The Longevity Project

Chapter 647: Final Mapu Temple (36)


In this hideous gap, I saw the inverted Jiefangbei, the World Financial Center, and even the two large chimneys of the Huangjiaoping Power Plant, as if they were turned over, but did they fall? I wonder if standing in the city of Chongqing now, can I see a snow-capped mountain from Tibet that does not exist in Tibet

The light comes from the urban area of Chongqing. Chongqing is now at night. The night is the most dazzling time for a city. Its light can even break through the limitations of time and space and come to my eyes.

I, Gu Tang, is like a frog at the bottom of a well, standing in a dark corner in ragged clothes and looking up at the upside-down city. Watching the bright yellow car lights converge into a torrent, running on the street like rushing in blood vessels. The high-rise buildings bloomed with light that they never had in the daytime, and I could feel the light on my face flashing and extinguishing with the brightening and extinguishing of that city.

"You said, is this city really Chongqing?"

Gu Tang replied behind me: "Yes."

I smiled, "That's it."

I put him down on my back, dragged him from behind, and let him crawl out of this ferocious steel fracture and leave this undulating ocean.

Fortunately, Gu Tang only broke one leg. With my help, he quickly climbed up, and then he lay on the broken place and pulled me up.

Then I felt the wind. There was a huge tower at my feet. The huge tower was surrounded by snow-capped mountains and rolling snow-capped mountains. I knew that at this moment, I was in the Mapu Temple and no longer in the Mapu Temple.

In the sky above, only half of Chongqing is hanging upside down, and the other half is an entity. The entity connected to the top of the huge tower, under the light from Chongqing, I can see that it seems to be a mountain, but it is not. It's like a mountain. It's like pouring down hundreds of tons of concrete and letting it solidify naturally without workers doing any treatment. The final result is a concrete mountain full of industrial ruins and waste soil style.

The style of concrete is incompatible with the style of this tower.

As for me at the top of the tower, we saw the third monument.

It is also a civilized monument, this time the inscription is "The People's Republic of China-2000.12.28".

I tied Gu Tang on my back again, "After you go back, you will have to lose weight."

"Fuck you, this is my muscle."

They are indeed muscles, and they panic on their backs.

Even at the top of the huge tower, there is no end in sight, and for a while I don't know where I should go.

"This lotus flower is too unreliable." I said, "There is nothing to fool us over, the number of water words."

It can be seen that there is indeed a big problem with the internal operation of the giant tower. There are many hideous wounds on the tower body, and the position we climbed out is only one of the insignificant ones. The internal structure is exposed to the air, and some have deviated from the original running track, moving one by one.

Gu Tang said behind me: "Since there are so many tearing holes, other people will crawl out of the holes when they see the light. Let's wait."

I saw that he couldn't speak these words well, so I asked him to speak less and began to call Chongyang and the names of others.

The most worrying thing now is that there are only two of us left.

waited for so long. Because there is no timing tool, I have forgotten how long I waited at that time. I felt it was long, but it was only one or two hours. Finally, I waited for Padmasambhava with Chongyang on his back.

At this time, Gu Tang and I had divided the last biscuits on our bodies, and the half-pack of biscuits that escaped the search until Lian Sheng stood beside us with Chongyang on his back.

In this process, we discovered that the upside-down Chongqing is actually in a regular movement. I can’t summarize the specific laws. Borrowing geographical terms, rotation is accompanied by revolution, but there is always an invisible axis. , The range of this kind of movement is not large and has no effect on the whole.

"Where to see the scenery?"

At this time, I was resting on Gu Tang's good leg and watching the night view of Chongqing. After living there for so long, it was the first time I had the opportunity to appreciate it.

Weakly glanced at Padmasambhava. This unkempt and barefoot Lamaist monk still had such piercing eyes. I'm not even surprised. I just think he should be here. When we are in a deadlock, someone will appear to break the deadlock so that the story can continue to be told.

"Chongyang is dead?" I asked.

"Not yet." He put the blood-covered Chongyang flat aside, and lay down with his hands crossed behind his head and let the lights of the industrial society above cast on him.

"What about the rest."

"They were not as lucky as you. At that time, the center of the Sea of Stones on the third floor actually collapsed. You guys bounced out with luck, and everyone else fell. Below is the group of gears that have gone crazy. That place is like It's like a steel meat grinder. He has better skills and is not dead, but it was almost the same when I found him. As for the others, there are more and more good luck than good luck."

I didn't speak, I glanced at Gu Tang, and he patted me on the head.

"Tell me about this tower." I said.

"At first, I was not familiar with this tower. Later, when I knew it existed..." Lianhua Sheng said, "I thought it was built by the world outside."

"Isn't it?" I asked. This is also our guess.

"It should not be. If the outside world is called the first world and this world is called the second world, the productivity levels of the two worlds should be similar. But you see the manufacturing process of this tower is the first world and the second world. Can the second world be made?"

"You mean, there is still a third world?"

Padmasambhava nodded, "Maybe. There are still things in this world that I don't know. It may be a third parallel world that exists outside of these two worlds. Let's call it the third world for the time being, two overlapping worlds. In fact, it is the second world and the third world. No one in the second world finds the overlap of the two worlds, but the third world does. What will they do at this time?"

"Of course they will prevent the overlap of the two worlds."

"Yes, because the original history of the two worlds is the same, and the geography of mountains and rivers is the same, but they are dislocated during the overlapping process. If one day, a Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is covered above Chongqing, and a Chongqing City suddenly appears above the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. A country with a population of 1.4 billion suddenly becomes 2.8 billion. Even if the number of people who died in the process of complete overlap is removed, it will be a terrible number. Suddenly two central governments have appeared in a nation. This world must be It will fall into complete turmoil. So the United Nations in the third world built this tower that symbolizes civilization. They hope to use this tower of civilization to contain the overlap of the two worlds."

"Did they succeed."

"Maybe it succeeded, maybe it didn't, but now the tower has begun to collapse anyway."

"So this is a science fiction story, right."

"Forget it, when the civilization of the third world discovered the existence of the Saint Snow Mountain, it chose to seal the overlap in the embryonic stage. At least it was useful. They didn't know that the decision was actually not in their hands, but in yours. On hand..."

I nodded: "This is another unimportant story line outside the longevity plan and God's will."

"But in fact, it is closely related to you. If one day, the suicide in the first world suddenly wakes up, the second world will be out of control. No one knows what will happen. Maybe the second world disappears completely, maybe it is The overlap of the first world and the second world may be the overlap of the third world and the first world."

"But what you have to do is to gather the consciousness of the suicide, and then tell him, is this a dream? This is your mission."

"I said that people always have selfishness. When a consciousness is born, selfishness already exists. From then on, no power can completely control this consciousness. Including what you just saw, That robot named Ying Zheng."

I was silent.

Padmasambhava said again: "But I will try again in the end, not to do my best, but to let you see some facts clearly. There is one more important thing, in fact, the self-consciousness has been gathered, and it is in your body ." (End of this chapter)