The Longevity Project

Chapter 635: Final Mapu Temple (24)


Fang Xingzhi continued.

Fang Xiangshi abducted people in the late Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, Sichuan had been captured by Mongolia, forming a double-sided situation against the Southern Song Dynasty. Fang Xiangshi took advantage of the collapse of social order to abduct and traffic people, mainly women. Later, throughout the Yuan Dynasty for nearly a hundred years, Fang Xiangshi's practice of abducting and selling women was retained, and even used the slave system of the Yuan Dynasty to stand on the surface. At the time of Emperor Taizu in the early Ming Dynasty, the central government strengthened the control of the locality and the society re-established the Han system. The Fang Xiangshi clan had used clan power to control the place for decades, and did not turn around for a while and became the Emperor Taizu. The first batch of chickens to be slaughtered under the thinking of punishment and rule of the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, their main branch was ransacked and killed hundreds of people, and some even became cases of punishing Diaomin in the third part of "The Great God". Since then, his vitality has been severely damaged, and his control over the locality has also weakened.

However, there were too many problems with the ancestral system set by Emperor Taizu in the Ming Dynasty. After Taizu and Chengzu, the central government's control over the locality began to decline, especially after the civil engineering changes. The phenomenon that the imperial power did not go to the countryside was particularly significant in the Ming Dynasty. The accumulation of abuses emerged during the Jialongwan period, but at this time the small government of the Ming Dynasty was already unable to revitalize. Rarely, there were two powerful first assistants, Gao Gong Zhang Juzheng, and it was just a return to the light. Ting continued his life.

Therefore, in this context, although Fang Xiangshi's blow was strong during the Taizu period of the early Ming Dynasty, it was not fatal. As a result, Fang Xiangshi quickly re-growth after a few decades, and naturally took the place of the local gentry. With the help of the background of the rise of clan in the Ming Dynasty, clan power was once again strengthened, and the control of the locality reached an unprecedented height.

It was in this situation that the Ning family found Fang Xiangshi again.

At this time, the Ning family survived the horrible period of Taizu and began to wantonly annexing land, buying fields and offerings like all gentry, but they are different from ordinary gentry in that they also have honors. At the same time, he is still operating the longevity plan.

At that time, the organization that presided over the Longevity Plan was called the Jiangnan Search Bureau. Under the establishment of the Nanjing court, the Ning family had always been in charge. They quickly noticed the Fang Xiangshi in Sichuan. Through the surviving documents over the past century, the Ning family analyzed from clues that this group of Fang family gentry was actually related to the Longevity Plan at the turn of the Song Dynasty.

So the Ning family used the Jiangnan Search Bureau to try to get Fang Xiangshi in the bag.

This process was bloody and cunning, but the Ning family did it in the end. The Ning family has always been unscrupulous, and they have the blessing of the regime. They themselves are the Jiangnan gentry. Among the rampant overseas smuggling forces in the Ming Dynasty, the Ning family was an important one. , The rich have the right to have people in the DPRK, so it is not difficult to judge Fang Xiangshi.

The Jiangnan Search Bureau is looking at Fang Xiangshi’s technique for refining starvation. Now we seem to have very few things to do in the longevity plan, and there are only a few key areas, but this is actually in Ning’s history and has already mastered everything. In the future, the correct direction will be filtered out for the results that will be presented later.

In the view of the Jiangnan Search Bureau at the time, the longevity plan had too many things to do. They didn’t know which one was correct and which one was actually irrelevant. They had to try each one. . In this process, many people died, and for the longevity plan, every apocalypse is a precious treasure. For every one who dies, it may take nearly ten years before a second apocalypse appears.

They need to find some cannon fodder.

The starvation controlled by Fang Xiangshi is an excellent choice.

And what the Ning family wants is for people like Fang Jindongfangxing who can have their own ideas, not just a group of walking corpses. Besides, he realized that he was hungry. Another great temptation for Jiangnan Search Bureau was that he was too similar to Changsheng in form.

Only later did they regretfully discover that only the hungry deaths without autonomous consciousness like zombies will exist forever, and the hungry deaths with autonomous consciousness will not have a good life for a few years after leaving the big urn.

To be precise, conscious starvation is actually a low-level defective product, because the part of their human nature has not been thoroughly washed away, and has not been completely reduced to a machine that only knows about killing, so it cannot last for long.

But despite this, the Jiangnan Search Bureau still hopes that its cannon fodder can have its own consciousness. As for how many years they can live, who cares. So the Ning family began to work with Fang Xiangshi to find a way to refine the hungry of humanity.

In the Fang family's refining process, whether there is consciousness of starvation is uncontrollable, but occasionally there will be starvation with their own consciousness. As for why they have their own consciousness, it may be accidental, at least not by Fang Xiangshi. found.

However, the Jiangnan Search Bureau finally found a rule. This rule is actually very simple and general. It is specious. That is, the smarter the person is, the more likely it is to retain the sense of autonomy after refining and incubating.

What kind of talent is a smart person? People who have their own minds, people who have their own ideas, and people who have their own selfish hearts. By the way, only those who are particularly selfish will not be erased so easily.

If people live like livestock, pursuing sex and appetite all their lives, then they will not have too much nostalgia for the world. No, they don’t want to die, and they are nostalgic for the world, but they don’t know it, and people always share Three, six, nine, etc., even the attachment to the world before death is divided into high and low levels.

High-level people must let him live like a human, let him read, let him worry about food and clothing, let him stand high, pull him out of the darkness, and let him see the light. Let him think he knows aesthetics, let him think he knows how to think, let him think he has seen a wider world, let him think he is more advanced than those mud legs like livestock. Then this person's selfishness must be heavier than livestock, and he will miss the world even more.

The nostalgia before his death was of course much higher than that of people like livestock. This is the nostalgia that Jiangnan Search Bureau needs.

It’s no wonder that when the Fang Xiangshi refines the hungry death, he rarely has the self-consciousness to realize the existence of the hungry death, because those hungry deaths were once bred together like livestock, and their whole life is only to eat and mate, and eat whatever they cook. After sexual maturity, they are controlled by desire to mate freely with the same kind around them. Maybe they are related by blood or not, but no one cares. No one regards them as human beings.

After pregnancy, if the offspring born is male, the deformed child is thrown away early, and the healthy one is still an animal to be slaughtered, and if it is a female, it is still an animal to be mated, even regardless of whether it is deformed or not. What the scholars need is to talk about them as containers. The containers can hold things. They don't care whether the containers are rough or not. In such an environment, there can still be self-retention and awareness of starvation. It can be seen that the power of human nature penetrates into the blood, and it is difficult to completely erase.

After Fang Xiangshi was controlled by the Jiangnan Search Bureau, he was forced to change his previous practice. They selected smart and healthy children, taught them to read and read, and were nurtured like the children of wealthy families. They even knew the history of Fang Xiangshi and the existence of the Jiangnan Search Bureau. They were instilled with a sense of responsibility. In fact, this sense of responsibility is only It's just to strengthen the convenience of management. After being called starvation, no matter whether there is consciousness or not, they will not hope that they can be restrained by just relying on a sense of responsibility. In the end, they need to rely on blood.

This group of intelligent children eventually became batch after batch unwilling to leave the world, and were finally refined into starvation who retained their self-consciousness.

Most of them died in the process of missions in Ningjia Tiannanhaibei, only a few survived, and then died a few years later.

This is the tragedy of this group of people. They are doomed the moment they are born, or they are like animals, and they have not looked at the world seriously in their entire life, and eventually die without regret and become walking corpses. Either you have seen the appearance of this world and knows what a human is, but you can only regretfully die after becoming a monster.