The Longevity Project

Chapter 648: Final Mapu Temple (37)


I didn't have the slightest surprise. I couldn't play with this group of people. This was expected, "Ning history?"

"Yes, it's this person." Lianshengsheng smiled bitterly: "He is very smart, and even analyzed from the clues that there is a person on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau who can threaten him, that is, me. It was hundreds of years ago. When the Ning family built the Kajiu Temple, the horse feet I left behind were keenly discovered by the present, and he perceives the danger from it. Therefore, he never planned to set foot on the land of Tibet any more, because I cannot leave Tibet, so Helpless to him. He has already incorporated the last part of consciousness into your body, and then asked you to come to Tibet, he watched the excitement from afar. So, for now, the longevity plan has been successful, and you will be a human being. The first person in history to be immortal in the true sense."

Padmasambhava sat up and looked into my eyes. His eyes were shining with lights from distant Chongqing, "Your body will not die, your soul will not be destroyed, as for the last part that Ning Hanqing gave you. The consciousness from the mother body means that you will not be killed."

The three parts of immortality, the body does not age, it comes from the undead tree under the Qionglai Mountains; the soul does not disappear, it comes from the mother of the wet dragon; and it cannot be killed, it comes from the underground Changning where the ethnic group is an individual Maternal body.

As far as the longevity plan is concerned, it turns out that the Ning family has already completed all this unknowingly, in the calculations of the person named Ning Hanqing.

"He is unprovided, and his purpose is to maintain the current world. After he gathers his consciousness, he will give me the leadership. He loses control of everything. This is not his style." I said.

"What kind of person is Ning Hanqing?" Liansheng asked jokingly, "Whether it is the long-dead God's will sent Ning Hanqing or the current Ning Hanqing who manipulates everything."

I took a deep breath, "I don't know."

"He is a genius, playing with people's hearts, but he has a common characteristic with the Providence School of the Ning Family in the past. Since they will accept the existence of Providence in the dark, it means that this group of people is a group of self-confident and paranoid people who are sick. Such a talent will be inspired by God's will. But the contradiction is here again. A fanatical, self-confident and paranoid person will really accept the control of God's will?"

I laughed sarcastically, and I couldn’t even stop. The world is too funny, just like a joke. Only a paranoid will accept God’s will, but since this person is a paranoid, he is destined to not follow the foretold of God’s will. .

When he hadn’t figured out what God’s will was, he would still be in awe, but when the longevity plan reached the final stage, when this man named Ning Hanqing really understood what was controlling the Ning family, he understood. When the trivial Providence is so ridiculous, there will no longer be the so-called Providence and Non- Providence. At this time, no one can know what choice Ning Hanqing will make.

This is consciousness. When a person's consciousness starts from the day it is born, there is no longer a power that can completely manipulate it in the world.

From the moment Providence appeared, the Longevity Plan was destined to have very little chance of success from the moment it was launched.

"What does Ning's history do now?"

"He does not intend to do anything. He neither intends to accept God's will, nor does he intend to be a defender of this world. He has given power to you." Lotus Sun paused and added: "The power to destroy this world. If you choose to commit suicide, the suicide who caused all these stories will wake up, and the survival of the three worlds will be handed over to fate."

I scolded, "Fuck. How could I commit suicide."

"Time." Liansheng said lightly: "Ning Chuan, you forgot the time." He turned his head and looked at the hideous concrete mountain, "How do you sing a sentence? Only time is unstoppable."

"You still listen to Chen Hongyu's song."

"What has happened, I know everything, listening to a song is nothing." Lotus Sheng then pretended to be b, "You may be difficult to kill in this world. Only you can kill you, except time. "

"Everyone can be killed by time."

"Yes, even if you are an immortal person."

I understand what he meant. With the light coming from Chongqing, I looked at my hand. It was a scarred hand with blood and blood in the palm. The back of the hand was covered with densely packed holes. The biggest hole was already deeply visible. This was scratched by a wooden thorn when the ship disintegrated. There are still many such wounds on my body. The whole body is covered with blood, which is similar to the kind of people who have been severely tortured. Is such a person really the first immortal person in the world? The longevity plan has thousands of years, so many people have died on it, and finally such a thing came out

What's the use of achieving longevity? Time is the power that can erase everything, everything that has consciousness in this world, no matter whether his consciousness is high or low, whether it is a cockroach or a great scientist, when this force cannot be controlled by foreign objects From the moment the power appears, it is destined to die under the power at the point in time.

Even if it is me, it is impossible to exist forever. The people I know around me will be taken away one by one by time. Maybe I will know more people, but only let more people I know be taken away by time. When I no longer know anyone in this world When I have desires, when I don’t have a sense of belonging to anything, I’m just a passerby watching this world with cold eyes, desires, pursuits, nations, and society. They no longer have meaning to me. The only thing that can accompany me is time , And his task is to kill me, he has nothing to do with me, so he will erase all the human elements from me, let me blur the boundaries of life and death, life is nothing but this, death is nothing but this, life has no meaning, death is also Pointless.

Like all suicidal thoughts, when it first appears, it will grow wildly like weeds. Maybe I would try to die many times at that time, maybe every time I didn't choose to do it, I would regret it, but no one would be anxious because there were countless opportunities, and time would watch all this with cold eyes.

As long as I am still alive, there are countless opportunities to try to die.

In these countless opportunities, as long as there is one success, time will win.

Only time is unstoppable.

"But you still live to the present." I said to Padmasambhava.

"I am not the same as you." Lotus Sheng said, "To be precise, I still have pursuits. My pursuit is to make you suicide."

"and then?"

"Then I didn't pursue it anymore. The day when my task was completed, maybe it was the time when time began to attack me."

I exhaled, "In other words, Chongyang will never be able to get rid of reincarnation?"

"It's impossible. When Ning History sends the last consciousness into your body, there is no chance."

"You lied to me that Ning Hanqing was also in Tibet, right at the Mapu Temple. In fact, you want me to finish the last journey so that you can complete the task?"

"Always go through the process that should be followed in order to be less passive and sabotaged." Lianhua Sheng said.

"Ning Chuan, in fact, there is really little difference between dying early and dying late. Everyone has their own ending. The meaning of time is to give this ending to everyone. There are 7 billion people in this world, but in reality , It’s much more than that. Everything that exists in life, whether it’s this world or that world, whether it’s the people in the mirror world that the underground river of Longshan destroys once every few years, or the third floor of the Tower of Civilization. The robots of Yingzheng, they will have their own ending sooner or later"

"But we can't make a choice for them." I said.

"Then do you want to make choices for the people around you? You want to change their ending."

"I hope to make their ending better."

Lotus Sheng smiled, "The attempt is over, Ning Chuan, my mission has failed, and our story will also end."

"You are really the best fisherman."

"In the end, let's take a look at those who have already ushered in the ending."

He raised his arm and held out a finger to the sky, "This may be the final outcome of the remnants of the Longevity Project." (End of this chapter)