The Longevity Project

Chapter 636: Final Mapu Temple (25)


Fang Xiangshi has always been on the edge of the Jiangnan search bureau, most of the time they don't know what the Ning family is doing, and the hungry people are just a steady stream of cannon fodder from the Ning family.

In addition to Fang Xiangshi, the Jiangnan Search Bureau in the Ming Dynasty also collected a lot of civil forces. Taoists and monks drove corpses. Fang Xiangshi did the most dirty work among them, but the status was the lowest, probably because they did all the work. Dirty work, tired work, low status.

Fang Xingzhi sighed and continued.

Later, until the Jiajing period, the Jiangnan Search Bureau turned its attention to Tibet. This was the first time they noticed Tibet. What really attracted their attention was the Nyingma Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, mainly the phenomenon of "termzo" in the Nyingma Sect. This phenomenon was considered by the Bureau of Investigation and reincarnation. related.

They helped the Nyingma Sect to build the Kajiu Temple. This is the place where the Nyingma Patriarch Padmasambhava had practiced. During this process, the Ningjia found that the Nyingma Sect’s terma was nothing strange, it was really just a The scriptures are hidden in the cave, and the kind of children who suddenly recite scriptures only exist in legends.

But the trip to Tibet was not nothing. On the contrary, they made huge discoveries.

They found a snow-capped mountain, a snow-capped mountain that didn't exist in Tibet. This snow-capped mountain was first discovered by the lamas of the Nyingma Sect. According to them, the snow-capped mountain has no name and does not exist. The lamas gave it the name Saint Snow Mountain.

Why do you say that the Saint Snow Mountain does not exist in Tibet, because in many cases it has no shape. In the legend of the Nyingma School, only those who have a relationship with Tibetan Buddhism have the opportunity to enter the Saint Snow Mountain. The Nyingma School regards it as a blessed mountain. The Void Terzog in Tibet, the Saint Snow Mountain, was opened up in the void by the Nyingma Patriarch Padmasambhava as a place of inheritance. Hence it is called Saint Snow Mountain.

The Jiangnan Search Bureau quickly became interested in this so-called snow-capped mountain. Although it has not been discovered at this time whether it is related to the Longevity Plan, the Nyingma School entered the search bureau’s vision because it seemed to be related to the Longevity Plan. The Snow Mountain is also related to the Ningma School. The Ning family believes that they can find the hidden connections behind them, and they have the ability to transform indirect connections into direct connections.

It is a pity that although Saint Snow Mountain is closely related to the Longevity Project, it can even be said to be the ultimate destination of the Longevity Project, but it is just like playing a game of barriers, the Jiangnan Search Bureau led by the Ning family during the Jiajing period just walked out of Xinshou Village, but was lucky. I stood in front of the last closed door.

They are doomed to struggle to make progress in Tibet.

In fact, this is indeed the case. They spent a lot of resources on their trip to Tibet. They built a Kajiu Temple in Loza, and died a lot of starvation in the Saint Snow Mountain before they mastered the way to enter the Saint Snow Mountain. After spending a lot of manpower and material resources, they saw a giant without legs.

According to the Lama of the Gu Nyingma School, this is the big day Tathagata in Tibetan Buddhism.

The Ning family has never believed in religion, so of course they would not believe in Tathagata. They also saw a lot of anomalies in this world. For a giant crawling on a snow-capped mountain who would swear Beijing swear words, the first reaction of the Ning family was not to panic, but to get this thing out. But they do not have this ability.

Moreover, they did not find anything related to the longevity plan in the snow mountain and the giant.

It is impossible for the Jiangnan Search Bureau to expend its energy in Tibet indefinitely. After almost nothing, the trip to the Snow Mountain of Saints should have been like what the Ning family did in the past countless years. It should record the causes and consequences and keep all the details. Then save the file and wait for future generations to grasp the new clues and continue research.

Ning Hanqing is in the longevity plan documents handed down through the painstaking effort of the ancestors of the Ning family. From countless invalid information, he explored the fog of history and took nearly a hundred years to find a right path.

