The Longevity Project

Chapter 632: The Final Mapu Temple (21)


I'm overjoyed, there is a door.

I shouted at Fang Jinyue: "Living Bodhisattva!"

It is indeed a living Bodhisattva. Now I can really confirm that I am the protagonist, and this can find a way to survive when desperate.

Although the result is good, the process is painful, that is, besides Fang Jinyue, there are twelve people, and even if I are removed, there are still eleven people.

Gu Tang reminded me in a low voice that there are no more than eleven people, only eight.

I was startled. Following Gu Tang's gaze, I saw a player who was seriously injured and unconscious in the corner.

"The other two were dragged away before they could be rescued."

I was a little stunned. It turned out that life and death were in an instant, and the team was attrition before I noticed it.

I sighed and saw that Gu Tang's expression was normal, so I didn't say much, looked at Fang Jinyue and said, "There are still eight people."

My hands are trembling in recent months, it should be painful.

Who can stand this? It's like self-mutilation. Because the wound was not deep and the young man's blood coagulation function is very good, after a while, the gap has been solidified.

Fang Jinyue gritted his teeth and said, "Then shall we make this opening or make another one?"

I was a little embarrassed to hear. Both options sounded a bit perverted. It is a relatively better choice to open the mouth again for a few months. There are fewer wounds, the chance of infection and inflammation is lower, and the blood loss is better controlled. , There are fewer scars. But the biggest problem is that it is too abnormal to reopen the wound.

"I can't do it."

Gu Tang nodded, "I'm coming."

There is no time for us to hesitate and push back and forth, even Fang Jinyue did not hesitate. Others are still fighting the starving people on the front lines.

The size of the original wound was definitely not enough to compare. After all, there were seven or eight people waiting eagerly. After Gu Tang disinfected the fruit knife, he extended, deepened and widened the original wound, just like digging a canal.

Moreover, the fruit knife was originally designed to cut fruits, and the tip was intentionally passivated. As a result, Gu Tang was like cutting meat with a dull knife. The repeated pulling deepened Fang Jinyue's pain.

I think Fang Jinyue is full of sweat on his forehead. This is to make up for his thoughts after he was born. The 308th factory will not take him, and then see where he wants to go to play.

Going back to the moment, I usually don't go too far when I watch someone get an injection on TV. Now I can watch it for a long time with a perverted knife.

The blood spewed out, Chongyang first wiped some on himself, and then wiped the blood from the top of the other seven people one by one.

Fang Jinyue's face was a little pale, "Have I been let go?"

"Not yet." I comforted. "It's not about wiping the neck."

Gu Tang went to see the severely injured team member over there who had lost his vital signs. I actually breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Even though this is cold-blooded, I do think so. The feeling of compassion and awe for life has long been left. It is estimated that Ning Hanqing has come through this step by step.

With such a serious injury, this player must be unable to survive. It's just a matter of early death or late death. If he is still alive, we have to wear him. This is not only a matter of burden, but it may also cause others to lose their lives.

Gu Tang still looked calm and didn't express much. The blood on Fang Jinyue's arm was wiped off and rubbed on the player's face. Fang Jinyue said: "Wrap it up."

The stature of the hungry people who went forward and succeeded has gradually slowed down, they still perceive our existence, and they still grin at us. I can see that they are still ready to move and have the desire to continue attacking us. It's just as if they were restricted by something.

Everyone didn't dare to delay, I took a step forward boldly, the hungry nearby still grinned at me, whether it was eyes or movements, they were following me, just not doing anything.

Other people also followed, and hungry also followed, grinning and dancing claws at a group of people.

This scene is like a group of fans surrounding the male celebrity, from this door to the other, crowded, but no one went up to pick up the male celebrity’s clothes.

That's boring.

The huge tower is in front of you. During this process, Gu Tang had reissued several cold light bombs one after another. They all learned their lessons and fired them diagonally, so they could only see clearly the base of the giant tower.

The hungry people also came up, as if they were tourists visiting, they probed under the base of the tower.

The fabric of the tower base is very rough, it is ordinary granite. After walking up for a long time, it finally came to the bottom of the tower.

Look around, my dear, and I'm still following the tour.

They squirted in their noses, tilted their heads and their brains, and some of the Tian Ling Gai had been broken and they were still looking around. It seems that I broke it.

The main part of the bottom layer of the tower is piled up with very simple huge rocks, giving me the feeling of standing in front of the Egyptian pyramids. It is said that the towers of the Egyptian pyramids are so tightly fitted that even a needle cannot be inserted.

I asked Chongyang, "Is there a needle?"

Chongyang gave me a blank expression on his lower body.

"I'll go to your mother." He would make such a nutritious ghost joke anytime, damn it.

Everyone turned around the tower for a while, but couldn't find the entrance, all of them were huge granites that remained unchanged.

"It won't be on the other side, how long will it take."

The hungry people made humming sounds, seeming to express the same question. I was a little impatient, "I can't get rid of these things."

"I am a little worried that they are waiting for Fang's blood to lose its effectiveness." Chongyang said.

I was shocked, yes, blood can also deteriorate, and if it loses its effect, people won't remind us, it will definitely pounce on it.

Who among us is the first to wipe the blood, isn't it me

I looked at Fang Jinyue angrily, his arm was already bandaged, and his face was still white, so I was embarrassed to start.

How about accidentally falling down in front of him, and then hitting his nose with a punch, rubbing some nosebleeds

Thinking about it, they have found the entrance.

I don’t know if it’s an entrance. It should be a dog hole.

The tower made of granite has a square hole more than one meter high. This must be climbing.

We glanced at each other, "Is it here?"

Gu Tang looked around again, there was nothing else around, nodded and said, "It should be here, go in."

He immediately looked at each other, "Everyone is injured, and Liu Jianyuan, a professional expert in Tuilei, has already sacrificed. Moreover, Tuilei really does not mean that he can be sent to death by catching an individual casually. Instead, he must rely on this person to detect danger and provide warnings the first time. It is similar to the role of scouts in the army, not the role of cannon fodder."

I think Chongyang wanted to stand up and say that he was the first to come. As a result, I heard a Sichuan accent from the crowd, "I'll sprinkle it."

Where is the Sichuan guy from? There seemed to be only Fang Jinyue, a native of Sichuan, and everyone focused on Fang Jinyue.

"It's not me, I didn't say." Fang Jinyue was almost crying, why do you want me to bleed and let me go to Lei.

"Don't bully the little baby, it's me." The Sichuan guy said again.

Only then did I find the source of the sound. Among the hungry group that probed my head, a cyan face was smiling at me.

I subconsciously thought of Fang Jindong, but the person in front of me was definitely not Fang Jindong. It may be the same kind of starvation as Fang Jindong.

Everyone picked up the trekking poles in their hands and assumed a defensive posture.

The Sichuan guy was hungry and said, "I'm afraid that I will beat you again and won't win."

"You are the one." I asked him.

"I followed you aloud and you ask me that I am." He pointed to his face, "Which me can you still recognize me?"

My heart said, is it still one of my acquaintances? Isn't it my brother

"Of course I am hungry too! It's just that I have a higher IQ."

I murmured: "I know, I know."

"Your grandson, Mo Xio, is talkative." He stepped forward, and everyone backed away a few steps. When the hungry people saw it, they all followed up with affection and warmth to join in the fun.

High IQ was hungry and went to the dog hole to look around for a long time, "I wanted to get the cat's eyes a long time ago." After speaking, he went straight in. (End of this chapter)