The Longevity Project

Chapter 644: Final Mapu Temple (33)


When the first emperor started his last tour, his physical condition was not very good, but he insisted on going on the tour. It is said that it was because of three events that happened that year. I can’t remember exactly which three things were. Anyway, it’s what Yingzhuo Shouxin. The third kind. Omen that the emperor is dying, and the solution is to go on tour. Of course, this is the unreliable version of the explanation. The reliable version of the explanation is because he wants to tour the area of the six Shandong countries to consolidate the unification.

But in any case, the deterioration of Yingzheng's health during this period is confirmed. If it is finely adjusted in Xianyang, if you walk down the South China Sea and the North this day, you will die if you do not die. Finally, you will die in the sand dunes, and the center of the empire The organization is not around, giving Li Si Zhaogao the opportunity to play power.

Therefore, the biggest heart disease of Yingzheng during this period may be the first problem of restlessness in the six countries of Shandong, and the second problem of own health.

Regarding Xu Fu, this person has not much influence on the process of official history. I don’t know much about him. I know that he defrauded Ying Zheng of the money and took people overseas and would not come back. It is spread among the people that the ancestor of the Eastern Kingdom was the people brought by Xu Fu, but they are not necessarily reliable.

This is not when we are entangled in Xu Fu’s life trajectory. The point is that our role is Xu Fu, and the fundamental contradiction between Ying Zheng and Xu Fu exists, that is, Ying Zheng is about to die. Find Xu Fu for life medicine, and Xu Fu can’t give it. The fundamental contradiction of medicine.

Ying Zheng asked, and stopped talking.

Qin pawns in iron armor swarmed up, and I saw that their swords were all drawn out. This was not the kind of young master sword used for decoration in later generations. It was a bronze sword used by the Qin army to kill.

Looking at this battle, I still don't understand it. This is because Ying Zheng knew that he had been tricked by Xu Fu and didn't intend to get any answers from him, so he just started to do it.

"Who knows about the mess between Xu Fu and Ying Zheng?" I asked the people behind me in a low voice before I completely tore my face.

Fang Jinyue suddenly stepped forward and whispered: "I know."

I am overjoyed, "Say quickly."

"When I read extracurricular books in high school, it may not be accurate..." He hesitated.

I urged: "Just say it soon."

"After Xu Fu went to sea, he found nothing. Later on the tour, Ying Zheng seemed to be in Langya, Shandong. He met Xu Fu. The book said that Xu Fu thought of a wording, so that Emperor Shi once again believed in Xu Fu and gave Xu Fu a second chance. When the emperor died, Xu Fu completely flew far away."

I suddenly realized that the place where we boarded the boat was the so-called Shandong Langya, which was in line with the route of the first emperor's last patrol that I knew. So now just know the excuse Xu Fu used to fool Yingzheng.

"What wording."

Fang Jinyue almost cried, "I don't remember."

I sighed, this memory, how to be the protagonist in the future.

The eunuch on one side shouted loudly in the accent of each card, "Bold Xu Fu, dare to deceive the king, left and right guards, all won."

If this is taken, it will be over. I didn't care if I was still confused, and I knelt on the ground and shouted, "The minister has something to say."

I don’t know what to say when I’m in a hurry. Fortunately, I watch a lot of TV shows. I know that I want to make a difference and I have to scream. There can be some more lines.

I yelled this sentence. The emperor’s guards who are forbidden to do so will not care. The actions of holding people are still non-stop. Everyone is staring at the figure standing on a high place. Only if he responds can it stay. We are dead.

The tall figure tilted his head slightly again and raised his chin, "Retreat for now."

The emperor's guards responded with a sudden, and withdrew their swords and withdrew.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead, racking my brains to think about the words in those ancient costume TV dramas, but when I think that the first emperor speaks in Mandarin, I don’t have much to look forward to, but I still have to pay attention. Etiquette, "Your Majesty's grace, it's really not that the junior ministers deliberately delayed, in fact, the junior ministers have gained quite a bit over the years."

"Oh?" Ying Zheng faintly uttered a syllable, which made my scalp numb. "You seem to have nothing to gain after going to sea for so many years."

I gritted my teeth and gave it up. What am I doing? This is what I do. If you want to say other things, I may not know anything, but if you want to say Changsheng, that is my major.

