The Longevity Project

Chapter 630: Final Mapu Temple (19)


"Can't run away!" I shouted.

It is true that we can't run away, and the hungry people are much faster than us.

"Corps!" Chongyang yelled.

"What corpse?"

Immediately he answered my question with action. He directly turned around and ran to the corpse of the creeping giant.

Although compared with the tower, the body of the giant is insignificant, but to us, the giant is like a collapsed high-rise building, and its scale cannot be underestimated.

This is why after seeing the giant and the tower itself, we began to suspect that there was a problem with this space, because it was too big, as if it were in a science fiction movie.

The place where we ran should be the giant's neck. After his entire head was smashed by that arm, only a strip of flesh and blood remained on the neck.

Regardless of other things, Chongyang directly grabbed a piece of flesh and blood hanging down from the top of his head, which was a piece of Xianwei E in the muscles, and then upward was a whole piece of broken skin. Others have followed, and I am not to be outdone. After all, whoever is behind will be killed at this time.

I also grabbed a bluish-gray ribbon, feeling that the broken blood vessels in the neck should be brittle and slippery, and there was a handful of blood.

Fortunately, although a lot of physical strength was consumed, he played well, and coupled with the stimulation of the will to survive, he was able to keep up with the team's speed. But my luck is that I chose a fragment of a blood vessel in the beginning, not a muscle.

That thing was too slippery. After the hands were stained with blood, and the palms were sour after a long period of time, if one didn't grasp it, they would just lean back.

At this time, the hungry people have begun to gather. They are slightly distracted by the flesh and blood on the ground, but most of the hungry people still pay attention to us, and still have a love for these dozens of living people. It seems that people like to eat. Fresh.

At this time, I knew that if I fell, there would be no chance to do it again. I subconsciously chose the most correct method. Before my body was completely out of balance, I shouted, "Chongyang is just me."

Chongyang’s butt is just above my side. If anyone can help me now, it must be him.

From this angle, I can’t see what he did, but before my voice fell to the ground, I felt a sharp pain in my armpit, and then I was leaned back by a spider, and my body had a fulcrum.

It turned out that Chongyang pierced the trekking pole through my armpit and directly nailed it into the giant's bloody neck.

I look at the position of Chongyang, most of it was just right after my call for help, and I just threw the trekking pole over, "It's dangerous, it's dangerous." I thought without conscience: "If the dog son loses his hand, I might just go straight. It's nailed to this."

There is no danger, everyone went up to the mountain safely, the giant was naked, and what we saw was his back. The hair was not strong, but it was still dirty.

The hungry people roared below, just like zombies. Forget it, in the past two years along the way, I have encountered many styles of danger, and this is the first time for a zombie film.

Different from the zombies, the hungry people have a strong climbing ability and have more control over their limbs. This also causes them to reach the place they think of only by relying on their tongues and flexible limbs in their mouths.

However, the disadvantage is that their IQ seems to be relatively low, and they often cannot find a solution to the problem in the first time. For example, when they are on the stone steps, they only mastered the use of tongue to climb and hunt after a period of time. Our approach. It stands to reason that this method should be used again and again, but they seem to have forgotten the hunting skills they explored not long ago, and they are just angrily spinning around the giant's body, not knowing how to catch up with the prey.

After everyone had safely climbed onto the giant's corpse, only a few of them were hungry and began to try to chase them by climbing.

But I noticed that all these open-minded, hungry tongues were hanging weakly out of the mouth, and I happily said, "The clever people have crawled with their tongues a long time ago, but they have been scrapped, and the rest are just two hundred and five. ."

Gu Tang said, "Don't look at the excitement, hurry up."

Everyone walked down the giant's broad back, and I couldn't help thinking of the awesome Newton pretended, "I am also standing on the shoulders of the giant, indicating that I will succeed in the future."

Except for a few trivial jokes, there is no more to say. I ran forward for a certain distance with my head buried. Fortunately, the giant never knew about bathing, let alone skin care. The road under his feet was not slippery, and he ran faster. It's not too slow.

However, the hungry people disappeared for a while, and they began to arrogant again. I know that the two hundred and five of them have finally opened up, knowing that they can use the stuff in their mouths to chase people.

We continued to run forward. At this time, the position was awkward. As soon as we reached the buttocks, the meat under our feet was quite soft. The smell in the Marinaia Trench was still unbearable. We ran forward with our noses in our hands. Thighs, knees, calves...

Where's the calf

We were stunned, the giant has no calves, no wonder he can't move.

At the end of the thighs, there is a group of hungry deaths who spread their teeth and dance their claws. Behind them are also hungry deaths with their tongues drooping out of their mouths.

We slowly stopped and started to get closer. I stared at the hungry die who was slowly coming closer, and said: "Gu Tang, you said, before the gang fires, was anyone scared?"

"There must be." Gu Tang said, "Are you afraid?"

Of course I am afraid. Not only am I afraid, I am also scared to death, but I cannot say, "Of course I am not afraid. I want to say that there must be fear in being hungry."

"Don't say anything." Fang Jinyue looked serious, and slowly pulled out the dirty trekking pole.

I also took out my trekking pole and put it in my hand, "I am a morale booster."

Gu Tang said, "Just like in the movie?"

"Yes, when the decisive battle begins, don't the protagonists have to say a few sorrows, don't you know why they chased all the way, but at the end they have to approach so slowly and give the protagonist time to swear."

"Isn't that the pursuit of dramatic tension." Gu Tang moved his wrists.

"Here." The first one rushed forward and was pulled out by Gu Tang with a stick. The strength made me panic. I don't know if I can produce this kind of shock.

Fortunately, I soon gave me a chance to get to know myself. The hungry people rushed towards me. The trekking pole in my hand was waving vigorously, and I was hungry one after another.

Although the palm was severely pained and the wound on the palm was shook and bleeds again, at least starvation can be dealt with head-on.

I now feel more and more that in the underground palace of the Su Clan, either Li Yuanyi deliberately concealed his strength, or the starvation in the two places was not the same version, otherwise it would be impossible for us to face such a large-scale starvation attack at the same time. Reluctantly stabilize the formation.

However, it is reasonable to think about it. The small boss-level monsters like the underground palace of the Xiao Clan cannot appear in high density at all. Otherwise, how the protagonist team will continue to play, directly gg.

Thirteen people are closely united in a formation, try not to be dissipated and revitalized by the low-profile version of the hungry version that came from the front and back. I found that although Gu Tang’s players are very taciturn, their abilities are not superlative, and all of them can be alone. , I don’t know where the old Gu’s family collected so many people as thugs.

However, even if everyone is strong, even if everyone is united, we are still facing starvation with the same high quality of individual soldiers, and their numerical advantage is a crushing level for us. Reluctantly seeking a self-protection with a trekking pole in his hand is not a problem for now. But it is very difficult for us to eliminate any hungry death. We can only watch the hungry death that was smashed to the ground while standing up and shaking to join the hunting team.

Unless the head is smashed and deformed, it will cause their attrition. And we have had some people hanging out, and my arm seems to be not my own. Several times, I was almost snatched away without holding on to the trekking pole. He was hungry and scratched with his tongue. Fang Jinyue also had a few hideous holes in his arm, but he didn't seem to be hungry, he just looked at the right time to help others.

The team moved gradually and was finally approached in a corner.

This place, how do you say, is commonly known as the big hip, on the left and right are the two thighs of the giant, and when you look up, it is the big bird that hatches its eggs.

I wiped the blood on my face and murmured: "This last battle is called the battle under the bird." (End of this chapter)