The Longevity Project

Chapter 641: Final Mapu Temple (30)


Just outrageous, three words appeared in my mind.

Because when I thought that the role played by this puppet might be Socrates, I felt an absurd feeling in my heart. If we don’t look at the process, how did we, the suspenseful and mysterious stories with Chinese characteristics that are everywhere under the banner of materialism, have something to do with Socrates

But when the puppet in the dock did not justify himself, but treated the five hundred representatives in a provocative manner, combined with some of the previous details, it can basically be confirmed that what is happening right now is indeed the Athenian democracy. After reaching its peak, the drama of the trial of Socrates has really happened.

The death of Socrates didn't make much sense to Chinese civilization. It was nothing more than the death of a philosopher under an unsound democratic system. But for Westerners, it has profound significance, and there are even sayings that the death of Socrates is compared with the martyrdom of Jesus, which shows that the trial of Socrates has a profound impact on the Western spirit.

I shared my thoughts with other people, and Gu Tang also smiled bitterly, "How did we start the trial of Socrates? This is an off topic."

I sighed, "If you miss the question, then you can do it. It's easy to figure out what it is. We can pass the next vote as long as we don't make a mistake."

The trial is still going on. After the representative of the poet, the other two representatives spoke at once. According to the procedure, after each round of speeches, Sokoradi had the opportunity to defend himself, but he refused to appeal and always showed himself in a provocative manner. .

This is in line with the information I have, and it is thoroughly confirmed that the drama that happened before my eyes is the trial of Socrates.

The three accusation representatives finished speaking, and the lights of the audience turned on again. I looked up and found that there was a searchlight hung above my head. It was so bright. As a result, only a pile of silver-white silk threads can be seen.

The voting process began, and each of the five hundred people present had one vote to decide whether Socrates was guilty. Two boxes rose slowly from the center of the conference hall, one black and one red. The presiding officer introduced the rules according to the process. The most important point is to cast the red box for innocence and the black box for guilt.

"Which box shall we drop?" Fang Jinyue asked.

"Of course it is to cast the black box." I said.

"Support guilty?" Fang Jinyue asked in astonishment: "That's Socrates."

That was a great man like Confucius, a representative figure among the representative figures of the Axial Age in the West.

I also frowned, vaguely not feeling right.

Gu Tang said: "What is the ratio of guilty to innocence in this trial in history?"

I shook my head, "I don't remember this clearly. I only remember that even when Socrates was provoked, the number of votes in favor of him was only a few dozen more votes."

Gu Tang nodded: "Then the general historical trend at this time is that Socrates is guilty, just as the general historical trend in the Ekhnatun period was that God Aten replaced God Amon. We should follow the final result."

"Follow the final result." I repeated it thoughtfully, but soon it was our turn to vote.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Then follow the final result and cast a black box."

The ten of us were already the representatives of the last vote. At this time, the lights dimmed suddenly, all the puppets turned their heads, and their eyes were focused on the ten people. Amidst the creaking and rubbing of wooden blocks, there were 490 of them. The head of the puppet moves with our actions.

We lined up in front of the presiding officer, took the wooden stick representing our opinion from his hand, walked to the black box, and cast a vote that Socrates was guilty.

The others cast in turn.

The scene was quiet. The presiding officer walked slowly under the pull of the silk thread, and glanced roughly in the two boxes, "After the trial of the citizens' assembly, the defendant Socrates is now found guilty."

As the host’s mandarin voice fell, another light came on, and the puppet representing Socrates was pulled into the air by the silk thread. All the puppets shouted with a hoarse voice: "Guilty—"

With a cry of guilt, Socrates was ascended to the middle of the venue and was entangled with the threads of all the puppets, just like an insect entering a spider's nest.

The presiding officer began to read out Socrates' final judgment amidst bursts of "guilty" shouts.

"The great city-state of Athens and the gods are above. After the absolute and democratic trial of the citizens of Athens, the 500 Citizens Council announced the final verdict on Socrates on behalf of the city-state of Athens. Now Socrates, the citizen of Athens, is regarded as a heresy of the city-state, and has committed deceit All crimes, crimes of disrespect of gods, crimes of undermining democracy, several crimes added to them, hanged, and executed immediately—"

When the voice fell, the puppets all stood up from their positions, "Athens' victory again—"

They shouted the victory of Athens, the victory of the city, the victory of the citizens.

In general, this is a triumphant meeting, a united meeting.

At this point, I looked at Gu Tang Chongyang and let out a sigh of relief. At this point, our choice is indeed correct, and we obey the public opinion and cast our guilt.

The drama is about to reach the final scene. Socrates is hanged. I am a little surprised, because according to the normal procedure, after the first round of conviction, there will be a second round of voting to determine the penalty level. How can the hanging directly begin? Moreover, according to historical records, Socrates was poisoned to death in prison by drinking poison, instead of hanging directly at the scene of the 500 Citizens Council. Isn't he a barbarian

But the hanging had begun, the puppets moved slowly in the arena, and the silk thread wound around Socrates became tighter and tighter, and everyone contributed to Socrates' death.

What the fuck is the hanging, it's torturing people at all, but Socrates is a puppet, it doesn't matter. What I'm waiting for now is to finish singing this big show, hurry to send us away.

Socrates' puppets were squeezed by everyone's efforts, making a crunching sound.

In the end, the wooden head fell, and the broken limbs also fell from the air, symbolizing the death of the puppet.

I originally thought it should be over at this point. The puppets will cheer the victory of Athens and send us away, but as the stump fell to the ground with a click, the original excitement suddenly fell silent, and all the puppets stopped talking. , But lowered his head and looked at Socrates' head on the ground.

We felt a little uncomfortable, looking at each other, moving closer to each other, and looking around the favorable terrain at the same time.

The puppets bowed their waists, looking at Socrates' corpse, their wooden faces turned extremely fast.

Then, there was a whimpering cry.

The hair on my back stood up, because all the puppets turned their faces to look at us, sobbing in my throat, "The wise man was killed."

In the room full of crying, someone began to shout, "The wise man was killed."

Whether it was crying or shouting, they were all grief-stricken, as if it was their father who was hanging here.

The puppets clicked, stood up straight, and said to us: "You killed the wise."

I was damned stunned. I have seen someone who is shameless and never seen such a shame. Who killed him and put the blame on us? It's outrageous.

The puppets approached slowly, "This group of people killed the wise men. They are the scum of Athens."

Things started to go out of control. It was obvious that we should not be guilty at the time, but not guilty.

I followed my teammates back while thinking about this. I thought there was a problem before, but I didn't think about it because the time was too fast at the time.

"It's not following the result of history." I said.

Gu Tang was surprised at this time that I was still wondering what went wrong, and he asked me, "What did you think of?"

I look at the puppets who are getting closer and closer, "It is not the result of history. The story in this tower is the United Nations' review of history. It is not a complete restoration of history as we know it, but with subjective judgments. The setting of these scenarios. So we should make a choice in accordance with the historical theory. From the perspective of historical historical theory, Ehnatun’s reform is helpful to social progress and development and conforms to the trend of historical development. Therefore, we should bow down to the god Atun at that time. Socrates contributes to the progress of human civilization in terms of historical justice, so even if Socrates is found guilty in history, we should be innocent."

Gu Tang smiled bitterly, "The time is too short. I didn't think so much at the time. I still think about what I should do now." (End of this chapter)