The Longevity Project

Chapter 643: Final Mapu Temple (32)


Along the way, I have been thinking that Chinese civilization will definitely come, but I don’t know which symbolic thing the designer will choose.

And the situation that makes me feel uneasy is the change of the world line. After all, the two worlds are different. There are variables, and variables are the existence of providence. Moreover, the main area affected by Providence is the Chinese Civilization Circle. The Ning family as overseas visitors really began to have an impact on history in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, especially after the fall of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, the Chinese history of the two worlds, after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, may have similar general trends, but the details may be different.

So even if there are Ekhnatun and Socrates in another world, I cannot guarantee that the following Chinese civilization, especially the Chinese civilization after the Tang Dynasty, will develop according to the history that we are familiar with.

Hanshan Temple outside Gusu city, the bell to the passenger ship in the middle of the night.

Amidst the sound of bells, there was darkness in front of us. With the light of the flashlight shining away, a large black ship arrived, fluttering as if anchored on the water, waiting for us to board the ship.

How could there be boats and water in this place

We turned our torch to the bottom of the boat, where the black waves undulated. At first glance, it really feels the same as water waves. A closer look reveals that there are actually countless black stone pillars undulating up and down, simulating the turbulent water waves, and the boats are propped up by the stone pillars as if they are walking on the water. In fact, it is a boat on land.

"Go up?" Fang Jinyue said.

"Of course go up, everyone is waiting."

The waves of the stone pillars are lowering, just like the feeling of low tide, and the hull of the ship slowly descends with the "surface of the water" until we can jump up to the height.

While waiting to board the ship, I wondered what events related to the ship in history. Did Emperor Yang go down to Yangzhou? Or was it that Zhao Gou was chased by the gold man and took the court officials to escape for life? He was still carrying cultural relics and hundreds of officials and setting off small orange lanterns on the sea. Is the legendary Emperor Jianwen going to sea, or Zheng He going to the west

Among these events, Zhao Gou went to sea to say that it had a deeper impact on civilization. Behind this incident symbolized the first time that the Central Government of China was completely expelled from the land of Kyushu by a foreign race. It also symbolized the most important thing in the entire Second Empire. The era of civilization, the most prosperous, and centuries of cultural elegance has passed.

There was the sound of a soldier walking in the darkness, and the wooden deck made a bang bang bang.

Fang Xingzhi took the lead and jumped onto the deck, then seemed to be taken aback, and whispered in Sichuan dialect. But there is no warning, and it is estimated that there is no danger for the time being.

We jumped down one by one. After everyone got on the ship, the originally anchored ship started and sailed into the darkness.

This ship sails on top of a stone pillar. It has no power. It relies on the movement of the stone pillar to support it. Therefore, the speed is not very fast, and the comfort level is far less than that of a real ship. I am afraid that it will have bones on it all year round. The bump fell apart.

Only then did I use the flashlight to notice that there was actually a group of men in black armor standing beside me. At first glance, it looks a little scary, no wonder Fang Xingzhi cursed. Fortunately, with the previous experience, I also know that this is the npc going to sea.

NPCs are a team of soldiers. I took a closer look. It was not a person or a puppet, but a face resembling a stone, and the sculptures of the facial features were also very fine. This thing can be recognized by a Chinese, isn't it the style of Qin terracotta warriors and horses? It's just that the armored swords on his body are genuine guys. Looking at the shape of these terracotta warriors and horses style sideburns and beard buns, they are indeed the style of Qin Shi.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In the Qin Dynasty, the will of heaven had very little influence on the real world, so history should not be too different. At the same time, there is some excitement. This is Qin. Qin's significance to Chinese civilization is self-evident. Which hot-blooded man doesn't want to hold the thigh of the First Emperor and call Dad

There must be some scenes where Qin and the ship can get involved, but they shouldn't be widely known, so I really can't think of something in the Qin Dynasty for a while.

