The Longevity Project

Chapter 628: Final Mapu Temple (17)


I originally thought that the next step would be the drama of the landslide, the earth and the survivors. I never thought that the shaking of the earth and the mountains from the ground did not affect us too much. At most, it just made us fall and squat, which really affected us. It was the giant who never showed his true face in the dark.

We didn’t know what happened over there, we only felt the terrifying vibration from that location, and then we screamed, "Help me out—"

It is omnipotent when talking, but it is powerless when it is really done. Of course no one of the five dared to approach there.

In the darkness, the giant's voice stopped abruptly, as if being pinched by the neck, leaving only the hoarse breath intermittently, just like a mouse held by a cat, except for making a little noise with all its strength, It's hard to do more.

Something fell heavily.

What did we see at that moment? Seeing the faint light of fire, a silhouette in the vast space was immediately reflected.

It was a hand extending from the ground. We could only see the outline of this arm. Under the outline of this arm, there was a figure crawling on the ground.

Is the giant big? In front of him, we are not worth mentioning. But in front of this arm that stretched out from the ground, the body of the giant was like a baby.

I can't think of what kind of temple, such an institution, can hold such a huge arm.

At this moment, in the flames, his arms were raised.

In the next instant, the fire was extinguished, and the world returned to darkness. There was another heavy smashing sound, accompanied by a huge cracking sound.

Even if we didn't see anything, we can still imagine what was broken under that punch.

It is a head, from the Tianling cover to the cerebellum of the brain, the fragmented Tianling cover may not have any blocking effect at all, and it will collapse when touched, directly exposing the deeper and more fragile part under the fist.

The five people did not even dare to take a breath, sitting on the ground looking at each other.

Dead still.

After the punch, there was dead silence, and there was no more noise.

I shivered and said: "We? Move?"

Fang Jinyue trembled: "I don't dare to move."

Both Gu Tang and Chongyang seem to be relatively calm, but the development of the gaffe is clearly beyond their control, and they are at a loss for a while.

It's like a boss that you think is a boss, and there is no way to fight back in front of him, but he is vulnerable in front of another existence.

In short, we are hit by dimensionality reduction.

"I suspect that this arm is the real giant peeking."

That mentally retarded giant baby is obviously not.

Gu Tang said, "It's not the time to care about these things. It seems that something has gone wrong."

In the silence, there was a faint sound of sharp rubbing, a sharp rubbing sound of many things together, and then there was a loud noise.

It was as if a tractor was galloping away uncontrollably. Then we felt the ground began to move. We just got up and fell to the ground by inertia before standing still, as if the bus started.

And the rotation on the ground is not in one direction, but like a malfunction, sometimes swinging to the left, sometimes swinging to the right, five people experience the taste of a pirate ship for free, Fang Jinyue's face is white. , Gave up the attempt to stand up and threw up on the ground.

It’s not that it’s a fucking fault, it’s a fault, and it’s a large-scale fault. Listening to the crazy sounds of machines running around everywhere, I’m afraid the entire Mapu Temple’s There is a problem with the agency.

How can it be so crazy? If it runs like this, how many years can the parts of the Mapu Temple be used under this degree of wear and tear? This kind of organization that wants to span a long period of time is about a long stream of water.

This situation is completely collapsed right now!

I also learned that Fang Jinyue lay on the ground to master his body balance. Chongyang still wanted to stand up like a square brain to maintain balance. I grabbed him by his side and lay on his stomach, "Did you stuff your brain with donkey hair?" Save some energy!"

Five people were lying on the ground head to head, Gu Tang said loudly: "Two ways."

I like his straightforward approach, "Which two?"

"Either, go back the same way, but most of the way back is blocked, but at least part of the area is familiar to us." He paused and said loudly: "Or, keep going, I think I'm on the giant's side. There should be life, but this is just a guess, and what will happen is even more uncertain."

I said: "In other words, neither road is a fucking good road—"

"Yes, we are dead again!"

"Why, just lying here and stealing a life, you can still go for a few waves."

Gu Tang said loudly: "Six doors seem to be broken, I heard the sound of hungry."

I was shocked. Although Gu Tang's ears were not as good as Li Yuanyi's, people who played blasting were not only a little tougher than ordinary people like us. He said that it must be.

"Then go two fucking roads!" I yelled, "There are no two roads! There is only one road!"

I pointed to the darkness in the distance, over there was the giant's corpse, "The only way to survive! If you don't go, you die!"

"How to go?" Fang Jinyue said with a crying voice: "My legs are all weakened."

I said: "Don't disturb the military's mind, are you sloppy? Why are your legs soft? Don't fucking bullshit. Today, I will crawl over! Have you seen anti-Japanese films? See how the ancestors bombed the bunker. ?"

I made a posture of crawling forward on the battlefield with a dynamite bag. I have only been to the dynamite bag as my equipment bag. "Follow me!"

It can’t be dragged on any longer. Although I don’t know when the hungry people will be able to touch them, the farther we can escape, the better. In such a turbulent environment, it’s really hard for us to fight back when we are hungry. Strength.

There are many broken stone bricks on the ground. Some were smashed by giants, or splashed when the arm beat the giant to death. At that time, my face was marked with a blood mark. If I had no luck, I might have died. Under the splash damage.

The broken ballast made people's cuffs sore. Chongyang wanted to stand up against the inertia from nature while I was not paying attention, and soon fell on my back and almost squeezed my lungs out. I stopped for a while and took a hand. Grabbing the collar of Chongyang Road, he was dying and said, "I haven't told you the password of my bank card. You smashed me to death, and you can't get the money."

Chongyang shook his head, "I feel that the speed of the ground rotation has slowed down a bit."

I can't help but envy some of these people. They either have good hearing, a good sense of orientation, or they are observant of details, which makes ordinary people like me ashamed.

"This is normal, and most of the speed will be slower. Because all the machines in the Mapu Temple are not designed for this speed. Now it is like taking a stimulant. After the effect of the drug has passed, there will be side effects."

Having said that, we don't know how long it will take for the side effects to come, so we can't wait for him to slow down and can only continue to climb forward.

After passing by the five-body corpses, they were all collected by the abnormal giant. When passing by Liu Jianyuan, we did not stop. First, we didn't want to be distracted, and second, we didn't dare to look.

The next way is the area we haven't reached before, but fortunately, there is no other thing besides the denser and denser corpses thrown on the ground.

No, there are still more things.

For example, blood, and brain plasma.

I don't know what the piece of white fermented bean curd is like, but it's hard not to think of what it is.

The stuff under our sleeves is not pure blood, and there are white fermented bean curd all over the floor. It is red, red, white and white when mixed together. The slippery feeling penetrates through the fabric and closely adheres to the skin. It slides along the collar into the chest, like a mouthful. The next piece of steamed egg is as smooth as it is.

Fang Jinyue wanted to vomit again, but he had run out of a drop.

I was inexplicably sighed. Not long ago, the giant was still flaunting his might, and now we are almost swimming in his brain-filled brains. (End of this chapter)