. He does seem to be the kind of literary youth with paranoia that ordinary people can’t understand. Otherwise, he would not be obsessed with a snow-capped mountain and a temple that does not exist all the way to Tibet. Come.

Gu Tang said to me: "This person is Guan Song." Then he said to me Guan Song: "This is Ningchuan."

He stretched out his hand to me, and the two shook hands, "Looking up for a long time."

I hurriedly said: "Look up for a long time."

Gu Tang suddenly said loudly to the team members guarding the entrance of the steps: "You guys use a bit of strength. If you let them rush up, it won't be so easy to drive off."

The team members over there said loudly: "Don't worry, Brother Gu, who are you guys are safe."

Gu Tang still seemed uneasy, and said to Guan Song: "Guan Song, you also go to help, let them really rush up and it will be over."

Guan Song nodded, smiled at me again, and turned to help.

Having known Gu Tang for so long, I can tell at a glance that Gu Tang didn't really ask Guan Song to go there to help. He just wanted to call this person over and then leave.

My brother and Gu Tang exchanged gazes, tacitly, I lowered my throat subconsciously, "What's the problem with Guan Song?"

Gu Tang said lightly: "I always think he has a problem, but I can't figure out where the problem is."

There are also things that Gu Tang can't figure out, so I won't be sleepy anymore, "Tell me about this person quickly."

"This person was originally introduced to Ning Er by Ning Hanqing, and later introduced to me by Ning Er."

"It turns out that there is still such a relationship in the middle. Why does he make you think that there is a problem?"

"First of all, it is the origin of this person. Since he is a person of Ning's history, he naturally doesn't know the roots, and since he can see the snow-capped mountains and the Mapu Temple in Chongqing, he must have a deep connection with the Ning family's longevity plan. Yes, but this person appeared too abruptly. We couldn’t touch his heels. We didn’t know where Ning Hanqing found such a person. So I had some precautions against him, but I talked to him. At the time, I could feel what he was telling the truth again."

"Since they didn't tell lies, why are you still so defensive against him."

Gu Tang frowned and said, "The seventh sense, the most weird thing about this person is that he is especially easy for people to ignore his existence."

"You mean low sense of presence?"

"Yes, I have seen people with low sense of presence. Actually, Chongyang Dao's sense of presence is relatively low, but Guan Song's sense of presence is already so low that many people in the team will forget his presence."

Gu Tang stretched out his right hand and showed it to me, with two words written on it in a waterproof pen, "Guan Song."

Otherwise, I would subconsciously forget the existence of this person and think that there is no such person in our team.

I am shocked, this is beyond the scope of low sense of existence, this seems to be a person who is constantly erasing his own existence.

Gu Tang approached me a little bit and whispered to me: "I even suspect that he has already appeared in our field of vision, but all of us have forgotten him." (End of this chapter)