Seeing that we were all here, the group of Qin soldiers began to come forward and search for their bodies. I was taken aback. Those puppets can move because there are silk threads hanging from the nodes throughout their bodies. These Qin soldiers, obviously made of clay and armored, can move, but I don't know what the principle is. Are they robots

When one of the soldiers, Qin, came to search for my body, I sneaked a handful of the iron armor with admiration. Seeing that people concentrated on searching my body, there was no response, so I didn’t feel sleepy anymore. I approached his chest to listen , It’s not abnormal, but what Xiang Tingting is driven by. Of course, there is no heartbeat in his chest, there is a buzzing friction sound, and the sound of steam gushing, but it cannot prove that this is driven by steam, because it is true. It is difficult to rely solely on steam as the power for the entire human body in such a small body, most likely hybrid power, relying only on steam for assistance.

Master Qin Zu didn't pity me because I was a delicate flower, and searched me up and down. Seeing that other people were just as aggrieved as me, there was nothing to say.

After searching the body, we collected all our equipment, including flashlights, before Qin Zu led us inside.

The deck is quite large, a bit like a ship on the floor, I know there must be big people inside. As we walked forward step by step, faint lights lit up on the decks on both sides of us. The light can only illuminate a small area, and all the lights can barely reflect the entire deck. It was faintly bluish.

The more you go in, the more NPCs on your side. In addition to Qin's pawn in iron armor, there are two rows of civilians dressed as civil servants, as well as the bowed people who stand far away and look like eunuch.

Everyone is watching the outsider in our skirt under the faint blue light.

As I walked forward, I couldn't help but feel surging. Who else could be in this battle? Wouldn't it be that man

An old, white-faced eunuch stopped our progress. At this time, I was finally able to see the figure standing at the highest point. The physique of that person is much more stalwart. Looking at the profile, you know that this person is wearing a robe. , Stand with your hands.

If it weren't for Qin Shihuang, who would dare to pose such a majestic pose

The eunuch screamed and said loudly: "The Xu Fu delegation visited the emperor's position—" Although he screamed, there was actually a heavy noise, just like a bad signal, I can be tolerant. After all, after so many years, Not to mention the voice of the father-in-law, even this ship is actually in tatters and looks like a ghost ship, but His Majesty the Emperor Shi is still going to perform this play here with the cultural relics and officials.

After the eunuch finished the report, he whispered: "Kneel."

We don't need any face anymore. God Aten has already knelt before. Can't we kneel down as the first emperor

I knelt down and walked three bows and nine knocks, while thinking in my head, Qin Shihuang, Chuan, Xu Fu.

The eunuch said that we are Xu Fu's mission, and we are still reporting on our duties.

The story of Emperor Shi and Xu Fu is widely circulated, but the details are actually very vague. Xu Fu goes to sea to find elixir and needs to take a boat. But why did you Yingzheng come to supervise the work on board

At the end of the salute, we stood up and waited for the NPC to respond.

The figure standing at the highest point turned sideways, as if to give us a glance, then looked away again, and continued to pose the hero in a rough pose.

"Have you found Xu Qing's medicine?" A faint voice came into my ears.

My brain is running fast, debriefing and debriefing. Xu Fu is here to debrief at this time. Combined with the question of the first emperor, it shows that Xu Fu has long gone to sea to find the elixir. Now it is here to report, but does it mean that Xu Fu just ran away after going to sea? ? How can you still be caught by Ying Zheng for reporting? Isn't this meant to be decapitated

Ship, ship, and ship, the point is why Ying Zheng was on board.

One thing suddenly occurred to me. I remembered Qin Shihuang's ship-related matters.

The first emperor’s fifth eastward patrol was from Shaanxi to Hubei, along the river and down through Nanjing to Huiji Mountain in Zhejiang to worship Dayu, and then went out to sea, sailed all the way north by sea, settled in Langya, Shandong, and planned to return to Xianyang via Hebei. .

But when the eastern patrol team reached the sand dunes in Hebei, Ying Zheng died. (End of this chapter)