The Longevity Project

Chapter 640: Final Mapu Temple (29)


We stepped up slowly against the sight of the two armored knights, and Chongyang stabbed me, "Fake."

He pointed to the gleaming silk thread on the top of the knight's head.

I stared at them. Those silk threads were hanging down from the darkness above my head and connected to the limbs of the armored knights. Seeing us approaching, the silk threads moved, driving the two knights to cross their spears and blocking the road.

Only then did I notice that even the top of the spear was connected with a silver thread.

It suddenly dawned on me that this turned out to be two puppets. Looking along the silk thread into the darkness above his head, I don't know what is manipulating these two puppets.

The knight stopped us and bent down to look at the group of outsiders carefully. Only then did I see clearly that there were two gray wooden pupils under the mask, so the movement he looked at was just pretending, and it was impossible to see anything.

A hissing voice came from the depths of its roar, and there was a faint noise, "Ten delegates from Bireeves Port enter the arena, and five hundred delegates are there."

Another puppet on the side repeated it loudly, "Ten representatives from Bireeves Port enter the venue, and five hundred representatives are here."

The door suddenly opened, the lights inside were brilliant, countless silk threads shining brightly under the light, hundreds of puppets connected by silk threads neatly sat on the circular seats, looking back at us.

The one in armor actually moved the spear away and signaled us to enter.

I looked at the puppets who didn't actually exist, and felt a little stressed.

These puppets are about the same size as normal people. They are dressed in ancient Athens style clothes. Ancient Athens clothes are known for being elegant and elegant. They mostly use light gauze or satin fabrics to pursue a sense of drape. It is a pity that this style is worn on the skinny. The wooden puppets on the body are like corpses covered in unfit clothes. The wooden faces are roughly carved with facial features, and only the eyes, nose, and mouth can be seen roughly.

Being stared at by hundreds of puppets like this is irritating.

This is a western parliament-style meeting room. Everyone sits up around the room. The center is the area for reports or debates.

We entered slowly, and the puppet standing in the chairperson's position said: "The representative of Bireeves Harbor will be seated as soon as possible."

I secretly complain, you are an Athenian, don't you feel awkward to speak fucking Mandarin

The seats are full, all of them are puppets. As we move, the heads of the puppets move slowly and their eyes are always focused on us. The entire meeting room is full of white silk threads. I don’t know what will happen if I cut them all with a pair of scissors.

Finally found ten vacant positions in a corner, obviously reserved for the ten representatives of Bireeves Harbor, that is, ten of us.

After being seated, the lights of the venue dimmed suddenly, leaving only two beams hitting the center of the venue, one of which hit the host puppet who had just spoken to remind us, and the other light was empty underneath.

Fang Jinyue whispered: "What is this?"

I also lowered my throat and said, "Where did I know, I couldn't help but ran into the meeting."

After passing through the ancient Egyptian side, I roughly know that this tower is similar to a barrier game. Each layer represents an ancient civilization. What we are facing is to follow the historical trajectory and find the correctness from the important events in the history of this ancient civilization. Clues.

"Five hundred people." Gu Tang said.


"I just counted it. There are 500 representatives including ten of us."

I nodded. This is generally a good judgement. From the perspective of dress style, it is from the period of Ancient Athens or Ancient Greece, and since the scene is 500 representatives, it should be the 500 people from Athens after Christine's reform. General Assembly.

"Let's drive it first." I said, "Look at what's happening."

Every ancient civilization has many important events and characteristics. From the perspective of the Akhnatun reform in ancient Egypt, ancient Athens is not too difficult. It must be something we know, as long as we make the right choice.

The presiding puppet declares his identity. He is today’s presiding officer. The five hundred citizen representatives present will try a deceptive citizen. Finally, after two rounds of voting, the first round will judge whether the defendant is guilty, and the second round will judge whether the defendant is guilty or not. Whether this defendant should be executed.

Then under another light, a puppet walked out slowly. This puppet had gray hair and curly beard, typical of the Athenian style, but the face was still a rough puppet face, and the look on the face could not be seen clearly.

It seems that this person is today's defendant. I remembered that the presiding officer used all adjectives on this criminal, deceiving the crowd. It seems that this man is still a hapless person who has been guilty of words. This makes people feel a little absurd. Isn’t Ancient Athens the spiritual origin of Western representative democracy? There are people who have been convicted of words.

The presiding officer signaled silence in the court and asked the defendant.

Another row of lights came on, illuminating the three tables in the dark. Behind the tables were three puppets. The lights fell from above their heads and their faces were gloomy.

I found three famous brands on the table in front of them, which should be their identities. I couldn't see it clearly from such a distance, so I asked Chongyang to take a look.

Chongyang stood up and looked at it for a while, "From left to right are the representative of poet Meredo, the representative of artisans and politicians An Yuduo, and the representative of orator Lu Gong."

I nodded. It seems that this is a public trial and there is no specific plaintiff. To be precise, the entire Athens is a plaintiff. These three representatives are only three selected from among the citizens of Athens as the plaintiff in the procedure.

"The plaintiff is invited to submit." The presiding official said.

All the puppets turned their heads neatly, and in a creaking sound, 490 heads were neatly aimed at the three of the plaintiff's seats, and we also looked over with hindsight.

All the lights went out, and then a light gathered, pomply illuminating the plaintiff on the far left.

This is the representative of the poet. He is wearing a white robe, with a wooden skeleton supporting it like a skeleton.

He stood up slowly, bowed politely to the five-hundred representatives under the light, followed by the presiding officer.

After doing all this, he stood still, as if the power had been cut off.

My heart said what's wrong, is it because the line is broken

Before I looked around, there were applause in the darkness.

This is not applause at all. The sound of two wooden boards being clapped together is like an allegro. We followed the clap. After the procedure is over, the poet representative tidyed up the skirts and used his hoarse like a poem recitation. He said in a dead voice: "The honorable presiding officer, the honorable council of five hundred people, as the representative of the 3,112 bards in the great city-state of Athens, I am here for this person in the dock. Mr. Wei filed a complaint."

The presiding officer spoke at the right time: "The jury citizen has received your accusation application, and the poet is asked to state the accusation on behalf of Meledo."

The poet representative said: "I accuse the defendant of destroying the faith in Athens. The poets preached a century-old god and were shamelessly attacked by the defendant. The foundation of the existence of the ancestral works of the great Athens was violated by this evil philosopher."

I originally thought that the representative of the poet wanted to recite the poem for an hour, but it quickly went out, and the light on him suddenly shifted to the defendant, illuminating his gray hair and beard.

The host's low voice came from the darkness, "Please defend yourself."

I nodded secretly. In the Athens court, defense played a great role in exonerating crime, because the basis of their conviction was not the law, but the choice of the five hundred people present. They voted to determine whether this person was guilty or not, so the defendant Self-defense in court is crucial.

The defendant was under the light, dragged by the silk thread, raised his head, turned his head slightly, and faced us. I can even feel the person's eyes looking at me.

He laughed contemptuously, "You are not qualified to judge me."

Then he lowered his head.

The lights went out.

There was an uproar in the audience. The puppet representatives began to fuck and whispered, very dissatisfied with the defendant's provocative attitude. Some puppets even slapped the table angrily.

Also, in the eyes of the Athenians, the citizens' assembly symbolizing democracy is a sacred product of their struggle with the nobles. How could it be so contemptuous that its status is as sacred and inviolable as the Monument to the People’s Heroes in our country.

My eyes still stayed in the direction of the defendant, and I seemed to know who that person was. This person is Socrates. (End of this chapter)