In fact, Ning Hanqing was born at an untimely time. Although the productivity of his age has developed greatly, but wars are still frequent. In such an environment, even if he has walked almost all the roads by himself, he still has difficulty getting out of the end. step.

If he were born in our age, things would have already been settled.

Speaking of Tibet, the Ning family at that time did not treat the Saint Snow Mountain like the previous plan. They keenly felt the weirdness of the Saint Snow Mountain. Even if it is temporarily difficult to find a connection with the longevity plan, the group of apocalypses still With their terrible intuition, they believed that the sage snow mountain must not be easily put into the pile of dusty documents. It seemed that it was driven by heaven. They decided to do something on this snow mountain that does not belong to Tibet.

So they built a second Lama Temple on the snow-capped mountain, which is the Mapu Temple we saw.

The existence of the Mapu Temple needs to be guarded. Even if it is the Nyingma Sect, the Ning Family is not at ease, so they once again think of starvation.

At this time, the Ning family had the consciousness to fight a protracted battle. They knew that the longevity plan would not be able to achieve results in just a few decades. Therefore, the guards of the Mapu Temple need to exist for a long time. Therefore, the search bureau needs unconscious walking dead.

Therefore, most of the hungry deaths they ended up staying at the Mapu Temple were intensively bred, and only a handful of them had read and read.

The reason for this is simple. The starvation without IQ is to keep people outside the Ning and Fang families away. Realize that the starvation is to convey information.

Fang Xingzhi is one of them. It's no wonder that this person has a lot of idioms different from ours, and sometimes has a taste of the Water Margin.

Having said that, Fang Xingzhi had almost done what he wanted to say.

"You haven't said where this tower came from." I asked.

"I don't know." Fang Xingzhi said.

"Back when we came to the Mapu Temple, before we started refining, the Search Bureau told us the causes and consequences of the Fang Xiangshi and the Saint Snow Mountain."

"You?" I asked repeatedly.

"It refers to those of us who are literate in reading."

Oh, I see. The Ning family knows that the Longevity Plan is easy to cut off. Even if they leave complete documentation, these things are easily lost and damaged. Therefore, Fang Xingzhi and others exist to transmit information and to transfer information. The information was passed to the Ning and Fang families who found the Mapu Temple hundreds of years later.

This method is also used by the Ning family.

Fang Xingzhi said: "At that time, there was only one Mapu Temple and the giant inside the Mapu Temple on the snow-capped mountain. But this time I woke up and found that things had changed. I followed you all the way and confirmed that you are Ning. The descendants of the family, this is a matter of course. I know that the progress of the Longevity Plan has finally come to Tibet, but what shocked me most was the changes inside the Mapu Temple."

"The interior of the Mapu Temple?" I thoughtfully.

"It's too big." Fang Xingzhi's voice was puzzled. "From the outside, the Mapu Temple is still the same as it was in the past, but its interior is really too big. The Search Bureau did not have so many resources to build here. Such a huge space, including this tower, is not the work of the Search Bureau."

"That is to say..." Gu Tang said, "The interior of the Mapu Temple has changed after the search bureau left. The internal space has expanded infinitely, and a tower has appeared."

"That's what it means."

I thought for a while, "It seems that only the mentally retarded giant knows what happened, but unfortunately he was smashed to death by that giant hand."

"We didn't see the existence of that giant hand either." Fang Xingzhi.

I nodded secretly, thinking about it, and only Padmasambhava's words can explain this matter.

The degree of overlap between the two worlds is constantly deepening, and the Saint Snow Mountain is the wedge between the two worlds. The most obvious detail is that during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the search bureau found the Saint Snow Mountain, and there was no change in the flow of time when it went up the mountain.

But now we have met up the mountain. This is one of the characteristics of the increased degree of overlap between the two worlds.

Then the expansion of the inner space of the Mapu Temple and the appearance of the giant tower are also related to this.

"So you want to follow up and see?"

"That's right." Fang Xingzhi's voice came from the front, and the channel formed by the accumulation of boulders seemed to have no end. "After these words have been said to you, I will do almost everything I should do, and I will not be allowed to Satisfied to satisfy curiosity?"

I said to my heart that this old man has a really good mentality.