The Longevity Project

Chapter 631: Final Mapu Temple (20)


The battle under the bird is not irritating, but a bit sad.

Everyone had already consumed a lot of physical strength, and when they were forced into a dead end, there was almost no hope of escape. Although starvation is a weakened version, it can consume us alive.

I have never been a person who accepts my fate, unless it is the last juncture, and it is far from the final juncture, of course, I will not wait for death.

Our current position is not too far away from that tower. After entering it, maybe we can take advantage of the terrain to completely get rid of this group of starvation. But how should one enter the giant tower

We are now able to keep from being swept away by starvation, precisely because of the Giant **, a natural place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is also a desperate situation, barely delaying time. It is impossible to break through.

If it can be piled up with human lives, at least Gu Tang and I can enter the giant tower alive. But human lives are not bricks, you can pile them where you want, otherwise there will not be so many battles in history that have been defeated by less because of declining morale.

Therefore, the idea of forcibly breaking through is simply not feasible.

I changed my mind again, it is not feasible to break through frontally, what about crooked ways

Didn't I call Zhang Qiling from the Longevity Plan? Will my blood be useful? I looked at the hungry people who rushed towards me, and then looked at the wounds on their bodies. I couldn't help being frustrated. As expected, it was just a little Zhang Qiling, and there was no use for eggs.

I smashed a goddamn starving heavenly spirit cover with a stick, watching him fall to the side, knowing that this degree of wound is not enough to kill him, at least one or two sticks are needed to completely wipe out his ability to move.

But my trekking poles are about to be scrapped. To be honest, the quality of these trekking poles is really good. It's a pity that when we meet our group of people, I should have used it for a long and healthy life.

I looked around and found that the trekking pole in Chongyang's hand had long since been scrapped. He is now struggling with hunger and death, which is very dangerous. I think the trekking poles in Fang Jinyue’s hands are dirty, but they are used less and seem to be quite strong. I thought about the reasonable allocation of resources, so I picked up the half of the stick that Chongyang threw in the ground and stuffed him. Just let him hide behind in his hand, and use the stick for Chongyang.

However, in this short period of time when I focused on Fang Jinyue, I found something wrong.

Fang Jinyue's condition is really good, although he has suffered a lot along the way, but at this moment, his condition is better than ours.

I recalled it and found that there was almost no starvation or death attacking him along the way.

Is it a coincidence? I have some doubts, or is there any problem in it

As I continued to fight with the hungry and die, I thought about everything that I had just experienced. Many details flashed through my mind. From the time we encountered the hungry, Fang Jinyue’s every move was finally confirmed.

Gu Tang grabbed me, kicked a starvation that was leaping on me away, and said loudly, "What are you thinking about?"

I didn't have the consciousness of being saved by Gu Tang again, and said, "I found something."

"what's up?"

"Hungry death was refined by Fang Xiangshi, right?"


"Fang Jinyue is also surnamed Fang." I said.

Gu Tang understood what, "What do you mean?"

"The Fang family does not kill the Fang family. Although Fang Jinyue does not know about Fang Xiangshi and the longevity plan, it is the blood of the Fang family."

When Fang Jinyue heard us talking about him, she approached curiously, "What happened?"

I ignored Fang Jinyue, but continued: "I finally know why Fang Xiangshi used his own people to refine the hungry death."

In fact, after Fang Jindong died, I thought that starvation is a sharp edge, and the earthen jar will inevitably be broken. As long as it is a knife, it will collapse. I don’t know why the Fang family should be so cruel to use their own people. Refining starvation.

Now I know that no one can rule out the possibility of a sword eating the Lord, so they only believe in their own people. Judging from the big urn and big tank in the attic, the refining process of starvation is definitely a very painful process. The process of refining the starvation of Fang Jindong's existential consciousness is even more painful. Even if it is a relative, it cannot be ruled out. After becoming hungry and having great power, the possibility of taking revenge on other people.

Therefore, it is not family love at all that maintains the trust of Fang's family in starvation, but blood. These are two different things. Family affection is an illusory existence, and there is no data that can measure family affection. But blood ties really exist, and once they exist, they can no longer be changed.

Therefore, I think the most important rule for starving the other's family is that you can't hurt someone with the same blood as yourself.

This is the reason why Fang Jinyue was clearly caught by starvation when he was in the attic, but did not suffer any harm.

I look at Fang Jinyue as if looking at a power bank, now it’s Fang Jinyue’s turn to be a power bank.

"But there is one more question." Gu Tang interrupted my malicious gaze.

"But I can only try this, there is no way." I said.

I know what Gu Tangdao's worries are. Is starvation not hurting Fang's people or not hurting Fang's blood? The difference between them determines whether it is useful for us to simply apply Fang Jinyue's blood on our body.

"I don't think Hunger is so smart or so mysterious. They can only tell the smell of the Fang family's blood, but can't tell whether the blood is inside or outside the body." And the taste is even greater when outside the body, a group of two hundred and five. How could it be so smart.

Gu Tang nodded, "Try it, there is nothing to lose."

I'm happy, isn't it a loss? For the other person in recent months, but the body and mind will be severely hurt, okay

But when we told him our intentions, the first reaction of this high school graduate turned out to blurt out: "Zhang Qiling!"

"Yes, yes." I calmly said: "Where is your hometown."

"My hometown is Panzhihua."

"Then you are Xiao Zhang Qiling from Panzhihua."

Fang Jinyue was very excited, but after thinking about it, she said, "It seems that even Zhang Qiling's blood can't defeat the zombies."

I flicked: "We are not encountering zombies. Besides, what is Zhang Qiling, can't you be the enemy of Xiao Zhang Qiling in Panzhihua?"

I don’t plan to tell Fang Jinyue about the relationship between Starvation and Fang’s family. Although this prospective college student has only one protagonist dream, I guess when he was in school, he often imagined that there would be a helicopter to pick him up to defeat the dragon and save the earth, but there are some things. For a simple-minded person, it is better not to know. Before I knew it, for Fang Jinyue, I had already assumed the role Gu Tang had played.

Of course, you still have to use it.

Fang Jinyue stretched out her hand, pointed at her wrist and said, "Cut here."

I slapped it on, "Don't want to live anymore?"

I turned his arm over, intending to cut the knife on the back of my hand.

If I hadn't had the psychological quality of getting a sword before, but now is not the time to worry about these things. First, people will grow, and second, it's important to save lives.

"Going out to help you travel to the Northeast, there is a 308 factory in the northeast of Jiagedaqi, but it is fun." I said while turning Fang Jinyue's head.

Fang Jinyue closed his eyes. The knife was a fruit knife bought in Loza. After roasting it with a lighter for a while, he sterilized it with the contents of the medical kit. When he cut it down, Fang Jinyue hissed, and then held back. , Chongyang patted him without speaking.

The cut was not very deep, and it would not stop the bleeding if it was deep, so I had to stretch it a bit longer, and the blood would gush out instantly.

I wiped it on my hands and then on my arm, feeling like a pervert.

At this time our line of defense is already in danger, because there are fewer people hiding behind to operate, so the pressure on starvation is even greater.

I stood up, took a deep breath, picked up the trekking pole, and faced the starvation again.

I watched the hungry rushing towards me, and I raised my trekking pole.

He rushed forward, and I held my breath. The two sides are getting closer, and it seems to be quiet for another moment.

After the silence, it roared, flashed past me, rushed to the side of Chongyang, kicked and tilted its chin by Chongyang, and fell to one side. (End of this chapter)