The Longevity Project

Chapter 623: Final Mapu Temple (12)


I leaned over to look at the wall carefully. "What do you think will be behind the wall?" I asked.

"Who knows this." Liu Jianyuan said.

Gu Tang said: "It seems that the main hall of the Mapu Temple is a huge institution."

I listened to the dull sound of the machine running from the music behind the wall, "Isn't Officer Gu coming from a blaster, showing his hand?"

Gu Tang shook his head, "Organization can affect our whole body if we pull it in. Maybe we can't get out."

"Yes." Fang Jinyue nodded with deep conviction.

"And..." Gu Tang continued, "I don't have a detonator on my body now."

I changed my mind to think about it too. After all, it is Tibet. Who dares to bring it down after the checkpoints.

"Then why are we going now, just standing here?" Liu Jianyuan asked.

Someone in the team suggested: "Why don't we wait to see what will happen to the wall at the end."

Gu Tang thought for a while, and finally shook his head and said, "It's no longer necessary. Mostly, it just turned around the tunnel and turned back. Now we are too far behind Hu Qinan, and we have to hurry forward."

I thought so too. Ten people looked back and left a moving wall.

Along the way, I have been looking at Guan Song, who has a low sense of existence. I don't know if he said what he said casually or if he really knew something. I always feel that this person is weird.

After the team converged, Gu Tang didn't take the initiative to tell others what he saw just now, so he said to move on. I saw him look worried and asked him: "Why, did you panic the wall? "

"Of course not. I think the construction level of the Mapu Temple is too high."

I believe it very much. I haven't even entered yet. First of all, there are six circular doors with six circular motion spaces connected behind them. After entering the doors, I am unconscious.

The most terrifying thing is that such a large-scale agency can run for so long. I don't know where the power comes from? There can't be a boiler room under the Mapu Temple. This is still the first, and the second is the fineness behind the mechanism. The galleries with a length of several hundred meters reciprocate back and forth. They seem to be only repaired with rough slate and stone bricks, but the stone structure and stone structure The friction between them can be called silent, and only by listening carefully can you hear a faint sound of movement. This is the most terrifying.

This means that we are very likely to start the Taoist without hearing any sound.

But I thought about it again and comforted Gu Tang: "Don’t think too pessimistically. This is not an ancient tomb. Why do people kill so many invisible organs? This six-door circular organ is more like a kind of The manifestation of religious spirit."

"Religious spirit?"

I actually don't understand it. Anyway, I just said nonsense: "Six doors, behind each door is a different world. Isn't this Buddhism's six reincarnations right?"

"Really." Fang Jinyue said in surprise.

"Furthermore..." I continued to stabilize the military's mind, "This corridor mechanism is not to confuse us, but to reduce the size of the six-door mechanism."

Chongyang nodded, "If the six building spaces behind the six doors are really made to follow the agency cycle, then the amount of construction will increase geometrically. The best way is to divide the door and the space behind the door. Open, the space is static, and does not follow the movement of the door, and a lesser workload is used to connect the moving door to the still space."

"So, after all, this Mapu Temple is just a temple. The designer of which agency will have nothing to do and think about ambushing some killer moves everywhere, and can't wait to let everyone who come here be in a different place..."

Before my voice fell to the ground, I heard a scream from Liu Jianyuan, who opened the road in front of me, and I was taken aback for a moment. How could this five-big and three-thick man make such a sharp scream

But I didn't care about the tenderness of the strong man, and followed Gu Tang to check, Liu Jianyuan and the other five people had calmed down, shining flashlights on their heads.

At the top of the tunnel, something was hanging, and there was a continuous sound of dripping.

Looking at the ground again, there is a pool of bright red blood and two legs.

Except for Fang Jinyue, none of the people here would be easily frightened by this scene. Unfortunately, Fang Jinyue was too small to squeeze in and didn't come to watch it the first time. Oh, besides Fang Jinyue and Liu Jianyuan, although he had recovered his calm at this time, the scream that touched my heart still made me unforgettable.

But my face is not very good, because I just vowed to say that the Mapu Temple’s mechanism was not designed to kill people. Bring me a murder scene right now.

Except for the two legs on the ground, it is exactly a person's lower body, and the thing hanging on the top of the corridor, it should be a person's abdominal cavity, and the bloody intestine is still sticking to the inner wall of the abdominal cavity.

It's quite artistic.

"Not ours." Liu Jianyuan said.

That's Hu Qinan's person.

I wanted to recognize it carefully, but it was a pity that the man's upper body was stuck in the hallway, so I couldn't recognize it.

"It didn't take long to die." Liu Jianyuan said with a serious face, as if he wanted to save some face, he squatted on the ground and touched it again. "The blood is still hot."

I saw that his hand was full of blood stabbing, and he squatted down to look, "Why did this man die?"

There is blood everywhere, and there is a blood chamber separated from the front and back.

Gu Tang leaned over, took the trekking pole and shifted the two legs, and moved his hips to facilitate observation, "The break is too broken."

I also took a closer look. The white bones and stubbles were everywhere, and there was no complete skin under the waist, all of it was minced meat, as if it had been pinched to the ground.

Since the lower body is like this, the upper body is probably almost the same.

"Let's talk about it, how could this person die?" Gu Tang said.

I said: "The key point is why the upper body is stuck on the top of the tunnel."

The stone bricks in the corridor were laid tightly, so could it be that Thanos was hammered in

Chongyang Road: "Organization."

"Right." Liu Jianyuan clapped his hands, "Organ."

Of course it is the agency, Chongyang continued: "I heard the sound of the agency's operation again."

Everyone calmed down and listened carefully. As expected, there was a faint sound of objects moving slowly in all directions, but there was something wrong.

I and Chongyang looked at each other, then looked at Gu Tang again, and Gu Tang also looked at me and Chongyang.

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Jianyuan interrupted: "You can hold back and see, just say anything."

Gu Tang coughed, "It's just a confirmation, you should all have heard it, the sound of this mechanism is not quite right."

Liu Jianyuan listened carefully again, "Hey indeed."

It's really wrong. What's wrong in detail, and I can't tell it. The sound is the sound. It cannot be said that this kind of sound is correct and that kind of sound is wrong. It can only be said that this kind of sound should appear at this time, and that kind of sound should not appear at this time.

For example, we hear a lot of noise in the running sound of the machine.

It's as if a person's respiratory system has a problem, and the sound of breathing will be murmured. The sound we heard now, and the sound we heard when we first came in, there were obvious lags and noises.

Liu Jianyuan said loudly: "There is a problem with this agency?"

"We think so too." Gu Tang said solemnly: "Ning Chuan should be right at the beginning. The original designer of the Mapu Temple was not in the junior high school to use organs to kill people. What he did was like It’s just to build an elevator moving back and forth for a building."

I nodded, and then said: "But when this elevator has been in operation for too long and there has been a lack of necessary repairs, there is a problem with the mechanism."

A problematic elevator is the most brutal killing mechanism in the entire building.

Looking at the murder scene in front of me, and taking a closer look, we can find that the walls on both sides of the tunnel are inclined, and there are obvious cracks on the ground. Moreover, the blood stains that were originally spreading in disorder were suddenly cut off neatly at a certain place. . This shows that there have been changes in institutions in this place.

If there are problems with other organs in this main hall, then we may have to bear the threats from the out-of-control organs around us on the next journey. (End of this chapter)