"Actually, the minister went to sea, not for nothing. The minister has already learned the location of the Penglai Immortal Island overseas, and..." I gritted my teeth and said it all in one breath. "Moreover, there are a group of half-human, half-snakes living on the island. Immortals, this group of immortals can incarnate thousands of people and reincarnate as human beings."

Isn't this just according to the model of the wet dragon.

"Furthermore, the immortal has an immortal medicine that can reshape people's muscles and bones and regenerate their skin." This is not deceiving, but this process can't be controlled at all, and it will make people turn into monsters like Adi all the time. "

I said in my heart that the wet dragons have said everything, and there is nothing wrong with saying everything else, "In fact, it is not only Penglai Xiandao, but also in the northeast of Daqin, the former place of Donghu, and the three mountains in the east. A huge bronze mirror, which turns into a lake, hides the ground and can recreate the human body."

It's just that another person was created, his organs were reversed, his age and health status would not change, he should die or die.

"Under the two counties of Daqin, Bashu and Shu, there is a willow tree left by a fairy. The torso can not be embraced by a hundred people. There are fresh fruits on the tree, and the flesh is not old enough to eat."

This is not deceiving, except that after eating it, it will lose memory every three years and sleep for 10 to 20 years.

"In addition, in Xiang County in the southwest, there is a living cauldron that uses the pulse of the earth to practice pill. Even the people living around this cauldron will live forever."

This is not even deceiving, but the role of the mother body is actually to pull out your soul, stir it, stir it, and then mix it with others to pour in you.

I said cleanly what I knew, holding my breath and waiting for the emperor to speak.

Ying Zheng still stood there and said lightly: "But you haven't said yet, where is the immortal medicine."

The fucking fool is impossible, there is no elixir of immortality at all, but Yingzheng is not deceived by the things I said, and still asks me where the elixir I am asking for overseas.

I bit my head and made a big deal. I even heard the impatient hum of the respected Emperor, so I said: "Although the minister has been to Penglai Xian Island, he was caught by the sea when he was about to go out to the sea island for the second time. The giant... The giant fish destroyed the ship, so it failed to go to sea."

Just a moment of quick mouth, I almost said the giant kun, although there is nothing, but as a person who has been playing on the Internet for so many years, I always feel that the term giant kun is weird.

"Oh?" Ying Zheng's tone rose obviously, and he was obviously interested. "There is even a giant fish that can smash a sea ship. I wonder if the widow ship will be smashed?"

I bit my head and flattered and said, "Your Majesty swept his sword and sweep Liuhe, the emperor of the ages. With your Majesty, no matter how many sea monsters, you will be at a loss."

Ying Zheng laughed and said: "I haven't seen it for many years. Xu Qing's flattery is still so comfortable. Sweeping his sword and sweeping Liuhe, the emperor of the ages, I really don't know how you came up with these words."

I saw that he was obviously used, and I said to my heart that these robots are all flattering? Can't you continue shooting

"The first emperor swept Liuhe, looked at He Xiongzai, swung his sword to fight the clouds, and the princes came to the west. His Majesty's achievements are in the present time, great benefit and future generations, and there is a saying that one emperor through the ages, why not."

While tampering with Li Bai's poems, I wiped my sweat. Unexpectedly, our spiritual novels will also have a day when they are copyists. It's really... That's cool.

After hearing a few flattering words, the emperor's tone was obviously not so cold, but he also had a sense of alienation, "Since Xu Qing said there are sea monsters infested, I would like to show Xu Qing how my master Qin Xiong sacked and killed. Sea monster."

The implication is to take us to fight the sea monsters. If there is no sea monster, we will be killed today.

I had to bow and said: "It's all up to your majesty to call the shots."

But you are scolding your mother in your heart, you don't let me go after so much flattering? If this is really on the surface of the sea, maybe you can really meet a whale and there is still a chance to fool the past, but in this ghost place, there is no water underneath, just a pile of stone pillars. The sea monster is coming

I looked back at the others, with cold sweats on my face, I am afraid I felt like I was going to finish.

He heard an exclamation, and the eunuch sat down on the ground.

I raised my head. I don't know when a huge full moon rose in the darkness above my head, and the full moon was obscured by a shadow that grew out of thin air.

I saw clearly that it was a mechanical whale that jumped into the air from the ocean of stone pillars.

I'm really going crazy. (End of this chapter)