The Longevity Project

Chapter 638: Final Mapu Temple (27)


This is for real.

Fang Jinyue wiped the sweat from her head, "Are all those who play religious games so aggressive? If you kneel wrong, you will be crushed to death. Can you not kneel?"

"If you don't kneel, you won't suddenly be crushed to death, it will only squeeze you to death a little bit." I looked at the boulder slowly falling above my head. The rate of decline is not fast, but it is still visible to the naked eye, leaving us less time than the Chinese team.

Religious games are indeed like this. Not all religions are as tolerant as Chinese religions. After all, we live in a religious circle of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. After the approval of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, people in the religious circles will hold a May Day celebration together. The country of the party. Can't understand the horror of the monotheists who have not been purified by the Chinese civilization.

I took a look at my height, Chongyang Gu Tang is taller than me, "You two must stand up." I said.

I already saw what the eyes of the two people were, but I lowered my head to study the painting in the hands of the Pharaoh's statue with them.

The image of the deity on the portrait is very simple, just in the shape of two suns. There are many sun gods, and the two in front of us are two of them, so we can't judge which god will be crushed to death by relying on the two simple suns on the screen. This is obviously done deliberately by the painter in order to prevent us from getting hints from the portrait. It's too insidious, I will give hints on the questions during the college entrance examination.

"Is there any eyebrows?" I asked.

I can feel the slow approach of the boulder overhead. This is indeed an oppressive process, and the most outrageous thing I noticed is that the boulder has three holes in it, where two statues of gods and the sculpture of the pharaoh stand. The location, which means that after the huge stone ceiling is pressed down, we can easily crush our group of infidels without blaspheming the statue and the pharaoh.

Gu Tang bent over and looked at it, and the idol fits tightly with the ground, which means that we can't replace it. Also, people even think about the statues on the paintings, how can they fail to notice such small details.

There is no other way to go, only if you really kneel in the right position.

Someone behind him said: "Anyway, choose one of the two, pick the one that is pleasing to the eye."

This idea is not bad, and it is indeed a very feasible option. But it is not to choose now. We still have time to find a better choice. What if we can find the right position

Only at the last moment, the ceiling has fallen to the point when we will soon be unable to move. At this time, there is basically no chance to find the correct answer, and then take a last gamble. This is the optimal solution.

I stared at the two statues of the Egyptian sun god, desperately remembering where I saw the two statues in my head.

In fact, the difference between the two statues is huge. One is a very common image of the Egyptian godhead, with the first-born shofar and the horns on top of the rising sun. The other is much weird, and is also an image of the sun, but the godhead is greater than the personality. We can’t even find too many personality characteristics in him. The materialization of the sun's rays makes it stand on the god seat.

"Do you know?" Chongyang hadn't changed much in his tone at this time, just asked me indifferently.

"I must have seen them somewhere, it is related to the new dynasty of ancient Egypt, and it should be a more important thing, otherwise I won't have the impression, but now suddenly, I can't remember it."

This is how people are, the more anxious the brain is, the more chaotic the brain will be. Although I can still retrieve my memory more clearly, but at that time I watched too many and too complicated things, because I was not just watching at the time. The dozens of dynasties in ancient Egypt and the messy evolutionary history of the Near East are hard to recall for a while.

"Since this picture was held by the Pharaoh, the position in the painting represents the position of the Pharaoh, and it should be related to the struggle between Egyptian kingship and theocracy." Chongyang said.

Gu Tang also said, "This should be a more obvious feature, please remember it carefully."

After two people's prompts, I suddenly felt as if I had caught something!

By the way, the one on the left is the god Amun. The highest deity believed in most of the history of ancient Egypt for thousands of years is called the god Amun. There has basically never been a period when two supreme gods stood side by side.

The only period is the Ekhnatun reform period.

Roughly, the Amun Temple in the Akhnatun period invaded too many social resources, which threatened Akhnatun's royal power to a certain extent. Therefore, the pharaoh of Egypt's new dynasty carried out a religious reform and re-launched it. Another supreme god, called Atun, took Atun as the supreme god to attack the Temple of Amun, confiscated the property and slaves of the Temple of Amun, and abolished the privileges of its clergy.

This is similar to the principles of the Wudi’s extermination of Buddhism in Chinese history. They are all religious forces affecting the development of the country and society, but ancient Egypt needed theocratic power to grant legitimacy to the king’s power, and Akhnatun did not dare to completely eliminate religion. , There is no such idea at all, what he did is to re-establish a new god.

During the reign of Ekhnatun, his powerful wrist temporarily suppressed the counterattack of the forces of Amon, and effectively promoted the belief of God Atun. However, after his death, the government died, Amon returned, and God Amun was swept away. Go into the corner.

The main body of that statue is the sun and the sun's rays, which is the god Atun pushed by Akhna Tun.

I stared at the statue of Pharaoh in front of me, would this person be Ehnatun

There are so many opponents of Ehnatun, including his successor, who are not so famous in history. Of course I am willing to believe that standing in front of me now is the ambitious pharaoh called Ehnatun.

Since we are in front of this person, of course we should worship the god Aten, not the god Amon.

At this time, the ceiling had fallen for nearly a meter, and everyone was supporting their waists and looking at me.

I took a deep breath, "God Aten, worship God Aten." I pointed to the statue of the sun god over there.

"Are you sure?" someone asked.


The Gu Tangdao team members did not act, but looked at Gu Tang. Of course, Gu Tang nodded, "Then go and worship."

In fact, I'm still a little nervous at this point. After all, the successor of Ekh Atun overthrew God Atun and re-converted to God Amon. If it is his successor standing here, that would be the end.

Fang Jinyue asked: "Why do you worship, kneel on one knee or kneel with double happiness?"

"It's all knees." I said, "I just don't know that the ancient Egyptians received the great gift of three worships and nine knocks."

Everyone was trembling and crawling under the pomegranate skirt of God Aten. Some people even took out three crumpled cigarettes and lit them all as incense. Others meditated on the Great Mercy and Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva in their mouths. I can go to you.

He buckled his forehead on the ground, calmly, and a faint click came from the top of his head, and the ceiling fell to a halt.

The two statues of God Amon and God Aten moved slowly, revealing the dark passage behind them.

Someone cheered in a low voice, and Gu Tang patted me, "Yes."

"It's just a simple historical common sense. If I remember it a little bit more firmly, I don't have to be frightened." Although my mouth is humble, my heart is still a little triumphant. A joke, who am I, and there are things I don't know

Others quickly adjusted their state, after all, it is only temporary safety.

"Is this a pass?" Fang Jinyue asked in a low voice.

I stood up and slapped my body to dust, "Hurry up, if the organ breaks down at the last minute, then it will be over."

A group of people stood up sparsely, walked in, and heard the sound of the mechanism running behind them. This time it was not the boulder falling, but the entire hall disappeared while rotating.

The candle held by the lamp slave lighted up faintly again, this time the space was very small, and a huge monument was erected in the center. It is not the heavy monument of ancient China, but the slender monument.

We leaned forward to see that the lamplight of the lamp slave was very dim. If you want to see the pattern on the tablet, you still have to use a flashlight. I moved my flashlight over, and a pattern on the face shook me.

The five circles are put together one by one. On the top are the tiles with curved edges. The two sides of the main body of the pattern are symmetrical branch-like patterns. Isn't this the fucking badge of the United Nations? (End of this chapter)