The Longevity Project

Chapter 625: Final Mapu Temple (14)


Gu Tang quickly reacted, "Play a cold light bomb."

This thing is actually very tasteless. It is used for lighting, but it cannot be used in a narrow space. It can only be used in an open space. It must also be open to a certain extent, otherwise it will fall down before it goes to the sky. , So I don’t use it when I bring this thing out, like in the tomb robbery novel.

But now it’s not the time to entangle these things. Just know that the space in front of you is big enough. The most important thing is to use lighting to see what happened.

Some team members quickly took out the cold light bullet from the equipment bag and launched it. Accompanied by the sound of howling, a white light swayed and rose in the darkness, just like a white snake swimming in the black ocean. Surprisingly, the interior of the Mapu Temple is so high. I was worried that the cold light bomb would soon peak, but the actual situation was unexpected.

After the original luminescence bomb rises to a certain height, the internal reaction is sufficient, and it will gradually emit light.

At the very beginning, what we saw before our eyes was also such a scene. The light spot gradually expanded from the initial size of the fist, and there was a great momentum of light blooming, but when the light had not spread to the ground, it quickly dimmed. Until it disappears.

"Launch a few more." Gu Tang said again.

I secretly said that it is not a fake and shoddy product.

The first four people fired one each, and under our expectant gaze, the four cold light bombs flickered up, but it quickly became silent like the first one.

The scene became cold for a while, and I thought it was not because the logistics of Gu Tang’s team got a kickback, so I bought a bunch of two kicks to charge up, but the two kicks somehow still make a noise. You don’t even want to blow it up. Yes, don't buy fakes for both kicks.

"Who is in charge of the logistics." I asked Gu Tang in a low voice.

"Me." Gu Tang said.

"Oh." I said awe-inspiringly: "It seems that the design of the Mapu Temple really has a big doorway.

Gu Tang didn't hesitate anymore, and said to the other four people in Liu Jianyuan's team: "You follow me in and take a look. Don't block other people here, spread out, and be on alert at any time."

This is where I admire Gu Tang very much. When an accident happens, he will stand up as the person responsible for the first time, unlike me. This makes me very ashamed, because my first reaction just now was to wait for a while and don't go in and take risks until I figured out the situation. This is my style. I can't say that this kind of timely stop loss is completely wrong, but Liu Jianyuan will greatly reduce the chance of surviving because of this, and it will also chill the hearts of other players to a certain extent.

Gu Tang is willing to take people in to check the situation in person when it is obvious that there are major problems. It is indeed the best choice for the overall situation, but it is not a wise choice for him personally.

Of course, I will not say anything from the love of my sons and daughters, Brother Gu, you don't want to go, nor will I wake up and say that I also want to go in and find the way for my brothers. On the one hand, Gu Tang had the need for him to take the lead in entering, and on the other hand, my participation did not have much effect on morale improvement, but it might increase the loss of personnel.

After thousands of times in my heart, he just glanced at Gu Tang on his face. He gave me a relieved look and took the flashlight to lead people to jump down cautiously.

"Old Liu—" Gu Tang yelled.

"Brother Liu—" the others also shouted, but as the shouts spread, they didn't get a response. Their figures gradually melted into the darkness, and gradually only five beams of light were left dangling.

Soon several people stood where Liu Jianyuan’s flashlight had dropped.

"Brother Gu, there is blood here." Someone found something on the ground.

Gu Tang didn’t say anything, and I couldn’t see what they were doing. The other team members in the tunnel behind him were very orderly. They didn’t squeeze here, only a few people close to him stretched their heads to see what’s inside. doing what.

"Is there any problem?" I asked aloud.

"I haven't found any danger for the time being." Gu Tang responded.

But this is not reassuring. Since the bloodstains have been seen, Liu Jianyuan is mostly fierce, but the five of Gu Tang did not find the danger, so it can only be temporary.

And this is all that these five people can do, because the space is too big and it's pitch black. If you want to move forward, the five people are almost insignificant in such a large space, "You follow along. "Gu Tang said.

Preliminary proved that there is no danger, and at the same time, it is enough to show that the captain is not a person who ignores the lives of the players. Of course, the next step is to give full play to the advantage of the number of people.

Everyone is still in formation, and the possibility of falling behind in the open space is even greater. Carefully adjust the light of the flashlight to the maximum, and walk in the direction of Gu Tang.

Liu Jianyuan's flashlight has been picked up, and there is indeed a pool of blood stains not far away. I carefully looked at the shape of the blood stain, and my heart sank.

It was sprayed out from time to time, instead of appearing by rubbing the limbs on the ground. This shows that Liu Jianyuan was severely injured in an instant, and the things that took Liu Jianyuan away had strong attack power.

There were a lot of blood stains, and it was messy, but it clearly pointed out a path.

That was the direction Liu Jianyuan was taken away.

"Keep up." Gu Tang said.

The nineteen people kept moving forward at an even pace, and did not see any redundant facilities along the way. The empty space, the empty space at the end is not visible, as if only the stone bricks stepped on under their feet are real, and everything else does not exist. same.

The blood stains are getting faint, but I know that Liu Jianyuan is mostly killed.

Without him, there was too much blood flow.

The blood stains on the middle road were the same as the ones poured with a bucket. There was even a puddle of blood on the slate ground some distance away. After that, the blood stains were only ticking, which was completely drained.

In this environment, with such a huge amount of blood loss, it is impossible to have a chance of surviving. I have heard someone sighing, and someone asked Gu Tang: "Captain, why don't you go?"

Yes, this amount of blood loss is simply impossible to survive, and if you chase it over, I'm afraid it will only increase casualties.

Gu Tang did not hesitate, but looked at me: "What do you think?"

It's not easy for me to give advice for a while, so I can't chase it anymore, turn around, then where do I go? The Mapu Temple is full of organs in secret, but there is only one road for us to walk on the surface, a straight corridor, and a stone-brick hall with an incomparably flat edge. I can't understand it now. The thing is, what is on the top of the head, and where the cold light flare has gone, otherwise we can carefully see our situation.

Speaking of chasing it, it seems that it is indeed a bit dangerous. The two options are between two options. The former is safe but meaningless, and the latter has directions but risks.

Seeing Gu Tang still looking at me, I gritted my teeth and said, "Will you still take this risk when you go north and south? Keep chasing." I thought about it, and added: "You have to see people and corpses when you live." This sentence is purely to promote the goodwill of Gu Tang's team members.

Gu Tang nodded, I saw a look of relief in his eyes, and seemed to be satisfied with my responsibility.

"Am I someone who only knows to escape?" I asked in a low voice.

"That's safe." Gu Tang said. "But you have become more and more secure afterwards," he whispered. "Many times there are suspicions of looking forward and looking behind. You were not like this when we first met. You won't go back if I want you to go back."

"Who doesn't want to be like Fang Jinyue who pursues excitement, but after the underground palace of the Shao Clan, there are more and more changes," I am a little emotional, "A lot of things can't help me being unstable. How many times have it been."

Gu Tang nodded in agreement, "It's about life and death, it's understandable."

"There is something in front." Someone said.

The crowd approached slowly and found that it was a corpse.

Kneeling on the ground, the corpse was still wearing a robe, a robe. This is the lama who died here in a five-body throwing posture.

We leaned forward to take a closer look and found that the lama was placed in a five-body posture after he died, and even the clothes on his body were worn by people with rough hands after death, because the clothes were obviously missing. The decayed corpses are glued together. Although they are tattered and there are many traces of suspected blood on them, they are not particularly pickled. (End of this chapter)