The Longevity Project

Chapter 634: Final Mapu Temple (23)


"Then..." Fang Xingzhi dragged his voice. "In fact, the Song Dynasty army did not completely slaughter the Shao people living underground, and a large part of the Shao people were forcibly moved to the ground, under the supervision of the court. After the change of Jingkang, the newly built court had no surveillance and control of the Qi people, and the people of the Qi people began to have the freedom of autonomous migration. Some people wanted to return to the ancestral land of the Qi people, that is, the underground palace of the Xiao people. But after this group of people returned, the ethnic group never expanded. The population became smaller and smaller, and life became more and more embarrassing. Eventually, they died soon. Since then, no one lives in the underground palace of the Xiao Clan."

Fang Xingzhi doesn’t know the reason behind this. I’m afraid there is the meaning of classifying it as metaphysics, but the reason behind it is actually very simple. The underground palace of the Shao tribe itself is not a place suitable for the existence of human society. The Shao tribe once relied on population. The scale barely formed a collective living tribe with primitive communism in the ground, but its means of production and social relations were maintained on a fairly fragile foundation. After the annihilation of the Jiao tribe in the late Northern Song Dynasty, this fragile foundation was lost. Completely destroyed, the descendants of the Xiao people want to return to their ancestors to live, but it is no longer difficult to reconstruct the production methods and social relations that maintained a delicate balance in the past. In the end, it will only lead to distress in life, and the population becomes less and less. Before a stable society forms a framework, it will go to extinction.

Fang Xingzhi continued, "As for the other part, that is, the vast majority of the descendants of the Shao tribe, they still live on the ground by blood relationship, and later changed their surname to Fang. Fang Xiangshi was formed on this basis. Of course, although Fang Xiangshi did not return to live in the underground palace of the Jing clan, they still regarded it as the ancestral land and maintained some rituals and customs of the Jing clan period, including Fang Xiangshi’s well-known Nuo. But this is just the surface. The most important thing in the hands of Fang Xiangshi is actually given to them by the immortal tree. There are two fruits on the immortal tree. One of them is taken by the leader of the Qi clan. He was immortal, but he could no longer be awake for a long time. After being defeated by the Song Army, the leader led his tribe to live on the ground, but he was awake for only three years, and then he would fall into a deep sleep for about twenty years. After waking up, he became ignorant of world affairs. In fact, the leader had died twenty years ago, and only a new leader who inherited the leader’s body was awakened after twenty years, and everyone knows that the new leader The leader will die in three years. The power in the clan has been shuffled for twenty years. Who is willing to listen to a leader who is destined to live only three years? Who can rest assured that the power will be handed over to such a leader. So? So the later Fang Xiangshi only believed in the leader as the supreme leader in name, but he was only the spiritual leader. The greatest power was still given to the patriarch who was more sustainable in exercising power and was more helpful to the stability of the clan. ."

I nodded, this is consistent with our counterpart's understanding of the sage and the Jing clan. To use an inappropriate metaphor, the Fangxiang family practised a constitutional monarchy. The chiefs nominally enjoyed the highest leadership, but in fact they were only spiritual leaders. The leaders at the ceremony, the real power was given to the cabinet under the leadership of the prime minister. , That is, the patriarch.

This is also the expression of the early relationship between Fang Panshan and Fang Yuefeng. When Fang Panshan was there, he would only symbolically solicit Fang Yuefeng's opinions, and most of the time he made his own decisions. It was just that after Fang Panshan died at the bottom of the Wet Jiao Lake, Fang Yuefeng began to occupy the position of decision-making.

Fang Jinyue asked, "What about the other fruit?"

I couldn't help but admire Fang Jinyue a little, because he didn't know many things and listened with gusto.

Fang Xingzhi continued: "The other one was later taken by the Song Army and its whereabouts are unknown."

I know this, another fruit is just behind your ass, but after the Song Dynasty lost control of Sichuan’s longevity plan, Chongyang temporarily disappeared from everyone’s vision, whether it was the Ning family or Fang Xiangshi, Did not know the existence of this person for a while. In addition, the fruit of the old tree is not only one, but three, which was later taken by Li Yuanyi, and it is now in my stomach.

But I didn't say these words. Now it's me who speaks other people's words, so how can I even provide information in reverse.

Fang Xingzhi continued: "In addition to the two fruits, the other is the refining method of starvation. I don't know the specific process, but the branches and leaves of the old tree are used."

The branches and leaves of the old tree are just a group of things that move like snakes. I guess they just boil this thing into juice and then add this or that, do it this way, then do it, and it will be done.

"The refining process of starvation is very painful. At the beginning, the clan will directly select young physically strong people as candidates for refining starvation. Those who dare to resist will be lynched. Therefore, many people in the clan were lynched by their parents before they became adults. After being sent away, this also caused Fang Xiangshi to become less and less populated for a long time. Later, the clan changed his practice, which was another way of doing it."

Fang Xingzhi's tone gradually became deeper, and I can actually guess what he was doing. That is to divide a special birth account, only the offspring of these people will be refined into starvation after adulthood, so that other people can guarantee their own safety, and in order to keep their own safety alive, everyone will take the initiative to monitor Childbirth household registration, to ensure that the number of hungry deaths is sufficient.

For the existence of a group, there must always be a party who gains benefits and a party who is exploited. You cannot let everyone be exploited, otherwise the rules of this group will soon fall apart, and everyone will not be the party who gains benefits. , Because such a model does not exist so far. The best model is that a part of the profit-seekers master most of the survival resources, in order to master the power to maintain the existing system, and play a role in suppressing the exploited. This model can operate for a longer time.

I especially remember that a certain country in the 1960s and 1970s actually intended to deprive a small number of vested interests of the power and hand it over to the vast majority of ordinary people, so that the majority of people would be the beneficiaries and the minority would be suppressed. One side. However, judging from the level of productivity and the quality of the vast majority of people at the time, this vast and unprecedented power replacement movement could only lead to the proliferation of anarchism, and the vast majority of people in power quickly divided into internal struggles and cruel fighting. , Ransacking homes, fighting fires, and even fighting on positions, one after another, they exercised their power unscrupulously and ignorantly.

Once you have power, you can do whatever you want. Human nature is just like that. A few people hold power so that they can be monitored. Most people hold power even more so and are difficult to control. If a few people hold power, their goal is to maintain stability. Most people hold power. Their goal is to change everything. After getting out of control, everything is destroyed. It can be said that it was a rough and cruel social experiment. The social scientist himself did not make thorough preparations, so he started the experiment hastily, and the situation finally got out of control.

However, what he did was originally a right thing, in order to achieve a goal that all of us have worked hard for, and will continue to work hard for in the future, but since that person, I am afraid that no one will ever be the highest authority. Launched such a campaign. Because everyone has already seen the bleakness of that person's evening scene, and the verbal criticism behind his name by those who are afraid of being deprived of his power again. The so-called power here not only includes the power to exercise the state apparatus, but also the power to master the mainstream discourse, the power to monopolize the field of knowledge, and the power to control the economy of a certain field.

As I was wandering around, Fang Xingzhi was still telling Fang Xiangshi's past.

They did fix the exploited, but it was crueler than we thought. In that dark and backward feudal society, they purchased women of upright childbearing age from human traffickers and put them in centralized detention as the bearers of the hungry and dying population.

They choose to exploit innocent people.

I gritted my teeth, but a box of things happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, so I can only grit my teeth secretly, not to say more. (End of this chapter)