The Longevity Project

Chapter 622: Final Mapu Temple (11)


Seeing everyone there, Gu Tang said: "Five people are in groups, taking care of each other, and each group turns on three flashlights." He paused, "I, Ningchuan Chongyang, and Fang Jinyue, and also about Song , A group of five people, let the others divide by themselves."

The team quickly ended up in the group.

I asked Gu Tang in a low voice, "Isn't it, Officer Gu, aren't we going to split up?"

"Of course not. There are too many people to take pictures. It is convenient to find problems in the team in a group."

"I also think there are too many people. I bring so many people here. I don't remember my name clearly, and there are so many people on Hu Qinan. If you are writing online novels, how can you find so many famous names?" I was a little bit distressed.

Gu Tang slapped me on the head: "You don't need to remember what you are doing. It's not easy for these people to get together. Most of them are for repaying the former affection." He whispered, "This So it’s the last time. From now on, we will live our own lives."

Suddenly, it's no wonder that Gu Tang pulled so many people over in one breath. It turns out that this is still a seller's market. I can guess the joints behind it. These team members are gathered by two generations of Gu family, father and son. Judging from Ning Er’s narrative, their way of getting along is a bit like a big family. Everyone is striving for a common goal. , But after Gu Nanshan’s golden basin washed his hands, the story of Gu’s family is actually coming to an end. This group of people will fight for Gu Tang one more time. Even if they don’t owe each other, they will have to go on their own.

Quite a few brothers from the rivers and lakes are about to be separated, and they will become families and start their own businesses.

After a short period of three minutes, Gu Tang also indirectly introduced the three of us to his team members. Some people in this group should know Ning Er, and some people don't know him at all.

Then began to explore this corridor.

Straight and unable to see the end for the time being, Liu Jianyuan led his team to open the way, but since it was Hu Qinan's people who waded through it, there may be no problem, but it still cannot be taken lightly.

Nothing unusual happened all the time, but when I first entered the corridor, I had a weird feeling. It should be a sense of weightlessness, just like being in an elevator, but not so strong.

This has something to do with the mechanism behind the six doors. That mechanism does not only mean that the six doors are moving alternately, but also that the six spaces behind the six doors are moving alternately. We are in the middle of it, and it is only natural that there is a sense of weightlessness.

But after a certain distance, the original sense of weightlessness disappeared.

I asked Gu Tang, "Do you still feel like riding in an elevator? Did I get used to it?"

Gu Tang said, "No more."

Since Gu Tang said that he couldn't feel it, he really didn't feel weightless. This shows that where we are now, we are no longer in the area of constant motion.

This made me very curious, "How did you say we got off the elevator without knowing it?"

Gu Tang thought for a while, "It's really strange."

It is really strange that when the sense of weightlessness exists, it means that the tunnel we are in is slowly rising, and when the sense of weightlessness disappears, it means that the tunnel we are in is static and unintelligible.

Chongyang concluded: "The same passage has two states."

That's right, one section is slowly rising, and one section is still, "The corridor is paved with slabs, and it is not a gumdrop. How can one section continue to rise, but the other section is still?"

Fang Jinyue also joined the topic, "Could it be that the tunnel was rising when I just came in, but now the tunnel has stopped?"

Gu Tang smiled and said: "It's still young people who think thoroughly, you think too complicated. But..." He paused, still disagreeing with Fang Jinyue's guess: "We stayed outside for so long, the whole six doors. Basically, the cyclical movement of ”does not stop. After each door is in place, it will only stay for tens of seconds. Therefore, as long as it is moving, it will basically not stop."

Before Liu Jianyuan was taking a flashlight to take a photo while listening to us to find something, he also interrupted and said: "This is simple, the movement of the tunnel and the non-motion of the tunnel are two parts, disconnected, it's OK if you don't."

Fang Jinyue said excitedly: "Yes, it's like two straws. One straw does not move and the other makes a circular motion. There is only one point on the circular motion, which can make the two habitual small holes align. "

Gu Tang continued to deny: "When moving in a circular motion, there is only one point on the circle that can make the holes of the two straws fit together. This point appears in an instant. Before and after this instant, you can't let people Unknowingly, he walked from one straw to another. But why did the designer of this mechanism design so ingeniously that it just made us reach the junction of the two straws at that point in time. Does he know our movement? speed?"

I added: "Moreover, we have fifteen people, which is a very long team. To make the fifteen people unable to feel the changes in the connection, you have to grasp the movement path very delicately in order to do it. Basically, there is no This possibility."

When the two people sang a peace, they just didn't give an answer. They just dismantled the stage, and completely dismantled the stage of Fang Jinyue and Liu Jianyuan in one go.

Fang Jinyue was a little frustrated when she heard it. She took a small flashlight and shone her feet, but she didn't know what she saw. She was stunned. I subconsciously thought that there was another new breed of monster about to appear on the stage. As a result, he took a look at his own. Then he poke Chongyang, then Chongyang looked at his hand, and said to me: "Look at your wrist."

I look at the wrist, Guan Song.

Only then did I remember to pay attention to the last person in our five-person team, Guan Song. This kid has been unable to listen to words. His sense of existence is really too low. He was walking with his head down and felt that I was watching him. , Raised his head and smiled: "Maybe it's really destined to be destined."

I knew that this man was a bit of a literary and artistic fan, so I smiled. He didn't expect others to care about him, and bowed his head to follow the team silently by himself.

Finally, Chongyang said: "The easiest way is to go back."

It is indeed a simple method. Since we have acquiesced to the existence of two states of motion and stillness, we only need to find the time point or space point where the two motions alternate.

This was originally a rather uninteresting topic, because the things discussed didn't have much impact on the overall situation, maybe it was just a harmless small organ design, we didn't think about it for a while.

But Gu Tang is indeed a cautious person, and he is really interested in this topic I casually introduced, even though I didn't think that when I was looking for words, there seemed to be some talk behind it.

"Everyone, stop first." Gu Tang said.

He thought for a while, "Liu Jianyuan, take the people from your group and take a look back with me."

The two groups add up to ten, which is exactly half and half. The others also want to follow up to watch the fun, but Gu Tang refused. They add up to a bunch of 20 people, fucking back and forth. Are you here to travel

Going back but about 800 meters away, the light from the flashlight came to an end.

Because at the end is a wall.

Everyone looked at each other.

That direction is the direction when we came. When did a wall appear

Fang Jinyue shivered and said with some excitement: "This, this, this is not a ghost hitting a wall, right?"

I was a little upset: "I heard that it takes a boy to pee to break the ghost wall, and then the nine of us will watch you pee."

Fang Jinyue shrank his head, seemingly terrified of that situation, and then asked in a low voice, "Will you whistle?"

I kicked his ass: "Fuck you."

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere still inevitably fell into tension because of the appearance of the wall.

After approaching, it became more certain that this was indeed a wall, and it was a wall that was slowly moving upward.

It turned out that Fang Jinyue and Liu Jianyuan were right, that their double straw model was correct, and it turned out to be two passages with one movement and one quiet.

Then the most important question comes, why is the time when the straws are docked, so coincidental, so coincidental that none of us 20 perceives something wrong.

Even though I was not so interested in this at first, I still have a cold sweat. Because I think of Guan Song's words.

"Maybe it's really doomed by Ming Mingtian." (End of this chapter)